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Chapter 1072 Looking Up At The Glory Of God

Chapter 1072

Having said that, Saeko Busujima did not leave.

"Can I, watch from the sidelines?"

How should the gods save the world.

She would love to see it for herself.


Bai Chen nodded.

There was nothing to hide.

Afterwards, Ju Chuan Shizuka and Takashiro Saya also stayed, nervous and looking forward to it.

There is no nonsense, Bai Chen, who was about to put a perfect end to this entrusted task, also started his own operation.

Although it is only a planet-level disaster, creation is often much more difficult than destruction.

Just like humans can easily throw a basketball into a basket, but it is not so easy to insert a thread into a pinhole.

Eliminating zombie viruses, resetting the world, and modifying memories and concepts are delicate tasks for anyone.

not that simple.

Of course, it is not difficult for Bai Chen who has several experiences.

The consciousness of youth spreads in all directions like a tide.

In just a few seconds, the entire world was wrapped like a thin film.

The boundary between reality and fiction begins to blur, and it is subject to Bai Chen's will to change.

The space around Bai Chen began to distort and skew, making it indistinguishable like a scene in a dream.

And this phenomenon quickly affected the planet.

The three women standing behind Bai Chen felt the earth-shaking environment around them in an instant. Even if they were mentally prepared, they couldn't help being shaken in their hearts.

Is this the power of the gods?

Such anomalies were quickly seen by the rest of the world as well.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of those people.

The world they are in seems to be celebrating the arrival of a certain great existence, with beams of bright cross beams shooting up from the surface of the earth.

Like a flame erupting from the center of the earth, the golden beam of light connects the sky and the earth.

Its brilliance even dyed the world golden.

They rose from the ground, broke through the clouds, and rushed to the highest sky.

And in the case of being visible to the naked eye, the horizontal beams of the cross beam are connected to each other.

If you look at it from outer space at this moment, you will find that the earth is like a barrier in the shape of a honeycomb.

They completely ignore any barriers, rendering the world into an extremely pure golden color, showing the glory of God.

Seeing this great and miraculous scene, there was only one thought in everyone's mind.

People pray for hope in despair.

And in such a scene, even people who have no beliefs will eagerly hope that the gods will come.

Their homes were destroyed, their harmonious and happy families were torn apart, relatives and friends died unexpectedly, and their peaceful daily life turned into a bloody hell.

Except for some thugs who have completely released the darkness in their hearts, everyone else desperately hopes that everything will return to calm.

Patrol Hill High School.

A girl in a white and green sailor suit subconsciously looked out the window when the golden light flashed across the corner of her eyes.

Hu Tao, who had just gone through a hard fight and rested for less than ten minutes, saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

A dark world adorns the earth with gold.

The thick beam of cross light filled the entire sky like a joke.

Everything you see turns into gold in an instant, until your eyes adapt, as if you are in a world of light.

"What... what are these things?"

The girl's jaw is difficult to close after opening.

But this is also normal.

After all, no ordinary person could remain calm after seeing this scene.

The brilliant golden sky and land are in stark contrast to the dilapidated city.

...what happened?"

Wakasa Yuri, a girl with long chestnut hair, walked to the window unknowingly. She was a classmate of Kurumi.

"...shine, so warm."

Whispering voices came from the ears of the two girls.

Although it was the same school, the pink-haired girl in the white and blue school uniform called softly.

"Yuki...you, are you awake?"

At this time, a girl with light red hair and a purple dress who was slightly older than a high school student appeared nervously behind the pink-haired girl.

There was a surprised expression on her face, it seemed that this student named Yuki made her very happy at the moment.

After the virus crisis erupted, Kanogaoka Academy was reduced to hell in a matter of hours.

In this classroom, only the four of them survived.

The rest either fled in the crisis or became part of the dead body.

For them, who are just ordinary girls, it is a miracle that they can survive the initial stage.

The older woman's name is Sakura Ci.

He is the language teacher of Senzhigaoka Academy's third year of high school.

The other three are all her students.

Among them, the girl named Yuki, at the beginning of the virus outbreak, because she witnessed the beginning of hell and was on the verge of mental collapse, her brain automatically activated the protection mechanism, gave up her existing personality, and returned her personality to a personality at an earlier stage of life, and responded to the crisis in a primitive, simple, and naive way to reduce her anxiety.

However, when Yuki came into contact with this light, Yuki had already begun to return to normal.

The four girls gathered together, staring in shock and in a daze.

Although I don't know why, there is a sense of relief in my heart.

At this time, Walnut noticed that the corpse on the playground in the distance stopped moving at some point.

They were obviously unconscious, but they all stopped in place and raised their heads to look at the sky.

The turbid eyeballs penetrate the barrier, and the rotting brain seems to recover a little thinking. In the dark, there seems to be a figure sitting on a golden seat in the sky.

They raised their arms towards the sky, as if they were longing for something.

This is true no matter the virus, or the only remaining human consciousness hidden in the bottom of my heart.

And all over the world, the survivors who were being attacked by the corpses also found that the corpses had stopped moving.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the influence of the golden beam of light.

And for those people, a sentence appeared in their minds at this moment.

...from another world came to this world, the most high, true, benevolent and good God. …

God once said: "Wherever my name is written down, I will go there and bless you."

But right now, these beams of light are not only the blessings of the gods, but also the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

As long as it falls, all original sins in this world will be erased from the root by Bai Chen. .

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