Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1053 Jibril Wants To Win

Chapter 1053

His purpose is just to save the universe.

That's all.

Maybe they will have to borrow the power of chat groups in the future.

Thanos chose to accept the challenge.

Then, a sudden light enveloped him and transported Mie directly to a world he had never seen before.

The sky was dark red, and there were many ash-like things falling down.

The air breathed into the lungs was a bit hot, as if a stove was burning in the cavity of the moon.

However, Thanos, who is a family of eternal watchmen, quickly used his innate superpowers to get rid of these negative effects.

"Is this another universe?"

Although he already had guesses in his mind before, Thanos was quite surprised by such a simple and unpretentious time travel.

He can be sure that this is definitely not the universe he lives in.

Because he is very familiar with the way of energy in that world, but in this world, the laws of movement and attributes of energy are completely different.

Thanos was a little excited, with a long-lost fighting spirit.

He has not met a suitable opponent for a long time.

The enemies in the past didn't even need him to do it himself, and his subordinates could take care of everything.

Now that he joins the chat group, he really wants to see how powerful people from other planes are.

Soon, a harsh voice broke his thoughts.

Accompanied by the soft halo, a delicate figure hovered about 20 meters away from Thanos.

The pink hair poured down, the top of the head was an irregular geometric light circle, and the wings that bloomed with brilliance grew on the side of the back waist.

Compared with flying, Mibu unilaterally believes that its decorative effect is greater than its actual effect.

"Creatures with wings..."

Thanos has seen many races with wings, but he has only seen one with a halo above his head.

This made him more interested in chat groups.

Although it is not the same world, Thanos still feels the vigorous vitality from the opponent's body.

"Oh?! Is the newcomer really purple sweet potato essence?"

After Jibril saw Thanos' appearance, her eyes showed an expression of disbelief.

Before that, she was still complaining about "how could purple sweet potato become a sperm", but she didn't expect to be slapped in the face in the blink of an eye.

After all, this thing really looks like a purple potato!


I really want to twist off the head of this big purple sweet potato essence and take it home.

The weird collection fetish unique to the Flügel began to show up.

But Jibril also knows that the group arena can't hurt reality, even if she really turns her head, she can't bring it back.

And even if she could, she wouldn't dare.

After all, her only god was watching from outside the live broadcast room, if she dared to play tricks on the group members, she would definitely be the one who would suffer.

Bai Chen: "Be careful, don't take it lightly just because the newcomer is purple sweet potato essence."

Bai Chen: "You have to have the basic self-awareness as a group combat unit."

Non-staff individual: "I got it! I will show newcomers what a Gil's dignity is!"

The long-lost group arena.

This is a live broadcast of the ring that is open to all group members.

In order to protect the remaining integrity and dignity of the Flügel, Jibril decided to bet her future life here!

In order not to embarrass herself, Jibril decided to resolve the battle in the fastest way.

...I am not purple sweet potato essence, my name is Thanos.

The girl with the aperture on the opposite side spoke a language she had never heard before, but Thanos still understood what she meant.

He knew that this was the influence of the chat group.

Immediately after he understood the meaning of Purple Sweet Potato Essence, and after categorically vetoing it, Jail Tong sent out a famous official who made the whole universe tremble.

"Purple Potato Essence has spoken!"

At this time, Thanos found that he could still see the content in the chat group.

His figure in the ring at the moment was broadcast live in the chat group in real time.

Some of the group members are swiping the screen to watch.

And most of them are making jokes about purple sweet potato essence.

Thanos glanced at his nickname and fell silent. This chat group must be targeting him deliberately.

"Okay, okay, my name is Jibril, keep this name in mind, and then let's leave!"

After making the winning opening statement, Jibril's figure disappeared from the spot.


Is it teleportation?

The moment he reacted, Thanos only felt a strong blunt blow from some heavy object on the back of his neck, and then he was knocked out by that force.

But when he was in the air, Thanos adjusted his state, and pressed his left hand on the ground to relieve the impact.

"Hiss! What a stiff neck!"

Jibril rubbed her wrist and exclaimed.

Although there is no way to really take away the enemy's head as an ornament, the habit developed over the years still makes Jibril subconsciously twist the enemy's neck.

It's just that this trick, which was invincible in the past, didn't work, and instead twisted her hand.

How hard is the physical strength of this purple sweet potato essence!

"Surprising little girl, your strength is very good."

Thanos touched his neck and stood up.

He could feel a distinct twist in his neck.

This kind of opponent who can move instantly is really hard to defend against. If it is not for my strong physical fitness, I should have lost this time.

"Is it just good? Uncle Zipi!"

Jibril could hear the contempt in the other party's words, excitement and unrestraint appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

The girl squeezed her elven power, and a golden gun of light appeared in her hand.

"Your power may be stronger than Proxima Centauri."

Clay figurines also have three points of anger.

What's more, Thanos is the ruler of many interstellar civilizations.

Although Jibril is cute, she is not attractive to Thanos as an alien.

Just like humans and monkeys.

Speaking obviously contemptuous words, Thanos grabbed the broad-edged sword and rushed towards Jibril.

(Wang De's) strong body is like a hill, but his movements and speed are not slow at all.

Thanos, as the strongest Eternal Watcher, has almost exercised his physical fitness to the limit.

The speed of the instant burst can be compared with starlight.

Jibril's teleportation was caught off guard at the beginning, but as the battle became stalemate, this move was no longer effective.

Jibril was also aware of this problem, so she immediately changed her target and threw the gun of light in her hand at Mie.

The gun of light exploded with brilliant light and heat.

It was a blow she imitated a divine strike.

It is the strongest blow that can defeat enemies across levels.

The dazzling light flooded the world constructed by the group arena, and when the group members were anxiously waiting for the result, the chat group gave a reminder that "Purple Sweet Potato Wins".

ps: I don't have a clue about the new book so far, I should have reached a bottleneck.

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