In a quiet alley, a man with wide eyes and a miserable death was lying on the ground.

His limbs were broken and he was no longer in human form.

Several men in black strode over his body with cold momentum.

“Lord Vermouth, I can’t find it anywhere.”

“I don’t know where that woman ran off to.”

They looked unhappy.

Such an important researcher had let her run away. It would be hard for them to be reused if they returned to the organization.


Under the streetlight, a graceful figure stood there quietly.

She exuded an extremely charming, mysterious and profound aura.

Vermouth seemed to be smiling, but her aura suppressed all the men in black so much that they dared not look up.

“What a naughty mouse.”

“My dear Elena, where could she hide?”

Her red lips uttered words like a lover’s whisper.

But her cold eyes seemed to want to drown someone in the land of tenderness.


“Jingzi, where are you? Dad is here!

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came.

“Someone is coming.”

Vermouth frowned and gave the order without blinking.

“”We will deal with them all, leaving no one behind.”

Elena is extremely important to the organization, and many of the bigwigs who are cooperating are waiting for her new medicine.

If they knew that she had escaped, it would definitely have a huge impact.

For this reason, killing her to silence her is nothing. Vermouth is eager to erase all traces of Elena’s existence in the world.

“Yes, sir!”

The black-clad man had a ferocious look on his face, knowing that this was their last chance.

When Gu Senfan and his bodyguards arrived in a hurry, they saw a horrible corpse and the ferocious black-clad man.


Gu Senfan was caught off guard and fell to the ground in fright.

“Who, who is this! Where is my Jingzi?”

“Is there still someone who has slipped through the net?”

The men in black accidentally discovered a clue and quickly exchanged glances.

This person will be dealt with last, and the others will be killed!

“Uh ah——”

But when they were about to attack Gu Morifan’s men, something strange happened.

In front of everyone’s eyes, several men in black screamed one after another and turned into ashes on the spot!

A dark green fire flashed by.


The whole audience was shocked and terrified.

“What, what is that!?”

“Where are the people!?”

“Is it magic?”

Tani Morifa’s eyes were about to burst, but he was surprised.

“Yaqi Great God, Crow Tengu, Amaterasu Great God… Which god has appeared?!”

Vermouth, dressed in black and wearing a mask, standing in the dark, was confused and uncertain.

“What’s going on! How can there be magic in the world!”

“It must be a new type of biological grenade!”

“Who is it! Who is causing trouble?”

Vermouth was like a frightened bird, looking around nervously.

Someone reached out and patted her shoulder.


Qian Jing Dongshu grinned and greeted her in a friendly manner.

There was teasing and thinking in his eyes.

He had already spotted Vermouth when he came over. His detective intuition was sharp.

He recognized Sister Bayonetta at once through her mysterious temperament and sexy appearance.

In addition, he could tell from the way Sister Bayonetta walked that she was a virgin.

Is the plot butterfly so powerful?

Elena and Sister Bayonetta both appeared in advance?

But then again, Sister Bayonetta is worthy of being the best in science.

The tight black clothes made the curves look natural, and the curves were as thin as if boneless, and the roundness was perfect. Her slender figure walked as lightly as Catwoman.

Even if she wore an ordinary mask, she couldn’t hide her beautiful eyes that were as charming as a fox with green eyes.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes deepened, and the flame of conquest in his heart instantly soared!

“Who are you?!”

Vermouth was shocked! She didn’t care about being distracted. How could such a handsome man come from? He was exactly what she liked.

Her body was faster than her mind, and she was about to draw her gun.

Qian Jing Dongshu held her down, and Vermouth’s eyes flashed. In two seconds, she brushed against Qian Jing Dongshu and exchanged a few moves.

Qian Jing Dongshu hit her in front with a palm.

“Damn it!”

Belmode’s face instantly became hot.

As the granddaughter of the boss in the organization, who dares to be so rude!

This is the first man… who has touched her!

She cursed angrily and rushed up again.

Qian Jing Dongshu whistled, his eyes flashed, and he grabbed a man with both hands and threw him over his head.

Belmode groaned, but she had learned a lesson. In addition to being shocked, she understood the huge gap between herself and this man.

Who is this guy!

She took a deep look at him, and something was stirring in her heart. She pursed her red lips, rolled on the spot, ran a few times, and rode away on a motorcycle.

The mask fell off and fell to the ground.

The bright red mark of death was filled with the fragrance of red roses.

“You run fast.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said this while picking up the mask, and a wicked smile appeared on his lips.

Three close contacts have passed, and she can’t escape his control.

There is a long way to go.

Sister Bei will have back pain for several days.

At this time, the system dinged, and the settlement came late.

【Sign in to Vermouth and get rewarded with the Thousand Faces Disguise Skill!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining an emotion value of 5000 through Vermouth, Tani Mori Shigeru and others!】

【Among them, Vermouth was stunned, shocked, annoyed, and ashamed +3000!】

【Tani Jingzi is afraid, expectant, wronged, and terrified +1000!】


Oh, and there is a kid.

He also provides a lot of emotional value at once.

【Do you want to redeem the blind box now?

Qian Jingdongshu clicked no, and turned back lazily to look at Gu Mori Shige who was still praying to the gods.

“Don’t worship me, I took care of the person.”

“Know what to say and what not to say?”

“”Ah, it’s you!?”

Gu Senfan was shocked!

He and his bodyguards looked at Qian Jingdongshu in disbelief.

But at this moment, Qian Jingdongshu stood in the dark, and a mysterious and powerful aura that was even stronger than that of Vermouth came to his face. Those red eyes seemed to see through everything, indifferent to everything, the king who was high above, with only a little carelessness left on his handsome face.

It seemed that they were all ants, and their life and death were in his hands.

Dare not nod, and immediately follow the footsteps of several men in black.

Unspeakable terror suddenly occupied his heart!

Gu Senfan shuddered all over!

He could see clearly that their landlord was not easy to mess with, and what he hated most was trouble.

He nodded frantically, and at this moment he almost took out the fastest speed in his life.

Kneeling on the ground and crying,”Yes! Landlord! We will never tell anyone what happened today even if we die!!”

“Whoever dares to reveal it, I will be the first one not to forgive it. You will be the one to supervise it then!”

“That’s right! From now on, my life belongs to you! All my property is given to you for free! I only want to be your running dog and beg for your protection!”

“Also, there is Jingzi……”

Tani Morishi gritted his teeth and said,”If you want, I can have the child!”

Those men in black were obviously not good people. It’s better to lose both money and people than to lose your life!

Qian Jingdongshu got a satisfactory result and told him to get up and go to the place where Elena said.

At the same time, Vermouth rode a motorcycle all the way out of Beihua Street in a hurry, and ran into the safe house in a panic.

As soon as she entered the house, she hurriedly drew the curtains and looked down.

Suddenly, she saw three deep red palm prints, arrogantly and domineeringly distributed in three places, with a strong presence. Her heart was pounding, her cheeks were hot, and at the same time, the handsome face and the evil and playful eyes flashed in her mind. No matter how she shook her head, she couldn’t get rid of it.

“Damn it, when did such a mysterious and dangerous person appear in Mihua!”

Vermouth refused to believe this evil

“That man, and Elena… I won’t just let it go.”

How could a living person disappear for no reason?

There must be a secret in Rice Flower Street.

In this case, she might as well get inside and take it slowly.

At this moment, Vermouth raised her red lips, and a cunning light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

A bold plan was born in her mind.

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