Maori Kogoro was so frustrated that no one paid attention to him

“What on earth is that hallucination?”

After Officer Megure asked, Qian Jingfuyu raised his hand and said calmly:

“I think it might be the psychological impact of turning on the light.”

“Because Miss Yuko had preconceived that Miss Yoko had hanged herself, everyone in the dark would first imagine a very cruel scene in their minds.”

“When the light is on, you will overreact and scream”

“I see.”

Officer Megure nodded, thinking it made sense.

“As expected of Fuyuki-kun, he hits the nail on the head”

“That’s not right! If it’s that simple, why did I see it too?”

Conan suddenly shouted

“But the scene I saw was Qian Jing and the landlord brother committing a crime!”

Hiki Eri and Xiaolan immediately frowned.

This kid…

Conan was still unaware and kept talking about what he had discovered.

“I shook my head and felt something was wrong. I woke up immediately and saw the deceased gentleman rushing out.”

“”Hey, Maori Oji-san, what about you?”

They already had a lot of people, so they couldn’t let Qian Jingfuyu speak to boost their momentum.

Conan cleverly pulled his teammates.

Maori Kogoro snorted in dissatisfaction.

“It was him I saw too!”

“If I was the only one who had the illusion, I could still say that I was drunk, but if so many people had the illusion together, there must be something fishy going on!”

Inspector Megure hissed, and then looked at Ikezawa Yuko and Yamagishi Eiji.

“What about the other two?”

Yamagishi Rong looked confused.

“I saw many people appearing at the crime scene, but it turned out like this in the blink of an eye.”

As an agent of an entertainment company, he had too many things to be dissatisfied and angry about.

The unreasonable fanatic fans of the stars, the pressure and difficulties from the company’s upper management, and the stars themselves who were difficult to serve and disliked for not giving them resources.

But anyone with an IQ online would know that it was impossible for those people to appear in Yoko Okino’s apartment and commit murder!

So he was the second one besides Conan to quickly wake up, and he was very anxious about the current situation. If it got out of hand, it would have a bad impact on the two female stars.

Ikezawa Yuko, she finally came back to her senses from the intense emotions

“Well…what I saw was that something happened to Yoko Okino, so what?”

“It’s not the first time that she and I have been at odds.

She was a little absent-minded when she spoke, and secretly glanced at Qian Jingdongshu several times.

【Ikezawa Yuko is grateful and begins to love you crazily! +3000 emotion value! 】

It seems that the system is more generous with emotion value after the upgrade.

Qian Jingfuyu didn’t curl his lips casually, even though he wanted to laugh.

Because there was Conan staring at him.

He had to maintain his peak acting skills and lead people into the ditch, but he couldn’t turn over in advance.

Qian Jingfuyu covered his chest weakly.

“It’s my fault. If I knew that shaking my hand could kill someone, I would rather stand up and block it instead of fighting back.”

“You are still pretending!”

Maori Kogoro sneered and was about to say something.

Ikezawa Yuko, Okino Yoko, Kisaki Eri and Xiaolan all quit.

“Kogoro Mori, shut your stinky mouth!”

“That’s enough, Dad!”

“Detective Maori! This is Yoko Okino

“Who do you think you are? Why do you have to mind your own business?!”

Ikezawa Yuko glared at him fiercely.

She turned around and started to scold Officer Megure.

“I say to you policemen, solving cases is your job, but you can’t wrongly accuse good people!”

“Without Fuyuki-kun, I would have died just now!”

“At the most dangerous moment, I saw with my own eyes his tall figure standing firmly in front of me!”

“Without any hesitation or wavering!”

“What about the one who died? A sasaeng fan, a stalker! His death was in vain, okay? Even if he didn’t die, I would have sued him for attempted murder!!”

Inspector Megure raised his hand in shame.

“Arnold…Yuko-san, calm down a little.”

It would have been fine if she hadn’t said it, but once she did, Ikezawa Yuko got even angrier.

She stood in front of Qian Jingfuyuki with a righteous attitude.

“I just can’t stand your incompetent police force, who are suspecting a good man over and over again!”

“As long as I am here today, no one can accuse Dongshu-kun of anything!”

“Anyway, my confession is here, the dead man slipped by himself! I saw it with my own eyes!!”

Zen Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Conan with interest.

The most important person gave false testimony on the spot, how would the great detective respond?

Okino Yoko also wanted to say something.

Conan’s glasses flashed and said:”Then Miss Ikezawa Yuko, why did you happen to appear at Miss Yoko’s door?”

“Since you walked in, what have you been nervous about?”


Everyone looked at her.

Ikezawa Yuko froze.

Okino Yoko hesitated.

“Yuko, come to think of it, have you been paying too much attention to me lately?”

“It seems that since the failure of the new drama casting,……”

Qian Jingdongshu coughed, immediately attracting everyone’s attention

“The privacy of Beika Street Golden Land Apartment is second to none in Kyoto”

“The stalker knew where Ms. Yoko lived because of Ms. Yuko.”

Ikezawa Yuko’s pupils shrank.

So he knew everything… He had always been giving her face.

How could she watch such a kind man who almost took the blame for her and was pointed at by thousands of people, being wrongly accused?!

“Yes, I was jealous of Yoko Okino, so I deliberately sent her harassing letters in the tone of a disappointed fan and a pervert.”

“But I didn’t expect that there was really a stalker working at the Jiaohong Chamber of Commerce Express Station, peeking at the letters I sent to Okino Yoko!”

The police arrived with the documents.

“Officer Megure, find out the motive of Fujie Akiyoshi’s passion murder”

“Because of the death of her relatives, she was reported for layoffs for reading client letters, and she was angry and vented a lot of dissatisfaction in her diary, including a detailed and thorough suicide plan.”

Ikezawa Yuko immediately raised her head proudly and looked at Qian Jingfuyu with pity.

“Mr. Fuyuki, now the truth is out. That guy deserved to die. You don’t need to feel guilty about him.”

Zenijui Fuyuki, he almost laughed to death in his heart. Ikezawa

Yuko, what a great teammate.

Seeing Conan being defeated by the ruthless man’s self-explosion, Qianijui Fuyuki narrowed his eyes in pleasure.

It’s time to wrap up.

“Anyway, the dead are gone. I will acquire the Jiaohong Chamber of Commerce and bring warmth to other poor people in need.”

Who can’t say nice words?

Charity? Only fools do that.

The acquisition of the Jiaohong Chamber of Commerce is the first step for the real estate to step out of the rice flower street, and it is a strategic investment.

This wave, it’s like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword to aim at Pei Gong, making more money.

The next step is to pursue the victory.

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at Conan, who was stubborn and stubborn.

He frowned sadly and looked at Okino Yoko, which made her heart tremble.

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