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Chapter 963 Kneeling To The Boss

Chapter 963

"Save the soul..."

Emilia seemed to understand but half understood.

Although she also knows that the power of those chains is definitely not soul salvation, but at least the intestine hunter who was still barking his teeth and claws before is as well-behaved as a rabbit at the moment.

She stared intently at Bai Chen who was meeting for the first time, her eyes were full of wonder.

"Can these abilities be drawn from the lottery pool?"

"It can be understood in this way, but to what extent one can develop one's ability depends on one's own foundation.

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"Let's not talk about this for now. There will be time to explain after the lottery draw. Aren't you going to get your badge back?"


Emilia came back to her senses, and then looked at Felut, who was already stunned.

The silver-haired half-elf girl walked up to the petite girl and said, "Excuse me, can you return the badge to me now?"

"Uh... well, well.

The sudden change of the situation made Felut confused.

However, after experiencing an unbelievable battle, she subconsciously returned the badge to Emilia.

Employers seem to have capitulated after all.

Emilia took the badge with a relaxed expression on her face.

The holy scene is quietly blooming like moonflowers.

Seeing her expression, Bai Chen showed a pitiful smile.

"That...thank you, thank you."

Felt said cautiously.

"If it wasn't for you, Lord Roma and I would have to confess here tonight."

Although he looks like a tomboy character, Felut is surprisingly polite.

"You don't have to thank me, actually, even if you are dead, I can resurrect you."

Bai Chen's answer made Felut not know how to answer, so he could only show a silly smile.

She grew up in the slums, and she knows what form is better than people.

After seeing Bai Chen's amazing ability, he immediately showed his cute side.

"Speaking of which, this badge actually has something to do with you." "

Bai Chen looked at Felut.

Then, under Felut's sluggish eyes, Bai Chen told Felut's life experience.

"Actually, your father is the royal family of the Kingdom of Lugnica, but when you were young, your father took you out of the ugly palace and handed you over to him to raise you.

"I think about it, probably because I don't want you to be involved in the bloody storm of the royal family, or because you are your father's illegitimate child."


After Bai Chen finished speaking, Felut stood there blankly and was completely stunned.

"The king... the royal family or something, it's too much..."

She pulled out a mischievous smile.

Even if you want to deceive her a child, you have to find a suitable reason.

Like, you look a lot like my long lost sister or something.

As for saying that she is a descendant of the royal family of Lugnica Kingdom.

How can she, who has been growing up in the slums, believe this?

"If you don't believe me, your grandfather."

Bai Chen said.

Hearing this, Felut subconsciously turned his head to look at the old man who had been with him for more than ten years.


Lord Roma, who always had an easy-going attitude towards her, rarely showed a bit of embarrassment on his old face when he looked at him.

This made Felut, who was full of insight, vaguely aware of the truth of the matter.

After all, I once asked Lord Roma about his parents.

But the answer she got was that she had no father or mother, and she was just an abandoned baby picked up by him in the slums.

"Master Roma..."

Felt's eyes flickered, eager to know the answer.

At this time, Bai Feng spoke again.

"Actually, whether you belong to the royal family or not is not important to you."

Felut didn't enjoy the glory and wealth of the kingdom, and he never met his parents, so he grew up in a slum.

Lord Roma is her grandfather.

What's more, it was because she lived in a slum that she avoided the disease that wiped out the royal family.

"Now there are two paths in front of you. One is to participate in the competition for the throne as a member of the royal family."

"Battle for the throne or something..."

Felt had no sense of reality at all.

As Bai Chen said.

Even if she is the real heir to the royal family, she has no real feelings at all.

However, the temptation of the throne really moved her heart.

After all, my life for more than ten years has been quite poor.

In the slums, I also saw many girls who could only sell their bodies because they couldn't make it through.

So she has been trying her best to make money, even if it is by stealing.

However, after seeing Lord Roma's face that suddenly aged a lot, he fell into a fierce struggle in his heart.

In the end, Lute raised his head and looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

Excuse me, is there a second way?"

"Of course there is. The farther you can leave the royal city, the better. As for the future life."

Bai Chen looked at Elsa at the side.

"Give me your purse.

"Yes, employing people."

Elsa took out a money bag from an indescribable place.

After Bai Chen took it with a blank face, he took out a circulating currency called a holy gold coin.

After a simple analysis of the principle, he created a pile of gold like a hill.

Even the dim warehouse was extremely brightly illuminated by the halo reflected by the holy gold coins.

"Ah this..."

Felut and Lord Roma, who had never seen so much money, opened their mouths into an O shape, and immediately their knees softened and they knelt down.

"This, so much money, I can't spend it all in my life."

It's just that the old man on the side still has the upper hand for the time being.

His life experience told him that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

However (money is good), reality and experience do not apply in front of Youchen.

"The choice is yours. I'm just telling the truth."

Bai Chen didn't care about Mao.

The reason why Felut was told the truth about his life experience was just a whim.

Besides, the newcomer Emilia owed a loan to the chat group when she first arrived. As an old man in the group, she naturally had to support her more within a limited time.

After all, the original plot has been completely disrupted by his spoiler. If Emilia does not get in touch with Laiyue Subaru, if there is no assistance from the return of death, "many problems she will face in the future will be an unsolvable dead end.

Emilia on the side has always been in a cute state of tilting her head.

After all, the information released by Bai Chen is also unbelievable information to her.

The thief who stole her king's election badge was actually a descendant of Lugnica's royal family.

How in the world is there such a coincidence?.

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