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Chapter 812 The Younger Sister Is For Sale

Chapter 812

Although what happened in Kyoto before failed, but from the conclusion, it was not the worst ending.

At least the appearance of the "Son of God" has strengthened the alliance between the hell lords.

Although he lost Samael the Dragon Devourer, Hades didn't have a backup.

Smail's virulent, and he leaves backup.

After finding the wandering infinite dragon god, Orpheus joined their hell lord's camp on the condition that he killed the great red with his poison.

Orpheus is recognized as the strongest in the world, which is also the reason why they can still calm down even if they hear the news of the resurrection of the God of the Bible.

As long as her power can be mastered, no enemy can stand against them.

"Goddess Nix."

At this time, Hades looked at the long, straight black woman in a black and white jacket and skirt.

"I heard that you have recently discovered a new owner of the God Extinguisher, and Yiping owns Wanqu, which controls the dragon."

"Oh? Lady Hades is quite well-informed, indeed, but it was unintentional to find her." 21

The image of the goddess of the night held up a goblet filled with red wine.

It is also a bit of a mistake to say.

The modern situation is ever-changing.

Even human beings who used to be dependent on other forces have become very powerful because of the appearance of artifacts.

Among them, some human beings who hold artifacts have gained the power to defeat demon king-level gods.

Therefore, that type of artifact is called "God Extinguisher".

Such a powerful force naturally attracted the coveted and jealous eyes of other races.

The Knicks are one of them.

After all, the god destroyer has the power to kill the main god, and this power will not disappear after the death of the host, but will be passed on to other humans.

Furthermore, the god-killing tools held by human beings can be deprived.

This alone is enough to make other forces jealous.

As for the owner who discovered the new type of artifact, it was by chance that he was discovered by Nix's servants and brought to her side.

"The artifact held by that girl is "Song of the Last Emerald Sea", and it does have the ability to control dragons."

Nix sipped the red wine, then shook the glass and said half-jokingly.

"Master Hades, are you going to entrust Orpheus to me?"


Hades nodded.

The crisp answer stunned Nix for half a second.

"Uh... are you serious?"

Then, her complexion changed slightly, and she asked suspiciously.

"what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, you just want to use the power of the god-killing tool holder under you to let Orpheus create a little chaos in the territory of the Bible forces.

Hades explained.


Nix frowned.

"It seems that that person has just arrived, and now he wants to fight directly between the Greek gods and the Bible gods?"

"Will not."

Hades shook his head.

"It's hard to tell whether the news is true or not. Although the possibility of true news cannot be ruled out, the possibility is too low. Besides, even if it is true, you will not be discovered if Orpheus comes forward. 17

Knicks fell silent, seeming to be thinking about the pros and cons.

Seeing this, Hades increased his chips.

"If successful, I, as the acting leader of the Lord of Hell, will hand over the power to guard Orpheus to you."


Hearing this, Nix's eyes lit up.

The dragon god Orpheus, who claims to have infinite power, is very exciting to her.

"Everyone present is a witness."

Hades spread his hands.

"Sister, agree."

Erebus said at this time.

Although he knew that there must be tricks in it, so what.

After all, my sister is for sale.

Hearing this, Nix suppressed the surprise in his heart, and raised his lips calmly.

"Since this is the case, it is better to be respectful than obey your orders."

the other side.

Juwang Town.

After the three forces dissipated, the Tacheng Kitty's house returned to calm.

next morning.

The news of Bai Chen's return was also notified by the kitten to Lias, Zhu Nai and others.

All of a sudden, the girls who came one after another almost broke the threshold of Kitten's house.

However, compared to their past attitudes, Rias and Junai have obviously become more reserved.

After all, Bai Chen's identity is different from the past.

Although they were equally respected in the past, there are several gaps in status at this moment.

Of course, under Bai Chen's subconscious "pacification", they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief in front of him.

The atmosphere in the living room gradually became lively.

"...I really didn't expect you, Mr. Bai Chen, to have such an identity.

Rias, as Sergex's younger sister, was used to seeing big scenes, and was the first to recover.

"Honestly, before Kitty invited us over, I was still debating whether to come or not.

It's like something engraved deep in the soul.

Demons have an innate fear of the God of the Bible.

But fortunately, they agreed to come over because of all the things they had experienced with Bai Chen.

"If all the lovely ladies alienate me just because of this kind of thing, I should regret that I revealed my identity so early."

Bai Chen said half-jokingly.

"You're joking."

Hearing this, Rias smiled uncomfortably, but the complexion of Akeno Himejima, who was beside her, turned slightly rosy.

The identity of the God of the Bible and Bai Chen made them wonder how to react.

After all, both Rias and Akeno Himejima have a certain degree of affection for Bai Chen.

It's so good that even if it develops into a further relationship, it's not surprising.

But now...

The girls were suddenly upset.

"Hmm...so distressed."

Xenovia, with green hair dyed, broke away from the crowd, sat beside her and held her head in deep thought.

"What's the matter with her?"

Bai Chen asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I just know that Xenovia has been like this since the morning."

Rias also expressed ignorance.

"I may know Xenovia's distress, but..."

Himejima Akeno had an awkward look of not knowing how to speak.

And at this moment, as if hearing Bai Chen's question, Xenovia finally spoke with a very troubled expression. .

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