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Chapter 915: Receiving The Fruits Of Victory

Chapter 915

When Sandora lost consciousness, Calji nodded.

He spoke to the others in the darkness.

"Sandora has already fallen into our hands, which means that we have obtained ~ half of the Star Sea Dragon King's legacy "Simulated Star Creation Map".

"Continuing according to the original plan, Maxwell and others went to kidnap the "Catalogue of Life" and "Candidates for the Original Code". In addition, after obtaining the simulated star creation map, they unlocked the seal of the demon king and left the City of Flames.

"Can this little girl do it?"

At this moment, the cold face of Maxwell, the "devil king of cold and heat" appeared in the shadows.

There was a look of distrust on his face.

Although he and Lin are both members of the Demon King Alliance.

But compared to Calji and this little girl, Maxwell is the monitor placed among them by the upper echelons of the Demon King Alliance.

Its purpose is to supervise whether they can properly complete the tasks assigned by their superiors.

One of the most important parts of this plan is to release the demon king imprisoned in the city of blazing flames.


The questioned girl rebutted without hesitation.

"In order to prevent accidents, I will also follow along. After all, even if you get the role of "Dragon King of the Star Sea", you will be able to break in alone.

Maxwell spoke in an irrefutable tone.


Calji also knew that Maxwell was the monitor placed by the upper echelons, so he deliberately refused to let him go with him at this moment, which would arouse Maxwell's suspicion more easily.

"Hahaha, this body is really full of vitality, it is indeed a descendant of the Xinghai Dragon King!"

At this moment, Sandora, who had lost consciousness, let out a hearty laugh.

It's just that compared to the pure and lovely appearance shown before, this voice seems quite mature.

"Have you successfully seized the home?"

Lin looked at the girl who had changed her personality, and felt a little unbearable.

She doesn't want to do it unless necessary.

However, she has reasons to do so.

"Very well, in this way, if your appearance appears on the battlefield in the next big battle, it will be easier to create chaos in the Coal City.

After all, he is clearly the leader who rules the City of Brilliant Flames, yet he stands on the enemy's side.

What's more, with this body moving, the counterattack of Brilliant Flame City will also be a slap in the face, which is conducive to Lin's infiltration.

"Then, Your Highness, when shall we act?"

Maxwell asked casually.

"It's too late to make a difference. It's scheduled to fully invade the City of Brilliant Flames in an hour. One hour is enough time for us to get our seats."

Calgi said.

"What's more, there has been no news of that person during this period of time. I am worried that the other party will appear again."

"Yeah, if you meet that woman again, Maxwell, you can't protect me, can you?"

As if to fight back the suspicion before, Lin poked and sarcastically said.

"Hmph! I was just caught off guard at the beginning."

Maxwell snorted coldly.

Although as a special demon at the physical level, it has an immortal body.

But whenever he recalled the scene of being completely suppressed by that woman, Maxwell would inevitably feel a little scared.

However, he still insisted on it, and said firmly.

"Don't let me touch that woman again, or I will burn her to ashes with my own hands!"

Others were noncommittal.

Only the Demon King of Confusion secretly smiled in his heart.

It was only at this time that he dared to speak hard.

Wasn't he beaten up by that woman back then?

But when I think about it carefully, I was also manipulated by that man and forced to become a double agent, isn't it worse than Maxwell?

"Lord Confused Demon King, give me the horn of the Star Sea Dragon King."

Lin said.

In order to break the seal, the "Dragon Horn" that only the leader of the community "Salamanda" is eligible to possess is necessary.

And this is Sandora's only value to them.

The Confused Demon King hesitated for half a second, then handed over the dragon fish hanging on his head to the girl.

Anyway, that man didn't let him stop the Demon King Alliance's plan.

There is no order, and he doesn't want to do unnecessary things.

After all, life-saving is the most important thing.

"Send an order to the entire army to start fighting together from inside and outside the city one hour from now. I will send out a signal and everyone will cooperate."


The gray and cheerful Lin responded and disappeared without a trace.

...asking for flowers...0

Along with the hot and cold realm, Maxwell disappeared.

"Then I'm leaving too."

The Demon King of Confusion wore Sandora's appearance, put on a hood and left from the sewer.

After he opened a long distance from His Highness and others, and came to the secret place that only belonged to the Demon King of Confusion, he took the initiative to use the restraint in his body to start contacting that person.

While waiting, the Confused Demon King felt uneasy.

But I have to say that the work of a double agent is indeed a bit exciting.

Just now, he cooperated with the plan of the Demon King Alliance to snatch the dragon horn, but now he turns around and exposes the content of the plan to others.

Even the Demon King himself feels that he has it.

However, I am the devil who deals with children, so let's just scorn it, anyway, saving my life is the most important thing.

After China Unicom.

Bai Chen's voice sounded directly in her head.

"What's wrong?"

"My lord, the Demon King Alliance has obtained the dragon horn of the Star Sea Dragon King, and is preparing to sneak into the lower level of the palace to seize the simulated star creation map and the sovereignty of the sun, and is preparing to release a sealed devil king. The combat operation will start in fifty-five minutes.

The Demon King of Confusion reported truthfully.

"I already know, good work."

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

"Should, should."

The Demon King of Confusion responded with a smile.

"After the war starts, find a place to let go of Sandora's soul, and try to stay away from the City of Flames."


Although it was a young body that was obtained with great difficulty, the Demon King of Confusion did not dare to refute Bai Chen's request.

As for staying away from the capital of brilliant flames, of course he wished to leave immediately.

After all, he was originally a temporary member who was half-forced to join the Demon King Alliance and used to lure Sandora.

After this operation is successful, his use value will inevitably be greatly reduced.

What's more, he also guessed that there was a hidden secret behind the Demon King Alliance. If possible, he also wanted to leave the alliance and become a free man like before.

After that, Bai Chen disconnected.

Looking down at the singing and dancing everywhere in the city of brilliant flames, the young man showed a faint smile.

Next, he just needs to wait until the moment to receive the fruits of victory. .

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