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Chapter 1114 Infinity Gems I Just Accept It

Chapter 1114

"Why, don't you plan to go back?"

Bai Chen tossed the Infinity Gem in his hand and asked half-jokingly.


Thanos shook his head, licked his dry lips, looked at Bai Chen and said.

"The development of everything in the world has certain natural laws, and the process of using external forces to curb the natural development will not last long, so I changed my mind. "I will find other ways to continue this universe."

"What about the Infinity Stones?"

Bai Chen asked again.

Thanos knew what Bai Chen meant, but shook his head.

"Infinity gems are too dangerous, and he is not something that individuals should master...but if it is you, you must be able to keep them well.

"Since you said so, I'll take it away."

Bai Chen was also surprised by Thanos' change, but that's a good thing.

"If you need help, you can talk directly in the group. Although many people are not very good at fighting, they still have a lot of ideas."

In fact, the continuation of a universe is no different from the continuation of a world.

In the previous battle with Infinite Ultron, Bai Chen has completed the expansion of this universe, and the principle of gold is constantly spreading in the boundless universe.

Presumably before long, this universe will become part of his golden day.

As for whether other things will be attracted, Bai Chen is not worried at all.

The higher-level existences of the Time Administration and Marvel only care about the main universe and major events that will affect the universe.

For example, Zombie Universe and Age of Ultron.

These viruses should never have happened.

That's why they might choose to intervene.

Although Bai Chen is an outsider, he solved the infinite Ultron that was born in a zombie universe and countless parallel universes. Those people were too late to be happy, so how could they travel here and deal with him in the same way as Loki?

"If the problem of the continuation of the universe is solved, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Bai Chen asked casually.

"The future..."

Hearing this, Mie Shi fell into deep thought.

Then, the king who commanded the Dark Quadrant touched his bald head like a big fool.

"Should choose a prosperous star to open an interstellar bar, and then use the fruits, vegetables and grains grown by myself to make wine and mix drinks, and my daughter..."

Gamora and Nebula.

Speaking of them, Thanos's majestic face in the eyes of ordinary people showed a fatherly expression.

Even though they were not his biological daughters, Mie had long regarded them as his own.

"Then bring your blessings and realize your wish.

Bai Chen smiled.

In fact, this is the wish that Thanos most wants to realize.

Have a farm of their own, open a bar, and have fun with their daughters.

Except for Thanos, who is madly infatuated with the goddess of death in the comic universe, almost all other Mie have similar ideas in common.

It's just that as a genius, he is destined to be dragged down by fate and pressure.

Little Spider: "I always feel that Uncle Purple Potato has become so vicissitudes all of a sudden."

Blue Slime: "But it also looks more approachable."

I don't want to go to hell: "Okay!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Is this the true portrayal of the so-called I am ugly but I am gentle?"

The Spirit of Time: "It's not good to speak ill of others!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "I'm sorry! Actually, I'm not talking about Uncle Purple Potato's appearance. Maybe uncle just doesn't conform to human aesthetics. In other races, he may be a handsome guy."

Teacher Loli: "This is probably the portrayal of most people after the burden is relieved. If they don't have to be dragged down by reality and pressure, I think many people will give up what they are doing now and turn to do what they have always wanted to do."

Blue Slime: "Yeah, if I didn't have work pressure, I would probably choose to travel around the world."

The modern island society that Limulu was in before [he was overwhelmed by the mortgage and car loan and the fast pace of life.

But there is no good way to vent, so I can only choose movies, games and animations, which are not very expensive entertainment methods.

Without those pressures, many people would certainly be more comfortable than they are now.

White Rabbit: "That's right, I've always planned to open my own coffee shop. Originally, I had no hope because I was a ghoul, but now I don't think so!"

Chaos Evil: "I also plan to travel to different worlds after the Humanity is restored!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Welcome! My house is very big [you can sleep directly when you are tired from playing."

...asking for flowers...

Chaos Evil: "?"

Chaos Evil: "You are wrong!"

Fubuki of Hell: "It seems that everyone's pressure has been relieved a lot after meeting Lord Bai Chen."

Little White Cat: "Well, it's the teacher's credit.

Raging nurse: "After Mr. Bai Chen came over once, the pressure on my parents has been reduced a lot."

In the past, Yuuki Asuna could only live an elite life arranged by her parents, and even her friends were designated by her parents. Now, she will finally not be subject to so many restrictions.

Military uniform princess: "Yu also admits that after Bai Chen came, Yu's life has been changed a lot."

The Silver-haired Witch: "Mr. Bai Chen is indeed a very gentle person!"

God's Tongue: ...Has everyone had such an experience? "

While discussing in the group, Bai Chen and Thanos also ended their conversation.

Bai Chen helped Thanos disband the Dark Quadrant, sent them to their respective hometowns, and imposed a thought seal to prevent some people from being evil.

The Avengers gather in New York.

Seeing those nervous superboys, Bai Chen ignored them and brought Mie to meet his two daughters.

Compared with the movie image that Bai Chen has seen, Nebula is playing normally, but Gamora looks much better than the movie image.

The lines are soft and the figure is also very good. Green leather can even be used as a bonus item for special lovers.

Thanos told them his true thoughts.

Gamora and Xingyun were shocked, the former big devil has become so gentle?

Here, Bai Feng learned the difference between Gamora and the plot of the movie.

In the movie Marvel, Gamora’s people were destroyed by Thanos, but in this universe, Gamora’s people were destroyed by Universal Truth, and she is the last survivor of the race. It was Thanos who found her as a child and raised her up.

Gamora is very puzzled about how Bai Chen changed Thanos.

She is very curious about Bai Chen.

However, Thanos' family ethics Bai Chen doesn't care, he searches the whole universe for the whereabouts of other well-known props through the Infinity Stones.

For example, the heart of the universe.

But that thing doesn't exist in this universe at all, so I can only give up this plan. .

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