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Chapter 983: Altair's Invitation

Chapter 983

after all.

When the time is right, activate the realm transfer technique by yourself, and you can directly make dozens of big monsters feel embarrassed.

Zi Yakumo couldn't think of a reason for the failure at all.

And compared to the possibility of failure, she was more worried. If the process of attacking the Moon Capital went too smoothly, the distribution of spoils would be a big problem.

At that time, it will be difficult to achieve the ultimate goal of establishing a fantasy enchantment and isolating the era of monsters from the outside world.

After all, monsters are loose by nature, if the plan to invade Yuedu is successful, it will inevitably lead to the inflated self-confidence of the monsters, and her words will be even more difficult to convince the public.

After all, under the infection of victory, who would believe that the era of monsters will eventually decline?

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "I just pray that the plan goes well, otherwise things will only get more complicated when the time drags on."

On this point, Yakumo Zi also noticed something similar in the live broadcast room of the chat group.

Just like the singularity repaired by Fujimaru Tatsuka.

The closer it is to modern times, the more mysterious it will decline, and the longer the era, the stronger it will be.

But in Tohsaka Rin's so-called modern civilized society, the magicians on the mysterious side can only act in secret.

Because the more insiders there are, the more mystery will decline.

The same goes for monsters.

If there are too many monsters, if people take it for granted, emotions similar to fear will not be born, so new monsters cannot be born.

If it goes on like this, it will only fall into an endless loop.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Although I don't know what the specific plan is, what Ms. Yakumo Zi is doing should be the same as protecting endangered animals. I wish you success

Butterfly Shinobu: "Although monsters are not a good legend on my side, what Ms. Yakumo Zi has done is also very admirable."

The Spirit of Time: "It's equivalent to saving an era."

Little Spider: "Wait, I have an idea, if you want to protect monsters, why not learn from the lady's world and set up several special zones for monsters?"

Chaos Evil: "It is also possible to set up a protection agency for demons, just like our Chaldeans.

Elegant and decent young lady: "That won't work."

Elegant young lady: "If monsters and mystery are the same, the more people know about them, the weaker the power of monsters will be, before that time monsters will really become endangered creatures.

Little Spider: "I see."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Everyone's kindness, I appreciate it~~"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "@ Bai Chen, boss, what's your opinion on the world here? Or... a small suggestion?"

Yakumo Zi's calculation is very good.

Although she doesn't plan to let Bai Chen come over, she can get a suggestion from the boss by showing her favor in the chat group, or being cute, and tapping on the side, which is enough to benefit her a lot and adjust her next plan.

Bai Chen: "You have already done some things well enough, and what I say is just icing on the cake. The only thing I need to remind you is to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't underestimate any opponent."

After thinking for a long time, Bai Chen still felt that it would be better to give some hints.

Zi Yakumo thinks she is smart, and although the assembled monster army looks mighty and mighty, it is actually strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Except for those big monsters, the other little monsters are basically just formed cannon fodder.

Even if Yakumo Zi is the rarest big monster in the realm, in front of the forces of the Moon Capital, it is just a more flexible target.

Because, the level of science and technology in Moon Capital has developed to the level of civilization in the future science fiction of some movie worlds.

After all, the elixir of life that Princess Kaguya took was the product of Qidu.

It can be seen from this that the technological level of Moon Capital is extraordinary.

In front of the Yuedu people, the monsters are nothing more than a group of live targets who can only bark their teeth and claws.

It's like a group of primitive people wielding knives and guns, facing a group of modern troops with sophisticated equipment, there is no chance of winning.

Ten thousand steps back.

Even if Yakumo Zi realizes that the situation is wrong, she can't leave Yuedu easily.

At that time, not to mention the Yuedu army, even the two sisters Mianyue will be able to hang Yakumo Zi up and fight.

At the end of the fight, Yakumo Zi, who was proud and arrogant, was beaten to the knees.


This reminder is not to worry about Yakumo Zi's safety.

After all, there is a chat group mechanism here, as long as it is not a problem above the multiverse, he can solve it.

But if Yakumo Zi is humiliated because of this and does not open the world authority, he will have one less place to catch black slaves.

Bai Chen kept a close eye on Gensokyo.

There are many girls, the quality is high, and the strength is not weak. It is completely drawn into the harem... Oh no, it is one of the best ways to strengthen yourself as a talent.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "...Ah, I will always remember Master Bai Chen's reminder. If something goes wrong at that time, Master Bai Chen will have to point it out.

After Yakumo Zi finished her questioning, her profile picture went dark.

Bai Chen also chatted in the group for a while, and also quit the chat group.

And in the next few days, Bai Chen also spent peaceful daily life with the girls in the world of godslayers.

Until the morning a few days later.

Bai Chen received Aite from Altair.

Princess in Military Uniform: "@ Bai Chen, @时之灵魂, I have already collected the remaining points, do you have time to accept the commission?"

The Spirit of Time: "If you have time, Miss Altair's movements are quite fast."

The princess in military uniform: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Since Yu's previous plan has been overturned, there is no need for Yu to act step by step."

Although it didn't take long, Altair resurrected Shimazaki Setsuna eagerly.

After getting the definite answer in the group that he could resurrect the Creator, he completely abandoned the cumbersome plan of Li (Li Dehao) using fantasy characters to interfere with the world's restoration.

Bai Chen: "Okay, now I have time."

Since Godslayer's side had become his back garden, there wasn't anything worthy of Bai Chen's involvement.

This also caused him to become the most idle man in the world.

Little Spider: "The cameraman is in place.jpg"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Huh? Is it today? But I'm still taking exams?!"

Blue Slime: "Don't be afraid, there are recordings anyway."

I don't want to see a ghost: "But the mood of watching the live broadcast is different from the recorded broadcast, no, it seems that I have to speed up and hand in the paper!"

Princess in Military Uniform: "Since that's the case, I'll release the commission."

[Group reminder: The group member "Princess in Military Uniform" issued a designated commission to fulfill Altair's wish and revive the real Shimazaki Setsuna, reward points +5000. 】.

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