Chapter 1165

Gula's subordinates reacted immediately.

Straighten up and get ready for battle.

To be able to appear here in such thin clothes at a temperature of more than one hundred degrees below zero, and to appear here without anyone noticing, the strength is definitely not weak.

But when they used the scout to detect the combat power value, the machine gave back a hint of one hundred.

what the hell

Has this thing been frozen?

How did a mere 100 points of combat power appear here?

Compared with real combat power, the Gula mecha troops are more willing to believe that there is a problem with the machine.

They are far more cautious than Frieza's Ginuit team.

"catch him!"

Seeing that their leader didn't speak, the three people known as the Gula mecha troop immediately dispersed, quickly formed a siege, and rushed towards Bai Chen.

Bai Chen naturally doesn't remember this kind of "June 17" small role.

But judging from the reaction alone, it is much stronger than the Ginuit team.

However, after seeing the other party rushing towards him, he didn't speak, and directly used the power of the realm to seal them in the gap between virtuality and reality.


The sudden disappearance of his subordinates made Gu La, who was about to watch the battle, slightly suspicious.

Then he turned around slowly and looked at Bai Chen with a little surprise.

Without anything out of the ordinary, three of his subordinates disappeared.

"What did you just do?"

Gula does not need to rely on machines to judge the combat effectiveness of others.

Accumulated over the years, he has acquired the skill of judging the strength of opponents.

But this technique has failed today.

No matter how he observed, Bai Chen was still as weak as a worm in his eyes.

But the strange thing is that the frozen snow spread out under the opponent's feet, as if deliberately avoiding this man.

"Power, of course, you can also understand it as a kind of super power or magic."

Bai Chen explained with a light smile.

"If you are curious, I can also let you experience it yourself.


Gula sensed a dangerous aura from this man.

But before he could react, he froze suddenly.

His body froze uncontrollably.

The frozen world, which was supposed to be pure white, suddenly had a tinge of gold.

The world of permafrost was changed in an instant, the snow melted to form the sea, and the snow accumulated for tens of thousands of years suddenly disappeared, revealing the black soil that had been buried until now.

And the golden brilliance that shines brilliantly.

Just looking at it, Gula felt that his soul was about to be ignited.

And his brain also naturally emerged the recognition of the man's identity.

Bai Chen looked at Gula's uncontrollably trembling body with a friendly smile on his face.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Gula resisted the fear of the unknown and asked in a low voice.

"Of course it is to let you join the big family of Supreme Heaven."

A happy smile appeared on the young man's face.

Both Gura and Frieza belong to the same race.

In the settings, even natural growth has extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

In the follow-up supplementary setting, Frieza can transform into Golden Frieza after only four months of practice, gaining the strength to compete with Super Four One.

And Gula's basic attributes are higher than Frieza's, so the plasticity is even stronger.

Although it is outrageous, they are indeed a race that opened up.

The only downside is that only Gula and Frieza have this perverted qualification.

Even the Kurdish king who gave birth to them through asexual reproduction could not reach their level.

"Supreme... Who are you? Are you the legendary god who manages the universe?"

When Gula destroyed a planet, he heard a rumor about the universe.

In this universe, there is an extremely powerful god who transcends everything.

The power of any creature is not one billionth of a god.

For such unreliable legends, Gula naturally treats them as garbage.

But today, he suddenly remembered this matter.

"Who do you think I am?"

When the golden brilliance completely enveloped Gula's body, the latter's body, which was harder than any metal, suddenly evaporated.

But in an instant, this existence stronger than Frieza, the emperor of the universe, was dealt with by Bai Chen just like that.

Sensing an extra soul in the Supreme Heaven, Bai Chen also nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, an order was issued to let Gula's soul start to cultivate, and strive to cultivate to a stage comparable to Super Four as soon as possible...

Because the live broadcast was still on, the clip of Bai Chen killing Gula in seconds was also brought into the minds of the group members who were still watching the live broadcast.

Teacher Loli: "This Gula is Frieza's brother?"

Cautious Brave: "I can't see how strong it is at all."

Blue Slime: "It's not because the opponent is weak, but because the boss is too strong. If I were to go, it would definitely be a random killing."

Blue Slime: "Of course, it must be me who was killed randomly."

God's Tongue: "Is this gone?"

Little Spider: "Otherwise, do you still expect the big brother to fight a minion of this level for 300 rounds?"

Little Spider: "The battle of the strong has always been an instant kill."

Luo Abao: "I don't ask too much, I just hope to have the power of the alien who was killed by the boss."

Little Spider: "You want to fart!"

Teacher Loli: "I'm really curious now, what level of Mr. Bai Chen's strength has reached.

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "I've heard the legend that there are gods who created the world above the universe. Mr. Bai Chen's strength should be at that level."

Bai Chen: "Don't think too highly of me, compared to those creator gods, it's still far from enough.

Marvel's settings are outrageous one after another, and his existence of step-by-step upgrades, how can it compare to the settings that Marvel's editors came up with after patting their heads.

But according to the current situation, he is not far from that level.

Little Spider: "Okay, now let's take a look at Sister Pao and the others.

3.1 Little Spider: "Tsk, in comparison, it's like chicken pecking at each other!"

The restless spider began to play up his nature of oral sex.

Blue Slime: "Don't say that, at least it looks pleasing."

Anyway, it's a battle of beautiful girls.

Although there are no benefits at all.

At the same time, Bai Chen is also preparing to go back to Namek after finishing his work.

Although he hasn't left for a few minutes, the battle between the girls and the Ginuit team is not like a dozen episodes in the Dragon Ball animation.

If we really fight, there will not be so many psychological activities and accidents.

Even just a millisecond of distraction is enough to affect the outcome of a battle.

It's a new book, it's still a comprehensive comic, and you should see it in the near future.

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