“Damn it, I lost two generals in a row, where did this Qian Jing Dongshu come from! ?” In the core cadre meeting of the Black Organization held in the middle of the night, Rum couldn’t help but spit foul language. Just one night! His vault and pharmacy were all blown up! The losses are incalculable. How cruel is this!! If he hadn’t been brainwashed, he would never have been in Mihua, a place with strange and weird painting styles and always strange deaths. His last belongings were all blown up!

“Vermouth, Qian Jing Dongshu’s information.”

Gin said coldly.

He found that he underestimated Qian Jing Dongshu.

He had seen Qian Jing Dongshu last time beside the roller coaster in Tropical Paradise.

However, there was an overly sharp and annoying high school detective standing in front of him, and he didn’t take this person seriously.

He thought he was just a second-generation ancestor who collected rent everywhere and was idle.

He was a little clever, and he couldn’t hinder him.

But now, this person has brought a threat to the organization, so he can’t take it lightly.

It is said that the alarm of the Ni Canhui headquarters sounded for most of the night, and the ghost boy who had been stubbornly against the organization was scared to death.

Qian Jing Dongshu only came to visit in the middle of the night, and the Ni Canhui was scared like a frightened bird.

Three thousand people were mobilized overnight to guard the headquarters three layers inside and three layers outside like an iron barrel, and no one knew what they talked about.

Put yourself in their shoes, if this kind of person appeared strangely at the head of their boss’s bed in the middle of the night.

The Black Organization’s movements are no less than theirs.

“Ah, Gin, aren’t you never interested in other people’s missions?”

Vermouth laughed happily.

The female cadre of the Nimmon Society, Busujima Kiriko, was at odds with her.

Of course, she was happy to see her rivals in trouble.

But… the noise that guy made this time was really a bit big.

Vermouth couldn’t help but worry about him.

She glanced at Gin.

“If you want to know my secret information, you have to give me your secret in exchange.”

“You woman……”

Gin’s eyes turned cold, and Vermouth had a gun on his head.

Vermouth was fearless, calm and looked at him provocatively.

“That’s enough.”

An electronic voice that couldn’t tell whether it was male or female, old or young rang out.

“Vermouth, it seems that I have spoiled you too much”


Everyone immediately sat up straight, even Rum, who was full of complaints, was quiet.

The old man, who was terminally ill, was up to something again.

Vermouth didn’t care that this was her grandfather at all, and sneered in her heart.

“You’re not going to accomplish anything now.”

“In that case, Gin, this mission is up to you. Make sure to bring Elena back alive.”

“Remember, the temporary successor, Shirley, must be kept under strict supervision and not allowed to have any contact with the outside world of the organization.”

Gin responded solemnly.

Then he asked,”What about Qian Jingdongshu ?……”

“Nothing is more important than the organization’s great purpose”

“Gin, you have to understand this!”

Boss Karasuma Renya’s tone immediately became stern.


Gin shuddered.

“Subordinates overstep their authority”

“Okay,” Karasuma Renya’s voice sounded a little tired,”all gone”

“The affairs of Beihua Street will be handed over to Vermouth. Don’t bother me if you have nothing to do.”

The meeting ended.

Everyone here had their own agenda, so there was nothing to say.

Gin snorted at Vermouth and walked away.

Vermouth walked at the end with a smile that others could not see through.

Until, a blond and dark figure appeared.

“Vermouth, I know your secret.”

“Ah, Bourbon, has anyone ever said that the more you know, the faster you die?”

Vermouth’s eyes were instantly dangerous.

This intelligence officer who was as mystical as she was was really annoying.

Bourbon smiled cunningly.

“Exchange information, tell me what’s new in the meeting”

“How about I keep what I know a secret in return?”

“A Secret Makes A Woman Woman.”

Vermouth’s smile is as mysterious as a siren, cold and

“No Comments”

“Also, you’re not a NOC (spy), are you?”

Bourbon’s pupils shrank slightly, and he stepped back helplessly and shrugged.

“You really know how to turn the tables. It’s my bad luck, so I’ll give you a favor for free.”

Before Vermouth could say no, Bourbon looked at her mischievously.

“The way you look at people is not innocent.”

A woman who falls in love is really unaware.

But it’s convenient for him. Maybe he can take this opportunity to become a breakthrough into the core of the organization.

Bourbon narrowed his eyes.

And, Qian Jingfuyuki… the person that Vermouth recently mobilized his connections to inquire about.

A young man who mysteriously appeared in Beihua Street and owns all the property rights.

For some reason, the superiors suddenly paid attention to it.

I hope nothing serious will happen..

There are still 12 hours before the mechanical girl incarnation takes effect.

Qian Jingdongshu must not waste it and must make full use of it.

He does not have a clear understanding of his own strength yet.

It is rare to have Alita and the mechanical Okino Yoko to practice with, so of course he has to have a good fight.

Okino Yoko was afraid of hurting her master, so she took off her mecha armor and turned into a slimming form.

She has a hot body and still retains the taboo feeling of a holy mechanical angel outside the human world.

Qian Jingdongshu still feels unsatisfied.

“Change into your old clothes.”

White clothes don’t last long, and they turn grey when the skin peels off.

Chongno Yoko immediately changed.

As expected, Qian Jingdongshu immediately became more eager to fight.

The pinker she wore, the harder she fought. She fought until the engine oil ran out and the lights flashed. If Alita hadn’t taken over, she would have been forced to unlock the mechanical state in advance and die here.

Alita is a professional killer.

After the fight, she gave a pertinent comment

“The master is good in everything else, but his tricks are a bit lacking”

“If your unlimited stamina is coupled with a high frequency of killing moves, I will no longer be your opponent.”

It was much more refreshing to fight two rounds.

Qian Jingfuyu finally had a new understanding of the actual combat with high-intensity opponents.

He asked Alita and Okino Yoko to rest on the spot, and he was about to call Ikezawa Yuko.

An unexpected call came

“Landlord, didn’t you say last time that you were interested in the interaction in my yoga studio?”

Vermouth was wearing red velvet pajamas, looking at the pictures of Qian Jing Dongshu on the wall, and took a sip of red wine.

Her beautiful eyes were like silk, and her tone was as soft as feathers.

“Meet me tomorrow~”

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