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Chapter 1155 I've Never Seen This Scene

Chapter 1155

When Bai Chen arrived at the Deepest God Realm, Brahma appeared in time.

"...As the god of creation, there are still a lot of things to consider."

"I understand."

Bai Chen smiled back and nodded slightly.

"That's why I leave you more time to think about it.

Hearing this, the God of Creation's expression froze slightly.

She doesn't know what Bai Chen has been doing these days.

If he continued to wait for a while, maybe the goddesses in the entire God Realm would be wiped clean by him.

As for Bai Chen's approach, Brahma also has mixed feelings.

Most of the gods in the God Realm were created by her.

Of course, it is not as simple as Nuwa making people out of clay, or God creating people, but using the existing soul, "seven three three" and giving it various gods and powers to transform it.

For example, if the human soul is endowed with the power of a god, it will become a god after reincarnation.

That's the kind of existence that Listaday has.

Of course, even so, for Brahma, her existence is still like the parents of those gods.

Seeing that Bai Chen almost wiped out all the goddesses in the God Realm, she naturally felt extremely complicated.

If this man is given some more time, maybe she doesn't need her consent at all, and the entire God Realm has already fallen.

After all, the God Realm is still dominated by goddesses.

The god with the highest male status is Nemesil, the god of law.

But he has become the other party's servant.

Thinking of this, Rahma sighed insignificantly.

Then he asked solemnly: "What you promised before, about the evil god, do you really have a way to solve it?"

"In the face of absolute power, any tricks are futile."


Thus, under Bai Chen's interested, or expected gaze, Brahma, the God of Creation, nodded slightly in front of the young man.

"Since that's the case, then I have no objections, but I have one more request..."

"The entire universe, everything, Yin and Yang are in harmony, and both good and evil are in a balance. As long as one side is too strong, it will cause the world to become unbalanced."

"I have my own measure."

Bai Chen laughed softly.

He already knew the truth about the evil gods and the God Realm.

The reason why the gods of both sides do not fight within the world is because they are both pawns.

No matter how many chess pieces are killed, it is useless.

Therefore, the main purpose of the Cthulhu Realm is to occupy the God Realm, and the God Realm uses rules to restrict the gods who unify the God Realm and fight against the Cthulhu Gods under the concept of "all things are in balance and Yin and Yang are reconciled" by the God of Creation.

The balance between good and evil is what Brahma is happy to see.

Even in some worlds with lower difficulty, the hero's strategy will fail for various reasons.

Among them is the intervention of Brahma.

This made Bai Chen want to complain.

Brahma, are you a member of the Kinkou sect?

But in a way, what Brahma said is not wrong.

The world has to be at some intermediate value in order to continue to exist.

Once a certain party is excessive, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the balance.

Thanos did the same before.

Because the life in the universe reproduces too fast and has exceeded the self-repair mechanism of the universe, it decides to destroy half of the life in the universe.

In a way, Brahma has the same idea as Thanos, but in a different way.

One is to do it yourself, and the other is to manipulate it indirectly in the dark.

For example, if the demon king of a world is wiped out by a brave man, and the world returns to peace, then there will inevitably be an ending where another brave man is wiped out by the demon king and devours the world.

Of course, agreeing to agree does not mean that Bai Chen will follow suit.

However, the first thing to do is to accept the allegiance of the God of Creation.

Although the God of Creation's strength is not very good, at most at the three-digit level of Hakoniwa, as a God of Creation, she undoubtedly has more substantial experience and knowledge than others, and these can provide Bai Chen with a lot of reference value.

Bai Chen came to Brahma, and the golden holy gun appeared in his hand.

The sacred light sprinkled all over the God Realm, Nemesil, who was a slave, had already knelt down and knelt down, and even Kronoa, who was beside him, felt the great power contained in the holy spear..

That is beyond the universe, and even the existence of infinity.

Brahma was a little lost.

She thought that the infinite power she had seen a few days ago was the limit of the young man, but she never expected that this man actually possessed power above it.

Bai Chen's identity became more and more mysterious in her eyes, and at the same time, it also diluted the last unwilling thoughts in her heart.

Then, under the expectant gaze of Brahma, Bai Chen held the Holy Spear and pierced the opponent's naked lower abdomen.

This power goes straight to the depths of his soul, and engraves a sacred mark.

The blood stained this loli's immature white skin and robe, and then under the divine power, it turned into an indelible bright red mark on its lower abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, Brahma sensed a faint connection, closely linking his soul with Bai Chen.

And at this time, she can finally feel how great the object of her allegiance is.

Bai Chen quietly drew out the Holy Spear.

There was not a trace of blood on the pure white robe and skin, and even the clothes were not damaged.

After doing all this, Brahma, the god of creation, has completely become Bai Chen's dependent.

"My lord, your next..."

Without Brahmado telling, Bai Chen also knew what to do.

He stretched out his right hand toward the void ahead.

Boiling golden liquid poured out from the upward facing palm 3.5, and the liquid flowed to the land of the deepest God Realm, and flowed in all directions along all the gaps.

In less than a blink of an eye, the entire Deepest God Realm was infected by the golden aurora.

This phenomenon has also spread to the Unified God Realm.

The gods looked up in surprise at this never-before-seen scene.

But it's much more than that.

After leaping into the starry sky, the golden liquid immediately turned into an aurora like a sea wave, spreading like a boiling sea of ​​gold, sweeping into the universe at an incredible speed, even those parallel time and space.

Any matter, at the moment of meeting, is engulfed by this golden aurora like a tsunami.

Time and space have lost their meaning, and all phenomena are contained in the golden chaos at this moment. .

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