Whoosh— a taxi stopped at Beihua Street, and a young man got out.

Qian Jingdongshu pulled a suitcase and looked around in confusion. He traveled through time right after getting off the plane, and even traveled to the world of elementary school students of the God of Death. Is there anyone more unlucky than him?

When he saw the confident face of Kudo Shinichi during the interview on the big screen at the airport, he was dumbfounded.

The only yen left in his pocket was used to take a taxi, and Qian Jingdongshu felt that he had nowhere to go.

He didn’t know what time point of the science study was progressing now.

He was thinking about whether to go to the angel Xiaolan and find a place to live.

Suddenly, a heavenly sound came to his ears!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for binding the landlord system! 】

When Qian Jing Dongshu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly!


Sure enough, a time traveler must have a golden finger!

Hahahaha, now he is going to take off!

【Determine the host location, and identify the real estate, Rice Flower Street……】

【Unlocked successfully! Now all the property rights of Mihua Street buildings have been transferred to your name!】

【The host can manage all the real estate under his name through buying, selling and collecting rent!】

【��Tips! Your rent is collected on a per capita basis according to the highest standards in Japan!】

【After authorizing the system, any real estate investment you make will only have positive feedback! 】

The entire Rice Flower Street is his!

Qian Jing Dongshu was shocked. The system was so generous.

Then, he rubbed his hands and smiled until his eyes narrowed.

“OK, OK! So as long as I keep buying up land and buildings, I can make money, right?”

“I’m not selling it, I’m only collecting rent. Doesn’t that mean I can buy the entire Neon?”

【Yes! As a system binding, the host accidentally crosses the compensation, and the additional welfare treasure box is unlocked!】

【The host can directly receive rewards by signing in, trigger the key character’s emotional value, and get points to redeem blind boxes! 】

Make a fortune!!

This wave will not only encircle the entire neon, but also make Xiao Hong’s life a slave to support himself! ?

Even if the appetite is a little bigger, the hosting system will encircle the whole world!!

Then he will be the first landlord of science!

Qian Jing Dongshu thought of the beauty and was very happy.

At this time, the system rang again

【Ding! 300 meters to the left of the host, the law firm of Eri Kisaki, owes 3 million yen in rent! (120,000 soft coins)]

The famous beauty Eri Kisaki actually owes so much rent?

That’s unbearable!

It’s decided, as interest on the rent, I’ll live at your house tonight!

Qian Jingfushu pulled his suitcase and went to the law firm of Eri Kisaki..

Knock, knock, knock. There was a knock on the door. The drunken Hibiscus raised her beautiful eyes. Her usual smart purple slim-fitting jacket fell on her shoulders, and her pure white shirt was soaked through by the alcohol.

It made her look particularly huge.

Her long heels wrapped around her slender figure, but at this moment, her knees were rubbing together due to anxiety.

“Who could it be at this time…hiccup~”

“Could it be that the debt collectors are here again?”

Hiki Eri never thought that, despite being so smart all her life, she would lose all her savings because of making bad friends.

With the trouble of being a guarantor, she was visited by underground casinos every time to collect debts.

With the unpaid rent and embarrassing delays in salary, the employees of the office said nothing but stopped coming to work.

Kuriyama Midori, who supported her the most, was also taken away by her family in the name of protection.

Her pride prevented her from asking Kogoro, who had cheated her into marriage, for help.

That scum, she had kept her chastity for so many years, and now she can’t bow her head!

But… if this goes on, she will really be forced to the brink of despair.

Hiiki Eri laughed at herself drunkenly, put on her glasses, and turned into the cold and arrogant queen again.

However, the drunken blush on her face completely betrayed her hazy drunken state.

Let the storm come even harder.

Taking a deep breath, Hiiki Eri suddenly opened the door

“”Ah, who are you?”

The courage she had managed to hold on to collapsed the moment she saw the man behind the door.

Hibiki Eri was shocked!

There was such a tall and handsome boy in the world, as if he came out of an anime!

He was dressed in black, with slightly messy hair, and red eyes that pierced people’s hearts like the sun. At first glance, he also had a bit of laziness that was indifferent to the world.

“Hello, is this lawyer Fei? I am your landlord, Qian Jingdongshu”

“Your Fei Law Firm owes me two months’ rent, a total of 3 million yen.”

“According to Neon’s overdue tax, you should now pay me interest of 500,000 yen, a total of 3.5 million yen!”

“You see, cash or card payment?”

Qian Jingdongshu stared at the red-cheeked Fei Yingli with burning eyes.

It was like looking at a delicious prey.

“Of course, I don’t mind paying with my body!”

At the same time, the system’s dinging notification sound rang in my ears!

【Sign in with Hibiki Eri and get unlimited stamina as a reward!】


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