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Chapter 1110 You Know Nothing About My Strength

Chapter 1110

However, observers certainly do not know that anyone's self-righteousness is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Regardless of Bai Chen, or the infinite Ultron of the six gems, they are far more than the observer himself.

the other side.

The fiercer Ultron's attack was, the more boiling Bai Chen's blood became.

He misses this long-lost feeling. The opponent won't be broken so easily, and he can let go of everything to fight.

Ultron's body erupted with emerald-colored energy, and everything affected by the time energy came to a standstill.

But Bai Chen used the Eternal Moment-Prelude before the gem lights up.

His own time is infinitely stretched, allowing Bai Chen to move flexibly in a world that is stopped by the time stone.

This surprised Ultron.

The power of another Infinity Stone "Seven Fifty Zero" didn't work.

Then, there's the space gem!

The blue light lit up, and Ultron's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

Using this gem, the user can instantly move his living objects to any space at will.

At the same time, Ultron used the power gem to flood the strange galaxy where the two were located with the torrent of energy gushing out from the knight's spear.

Tens of billions of stars disappeared in the Big Bang.

Just when Ultron thought he had finally killed Bai Chen, the figure of the young man suddenly appeared from behind him.

He also has the Space Stone.

A little bit of cold light came first, and then the golden holy gun attacked with great momentum.

Bai Chen's eyes were burning golden, like a supernova explosion, his whole body was also burning, bursting out with a brilliant and sacred light.

At the same time, Bai Chen's original black hair also turned into pure golden long hair.

Facing Infinite Ultron, Bai Chen didn't need to suppress his strength.

At this moment, the entire universe will see the real Holy Lord, the real golden supreme heaven!

Knowing that Infinity Ultron is very strong, why did Bai Chen dare to come?

because of what?

It's Raptors Crossing the River!

The bright energy exploded like a nuclear explosion, and the golden holy spear pierced Ultron's arm, and the sudden burst of force lifted the arm away.

At the same time, gold spilled out from the other hand, and it grabbed the infinite gemstone in Ultron Yuexiong's mouth.

Almost all the power of the opponent comes from the infinite gems, as long as one is lost, it will no longer be infinite.

Of course, it failed.

Although it seems that it is only inlaid on it, it is easy to remove it, but those things seem to grow on him, and they cannot be removed.

In the original plot, even Star-Lord can steal one.

It seems that the plot has changed.

But even if you change yourself to Ultron, you will definitely protect all the infinite gems carefully.

But it doesn't matter.

Taking the Infinity Stones and defeating Ultron is just one way.

If it doesn't work, you can only force it!

The energy of gold collides with the energy of the six colors.

The space was fragmented, and this time the bombardment shattered the dimensional wall.

The surrounding space continues to shatter, and the starry sky is no longer a starry sky, but a venue on a planet.

Uncivilized aliens watched them, yelling in the distance.


The dimensional wall shattered again, and they came to a modern city.

Then, the dimensional wall was shattered again, passing through continuously, and going to different parallel worlds.

In the end, smashing the dimensional wall of the last scene, came to the gap of the multiverse.

The observer looked at the two people who smashed the dimensional wall and arrived here with a dazed expression.

"This is impossible!"

The observer who thinks that he is above everything thinks that the space he is in is the highest dimensional space that surpasses all parallel universes.

But when the two unexpected guests arrived here, he began to doubt his life.

He couldn't understand the situation.

But regardless of the bewildered observers for the time being, Ultron doesn't have time to think too much.

The six gems light up together, and the power enough to shake the entire universe erupts in the cracks of the multiverse.

"This is not where you should be!"

Watching the dimensional wall being continuously shattered, the observers also became angry.

Why do you bother me when you fight?

"Go away!"

Ultron obviously doesn't understand why there are observers here.

The energy of the Infinity Stones was concentrated together, and while attacking Bai Chen, they also attacked the Observer.

Bai Chen erected the golden holy spear to defend, while the observer raised his hands to resist, but directly retreated hundreds of meters...


The observer who blocked the blow was full of anger, and he looked at Bai Chen and Nan Chuang angrily.

"You know nothing of my power!"

After finishing speaking, the originally loose robe changed into a slim black and gold armor.

He rushed to the nearest Ultron, punching and kicking extremely fast.

Bai Chen also temporarily stopped what he was doing, watching this scene with great interest.

This bald peeping tom is quite capable.

Ultron was beaten helplessly by the observers at first, but soon gradually regained the advantage.

Infinity gems allow Ultron to have unlimited energy, even if injured, it can recover in an instant.

Furthermore, the power of the observer itself is far inferior to that of Infinite Ultron.

Although the observer is not weak, it is still far from being comparable to the six gems.

Therefore, the observer was very high-spirited from the very beginning, and after the novice protection period, he was in turn beaten by Ultron infinitely.

One in front and one in back deflated very quickly, less than three minutes.

"You can't do that."

Bai Chen couldn't help but mocked.

He didn't like the voyeur, the Observer.

Conceit, arrogance, arrogance, saying that he will never interfere in anything in the multiverse, but because Ultron will kill himself, it is inevitable to find helpers in other places.

Before that, he watched Ultron 5.1 helplessly destroy all life in a universe.

I don't know the pain until I burn myself.

The observer runs away.

When he was about to be killed by Infinity Ultron, he exploded and slipped away.

It took less than a few minutes from start to finish.

But just these few minutes will become the shame of his life.

"it's a pity."

Bai Chen could still laugh.

There is no way, the fighting spirit is high.

There is no enmity or hatred between him and Ultron.

It is the Marvel universe that Ultron wants to destroy, and it is impossible for him to jump out of the Marvel box.

So even if the entrustment fails, Bai Chen cannot be threatened.

But both sides have a strong fighting spirit, they are similar opponents, so they don't need any reason to fight. .

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