Chapter 1047

This is not a force in which time stands still.

After all, for high-level battles, unless the opponent is completely overwhelmed or restrained in terms of strength, any way of interfering with the outside world will have a way to be avoided or offset by the opponent.

Therefore, improving yourself is the safest way.

And this Taoist spirit does not affect the objective world, but the subjective itself.

In theory, there is no limit to the acceleration capability.

As long as one's own basic ability is stronger, the extreme speed displayed will be faster.

And Bai Chen himself has double-digit power, so his existence has entered another timeline that is completely disconnected from the world.

At this time, Bai Chen had disappeared in Sakyamuni's eyes.

Even as a two-digit figure, it is difficult for him to capture the figure of a young man.

As for the effect of preventing the words of the spirit, at least now it is impossible.

The time was stretched countless times, and Bai Chen walked towards Sakyamuni like a leisurely stroll.

Even the sage who has reached the two-digit field like him is acting like an old man who is dying.

Bai Chen looked at the majestic and great Buddha in front of him, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slowly, revealing a crazy smile.

For opponents at the same level as himself, Bai Chen completely lost his contempt.

He won't learn from some TV shows that hide each other's secrets and hide their secrets according to the hole cards, and he will use his full strength in the current situation when he makes a move.

"An angry man is also instant madness (Irafuror brevisest), conforming to nature (Sequerenaturam).

In the peculiar time axis, celestial bodies with divine power structures are born from nothingness.

Then, the second celestial body appeared.

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

Then, those almost infinite stars shrank instantly, like a black hole in Bai Chen's hands, attracting them crazily into his heart.

In the hands of Bai Chen at this moment, there is almost an entire universe of stellar mass condensed.

If he hadn't been surrounded by divine power all the time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bear this level of weight with his arm strength.

Immediately afterwards, the power of countless stars was condensed by Bai Chen in the Holy Lance, and then he locked on the Sakyamuni in the small garden, and swung down the power compressed to the limit lightly.

in an instant.

An inestimable force distorts time and space, causing both time and space to collapse.

Even Hakoniwa's axis is shaking.

The bodies of those Buddhist disciples who were fighting against the golden sky all floated uncontrollably.

That's because the volatile power of countless stars created a substantial black hole in the battlefield.

With a terrifying suction force that can pull and smash even the stars, existences below five digits just make some weak resistance, and are easily sucked in, and both the physical body and the spiritual state are ravaged.

And, that's just the aftermath.

A real breakout followed.

Powerful enough to rival the energy of the Big Bang bombarded Sakyamuni's figure.

This is an attack from outside the timeline.

Although it is not a must-hit weapon involving the law of causality like the spear of Longinus or the spear of eternity, even so, it is impossible for Sakyamuni to escape this attack.

In other words, it cannot escape.

Otherwise, the figures gathered around the body of the Buddha will definitely disappear under this shot.

What's more, Buddha is one of the oldest double digits in Hakoniwa.

For this kind of existence, reputation is more important in a sense.

The Buddha chanted Sanskrit, and the rays of light behind him were extremely dazzling, illuminating the heaven and the earth.

The huge Buddha's name rises like a great sun.

Then, he rushed towards the path of the gun.

But regarding this, Bai Chen only showed a faint smile.

next second.

The radiance of God's wrath burst out suddenly.

In just an instant, endless light and heat filled the entire world.

The violent waves of destruction that could tear everything apart roared and hit the golden Buddha's name.

The majestic glow suddenly dimmed, and then was covered by a more dazzling white light.

All colors have disappeared, leaving only pure white in the world.

After everything subsides, time has passed for a long time.

The entire upper floor of Little Garden, despite the regular protection, within a radius of ten thousand miles, everything that can be seen by the eyes has been completely wiped out.

If you look closely, you can find that not only the existence on the ground has been smoothed out, but even the earth itself has been forcibly eliminated.

Everything was left with bare black scorched earth and flames burning on the ground.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the figure of Bai Chen holding a holy gun with a flesh and blood arm protruding from the tip of the holy gun.

Beside the young man stood the same unscathed Bai Ye.

And the Buddhist pursuers and Sakyamuni have disappeared from this world.

"Where is Shakya?"

Bai Ye asked.


Bai Chen picked out an arm stuck on the Holy Spear.

Although this incomplete hand is turning into light particles and slowly shattering, the lingering breath on the arm and the incomplete Buddha clothes can still indicate the identity of the original owner.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes widened immediately.

But in the eyes of the Protoss at this moment, the orange pupils are full of consternation.

She never expected that Bai Chen would be able to fight against one of the oldest people before Little Garden was established.

Not only that, but he was also able to cut off an arm of 387 Duanshi.

In the past, who would have thought it would end like this?



Bai Chen shook his head.

Hearing these words, Bai Ye just nodded.

But even so, such results are appalling enough.

Afterwards, Bai Chen smiled.

Then he looked thoughtfully at the broken arm that had disappeared.

Although it is comparable to the destructive power of the Big Bang, in fact, the blow just now did not hurt the foundation of Sakyamuni.

And Bai Chen didn't expect to use this trick to get rid of the long-established plenipotentiary.

After all, in the fight just now, he understood that Shi was not a single individual.

Just like Athena, it is a five-in-one existence.

They are the Tathagata Buddha in the world of King Kong, the Tathagata in the world of incense accumulation in the east, the Tathagata in the world of joy in the south, the Tathagata in the world of joy in the south, Amitabha Buddha in the world of bliss in the west, and the world of lotus in the north.

Sakyamuni gathered the five Tathagatas to achieve his current status.

But he recalled some images that flashed away from that Buddha after injuring Sakyamuni, and shook his head.

Perhaps Buddhism still hides some kind of secret that he doesn't know.

But he didn't think too much, turned his head and said to Bai Ye. .

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