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Chapter 219: The Speed ​​Force of Electric Light and Flint

Chapter 219

In the antique cloister.

Otherwise, the Black Prince would have already reached the top of the world with this power.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

After all, there is an upper limit to the power, and there is a clear gap between the two powers.

What's more, actual combat is also one of the ways to become stronger.

After clearing his mind, Bai Chen took the initiative to propose a trip to an island country.

The speedy angel of extinction?

Looking at the girl who couldn't hide her thoughts on her face, Bai Chen asked casually.

Moreover, what Luo Hao said was quite consistent with his own memory.

After traveling for so long, it was time for him to go around the island country.

He greeted him as usual, but today's Wanligu looked a little reserved.

Although the chat group lottery is good, Bai Chen can't always pin his strength on luck.

Not only that.

The mastermind behind the scenes is "Suzano's Man".

Let the magic sword entangle the thunder, not only can the formidable power of the sword be improved, but also can use the skills that people can't react to.

After being told that, Yuri Banligu nodded.

The next morning.

"We still have to start with "Electric Flint"."

After all, the island country is also her country, and now there are two big godslayers coming to that small place, and she finally let her experience the feelings of Diana and Liliana back then.

Knowing that Sun Wukong was sealed, Luo Hao would go to the island country every once in a while to find a way to liberate Sun Wukong, and then use his blood to wash away the humiliation of being imprisoned.

And, indeed, it was - sealed by humans.

If you only have power but don't know how to use it, if you meet an enemy with similar levels, you will be called Tian Tian should not be able to use it, and your ground will be ineffective.

"Is it because Luo Hao and I are going to the island country?

And Luo Hao, who was about to go to the island country, hit it off with him and decided to leave in two days.

So it evolved into what it is now.

In addition, you can also ask Athena to discuss the usage of powers.

After a whole night of research, he had the most preliminary idea.

About this plot, Bai Chen is very familiar with it.

Bai Chen was lost in thought.

Bai Chen smiled and touched her head.

After all, power is originally the power of God, and the god-killer just took it forcibly and took it for his own use.

Dinner time is over.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Although he has two powers and a god-killer, the other party is an old-fashioned god of disobedience that has survived for thousands of years.

Susanoo regards the island country as his own back garden, and if he encounters chaos with divine beasts, he naturally cannot easily take action as a god of disobedience.

Wanli Gu Yuli pursed her lips and smiled shyly, and after Bai Chen left, she stroked the underside of the head that was just touched by Bai Chen.

Wanli Gu breathed a sigh of relief and asked with blinking eyes.

Although it is true that it can speed up its own speed, it is essentially a time-related ability that shortens time.

Bai Chen still remembered that the reason why it went so smoothly was because the island country still had the God of Disobedience intervening.

Next, Bai Chen began to simulate the fusion effect of Speed ​​Force and Fantasy Sword.

"There is one more, you will know when you go.

And the reason for doing this is because I want a convenient thug.

After all, it involves his own childhood idol.

Bai Chen, who has no habit of sleeping late, came to the courtyard where he usually stayed after washing up.

It's exciting to think about.

It is the duty and privilege of the god-killer to defeat the disobedient god and usurp its power.

Even if he has the upper hand in terms of winning and power, at least he can't make it too difficult for him to win.

Moreover, a prolonged war of attrition is not possible.

This power is the ultra-high-speed movement entwined with thunder and lightning, accompanied by the signs of sparks walking, and entering a world of "magnificent speed" that no one can match.

"By the way, you can still meet your parents and family members, you haven't seen them for a long time.

The hero of steel sealed in the island country is indeed the Monkey King Monkey King in Journey to the West.

The biggest problem is that after giving other props the speed, there is no way to achieve precise control.

"...is it the Hero God of Steel?"

0...・・ Flowers・・・

After all, the props are not their own flesh, and they can sense their own status anytime, anywhere.

This kind of feeling is like the Flash or Quicksilver, all matter other than oneself is relatively "still".

However, this does not mean that the gap between God and mankind has been broken.

The captured Sun Wukong can solve the trouble in his place.

However, it is not without difficulties to achieve the goal.

There is no lifespan limit for the gods, so generally speaking, not only will they not become weaker, but they will become stronger.

The acceleration of time can not only act on oneself, but also make others in a state of rapidity.

Although the original plot was disrupted by him, some settings are still clearly remembered.

But to what extent can it be achieved, it has to be adjusted from actual combat.

They use it themselves, but there are not so many restrictions.

And then expand to other powers other than power.

"This trip is not to indiscriminately kill innocent people, but to take the lives of some who should have died.

For example, the slate of the god of theft held by the hero Kusanagi Godou.


Anyway, from Luo Hao's point of view, the fact that a dignified hero of the country was captured by Japanese pirates in a small place also lost her face.

The two gods of disobedience in this trip to the island country are the objects of practice.

Bai Chen saw Yuri Wanligu who was carrying a schoolbag and was about to return to his room.

think carefully.

Otherwise, it will affect the brain's judgment.


I sort out the thoughts of the research direction in my mind until late at night.

Sun Wukong and Susanoo are also gods of disobedience, and they will definitely not return empty-handed in the past.

Therefore, after entering the super-speed field, due to the excessive speed and the time being accelerated by oneself, it will lead to entering the so-called "super-speed world"

What Bai Chen wants to do is to expand "people" into "things".

Of course, if you want to reach the Flash's "speed force" with "Lightning Flint", no matter how much you exaggerate, it can only be regarded as a fantasy in Bai Chen's eyes.

After washing up, Bai Chen went back to the bedroom by himself, thinking about countermeasures against Susanoo.

The reason why Sun Wukong was sealed is that firstly, he was summoned in the island country, and secondly, before the summoning, the magicians of the island country had already been fully prepared. Sealed Sun Wukong into another world.

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