Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 935: They Are All Tool People

Chapter 935

Re:creators world.

After expressing his thanks to the group members, Altair withdrew from the chat group.

On the outskirts far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, inside an abandoned building, a girl in military uniform opened her eyes. A pair of beautiful jewel-like pupils looked out through the incomplete part of the building.

The super high eyesight allows her to see the people living in the city.

This is the world of creators.

It is also the "real" world where countless fantasy works have been created with pen and paper.

Probably because of the chat group, the knots and doubts were vented.

Unknowingly, Altair found that his hatred for this world had weakened a lot.

After all, it is possible that even the "reality" she lives in will be a story written by others.

My anger and hatred may all be described by a higher level creator, which does not belong to her emotions.

What's more, since she has joined the chat group, her fate will no longer be the same as the future Bai Chen said.

That being the case, what reason does she have to be entangled?

————When the false is true, the true is also false.

Since it is so difficult to distinguish between true and false in the world, it is better to treat it as true.

After all, no matter what, there is only one result she wants.

That is to revive the real Shimazaki Setsuna.


Altair stood up from the leather sofa, walked to the broken window and exhaled.

After thinking about it, I always feel a lot easier.

"After the matter is over, I must thank them well."

Then, the next thing that needs to be worthy of Altair's attention is to collect points and issue commissions in the chat group.

"Miss Altair, may I have a question?"

A childish voice came from behind.

Altair came back to his senses, turned his head and looked behind him.

A girl with pink hair and double ponytails in a pink and white uniform, which is childish and ridiculous to Altair, is standing behind him nervously.

Huang Shu Jasmine is fragrant.

This is the protagonist she brought to reality from Zi Gongxiang's work "Magical Killer Mo Meixiang".

The reason why Altair fell in love with the other party was because of the good influence of the works and the good strength.

"What's wrong with Yu Neng?"

Altair asked calmly.

This little girl has a kind heart, and her moral character is quite good.

"That... I just wanted to ask you if you have something on your mind because I saw Miss Altair you have been in a trance until now."

The magical girl pinched the hem of her skirt in embarrassment.

"If you have something on your mind, you'd better tell it to your friends, it will make you feel better!"

"I did have some concerns before, but Sha has figured it out now."

Altair smiled faintly.

"Oh? Did you figure it out so quickly?"

The magical girl Mo Meixiang was a little disappointed.

But it seemed that he realized that his emotions were wrong, so he quickly covered his mouth and made a cute expression that I didn't mean that way.

....I don't know what it is..."

Altair watched the magical girl scratching patterns on the ground with her toes, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Although Mo Meixiang is a bit silly, she is the protagonist of the anime for Kokoro. Compared with other fantasy characters brought to reality by herself, she is an innocent and good person.

"That...then Miss Altair, can you tell me a little bit about the things that make you so happy?"

Mo Meixiang asked curiously.


As soon as the words came to his lips, Altair swallowed them back.

Although there is no clear regulation in the chat group, after all, things in the chat group cannot be casually discussed with outsiders.

Moreover, after seeing Mo Meixiang, Altair also suddenly had a headache, what should he do next.

After knowing that someone in the group can go back in time to help her save Shimazaki Setsuna, she has little action to use other fantasy characters to interfere with the world's restoration.

After all, Bai Chen also predicted the history of his plan.

Not only did his subordinates betray him one after another, he almost died once, and he was finally persuaded by the fake Shimazaki Setsuna created by the hostile forces.

No matter how you look at that ending, it doesn't seem like you can accept it.

...asking for flowers...

Now that there is a better way to revive the real Setsuna Shimazaki, Altair will naturally not want to use this troublesome method again.

Therefore, the fantasy characters she brought to reality, who are currently in the same camp as her, become less important.

Not to mention, after being told by Bai Chen that he would be betrayed by this group of guys, Altair didn't want to care about their group of unstable elements.

But, now, what reason do I have to use to get rid of them?

walk away?

It is feasible.


Just when Altair was thinking about abandoning them, he suddenly thought of one thing.

That is, posting commissions requires points.

There are many ways to earn points.

One is to participate in entrusted tasks, and after completing the entrustment, you can get rewards.

The second is by selling valuable props or abilities to chat groups.

Altair thought about selling his abilities in exchange for points.

However, if the Vientiane Movement is sold, it is not safe for me, but other miscellaneous abilities can be sold.

In addition, it takes too long to increase one's new abilities through the second creation of the same person.

After all, her creator is dead, and the influence of her role has dropped significantly.

Without an audience, there is little recognition.

"I don't have anything to do at the moment, so please worry about it."

Temporarily dismissing Mo Meixiang, Altair experienced the abilities in his body, and sold all the abilities that did not belong to the Vientiane Movement and that he could not use to the chat group.

[Group reminder: The group member "Military Uniform Princess" conducted a collective sale and gained +2345 points]

Seeing this figure, Altair's expression was a little weak.

Then she looked at the points needed to issue a commission.

Four thousand points.

Still not enough.

After all, what I just sold were powers that were not very useful.

But there are still more than 1,000 points missing, what should I do?

Altair, who was thinking hard, suddenly remembered the tool man who was pulled into reality by him.

It should be feasible to defeat them and then take away their treasures and sell them, right?

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