Inside the church, there are many seats lined up on both sides, and a narrow passage leads to the front, where the priest or priest stands and speaks.

At this time, the flow of people is desperately surging outside, the outside is life, and the inside is death!

No one cares about the stampede or something.

As long as you live!

Man is selfish...

As long as you live, then everything is fine, people die like lights out, once they die, there is nothing, like Goyo and Kaoru Ichijo, who go against the flow of people, not for themselves, even if there are very few people who give their lives just to save others, there are really not many.

But fear is inevitable!

Among human beings, there are also excellent qualities, everyone is harmonious, except for some rat feces, this is really an extremely perfect era, such human beings, even if they give everything, they have to try their best to protect it.

Outside the church.

A burst of braking!

First, a golden locomotive came into view, the car stopped, and a young handsome figure walked down from the car.

Yu Takahashi!

He looked indifferent, he knew that in that church, there were insects.

He'll go!


kabutick.zecter resonated with him, and involuntarily appeared beside him, directly docking with the knight's guide he was carrying on his wrist, and he was directly starting to be a knight form in his second form.

Dressed in golden armor, he grabbed the kunai gun in his right hand, and the golden light was shining.

Against the flow of people, he stepped forward.

Under the mask, the corners of Takahashi's mouth couldn't help but grin a little arc, and his heart was beating thumping, and in the same way, he could also see the panic of the people around him...

He may not have understood it before, but now he is beginning to understand.

He understands why he was so moved when he saw Denio walking up against the flow of people and facing the enemy in the commemorative theatrical version of the 20th anniversary of Heisei.

Because Kamen Rider is always there!

Even if he is misunderstood, even if he is not recognized, he will be under the mask, the knight who fights alone, and now, he is gradually figuring out everything and understanding it.

Because he's a Kamen Rider!

That's all.

Step by step.

Jin Dou walked into the church, and there were a total of five alien insects, one adult, four larvae, and the larvae were harmless, with or without it, there was not much difference.

So, Jin Dou set his sights on it.

All in red armor!

Like a clown, densely packed with terrifying-looking creatures, this is a violin beetle that likes to inhabit crowded places to kill, and his right wrist is able to extend a powerful whip to pierce the body of his enemies.

On the ground, many people died, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

"Quack!" (Worm Language: Kill!)

Tone falls.

The violin beetle walked slowly, and behind him, the four larvae, as if they were already for him to drive, shoulder to shoulder, with their little short legs, attacked Jin Dou.

The brown sharp claws had already stretched out and put them in front of them, and what they thought was that when they were close to Jin Dou's body, they would use these sharp claws to tear apart Takahashi Yu!


An alien insect ran relatively fast, and hit the attack on Jin Dou's body first, making a 'bang' sound, but a miscellaneous soldier is a miscellaneous soldier after all, and running fast cannot change the essence of his miscellaneous soldier.

Jin Dou's eyes flickered one by one.

Raise your hand and wave it.

A flash of cold light!

Thorn one by one!

It's the sound of breaking the air.

The kunai spear was held in his right hand, and from the bottom right, towards the left, he swung it, slashing the four larvae like strings, and the sharp blades slashed through them one by one.


Suddenly, a series of explosions rang out.

"It's just ants. He whispered, then looked at the red violin beetle-like adult, walked slowly, 'horizontal knife immediately', and said coldly: "They have already gone down to the Yellow Spring first, and you are about to go down to accompany them." "

Jin Dou's voice fell, and those blue eyes were already staring at the insect.

Quietly, the zecter was rotated 180 degrees, and the electronic sound of 'Rider.Beat' was emitted, and the takions that survived within zero degrees converged, turning into arcs of flashing, stored on the blade of the kunai gun in his hand, and on the blade, the arc could be faintly seen wrapped around it, blooming with extremely terrifying power.


One of the must-kills of Jin Dou belongs to the terrifying ability to attach the takionko to his hand, which greatly increases his wrist strength, and can be attached to the weapon and entwined with thunder to attack.

The adult worm swung out his right wrist, and a tentacle that was enough to penetrate the enemy directly stretched out from his wrist and flew out, and the target was naturally Jin Dou's chest, as if with supreme might.


Jin Dou's right hand was raised, and the blow that had penetrated into the killing blow was thrown out violently, and after adding the takion, the blade of the kunai gun became even sharper.

The tentacles of the adult worm were directly cut in two violently, and then, as if suffering a great stimulus, it immediately retracted with a 'whoosh'.

The speed was outrageous.


The adult worm makes a strange cry, which is used to vent his anger.


The adult insect accelerated, and threw a punch in the direction of Jin Dou, the fist was mighty, with the meaning of whistling, Jin Dou slowly raised a hand, and took the blow lightly, and then pulled it in his direction, and the other hand did it, grabbed the body of the adult, and smashed it heavily on the ground.

This is... Over-the-shoulder falls!

The adult worm scrambled to get up, and Jin Dou rotated at Zecter, and then returned to its original state, and all the energy covered with fast sons had been stored on Jin Dou's right leg.


This is a trick that knights must know.

Knight Kick!

He stepped forward and kicked the adult in the abdomen with a shocking kick, and the tachyon energy poured all over the limbs of the adult, turning it into a pus and sprinkling it on the ground.

Only this shows his existence...

(PS: Figure: Violin Beetle Alien Worm)_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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