Matsushita Hitomi?


Qian Jingdongshu was confused.

It was not until the system popped up a photo of a woman that he suddenly realized what was going on.

“Isn’t this the extremely flexible gymnast from the first episode?”

“It turns out that the science fiction plot hasn’t started yet?”

“But it’s almost time, only half an hour left……”

Hashibean sacks!!

Half an hour!!

Qian Jingfuyu’s eyes widened, and he ran downstairs and took a taxi to the tropical park.

Damn, those who owe rent must not wait to commit crimes and go to jail!

His rent!!

A famous roller coaster scene, and by the way, you can also sign in with the model worker of the winery, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan, Inspector Megure, and the three idiots of Teitan!

At least four treasure chest rewards!!

Hold on, that scumbag!!.

Tropical Paradise

“Xiaolan, let me tell you, Sherlock Holmes is very good at observing people from details, for example……”

Kudo Shinichi is explaining the crazy Sherlock Holmes mystery, the big Death, to Xiaolan with saliva flying.

Xiaolan looks disgusted.

Here he comes again, Kudo Shinichi, who is like a chatterbox every time he encounters Sherlock Holmes and reasoning.

God knows she just won the karate competition and just wants to relax in the amusement park!

People tease them that they are childhood sweethearts, but who wants to be abused and be with this reasoning madman?

That’s blind!

Because she was adopted since she was a child, Xiaolan has a little sense of intimacy in matters between men and women.

She knows that after she was separated from her family when she was a child, it was her adoptive father Maori Kogoro, who was a policeman at the time, who adopted her.

The elders didn’t say it, but as an adopted daughter with ominous parents, she and Kudo Shinichi would never be possible, and she had long regarded him as a neighbor’s brother.

Besides, although Maori Kogoro is her benefactor, there is one bad thing.

Aunt Fei obviously doesn’t like him, why does she always use all kinds of clumsy ways to attract her attention?

Adopting her also tried to arouse Aunt Fei’s maternal love, but unfortunately it had little effect.

On the contrary, because of her adoptive father’s various manipulations, her relationship with Aunt Fei became even better in private. They were not mother and daughter, but better than mother and daughter.

“Hey, Xiaolan, did you hear me talking to you? If you still don’t believe me, we can just find someone to try it out!”

Kudo Shinichi was not happy with Xiaolan’s distraction, so he turned around and wanted to find someone to shake hands with.

At this time, a young woman wearing blue and purple clothes, with a delicate and gentle appearance and a hairband, but with a perfect figure, passed by.

He reached out without hesitation.

Who knew, the next second

“Is that Ms. Matsushita Hitomi? You are behind on rent, come with me!”

A faint voice sounded right behind him.

Kudo Shinichi was startled.

“Wow, when did a ghost appear?”

“Ghost? Have you ever seen me as handsome as this? You ignorant brat.”

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed and rolled his eyes at Conan.

When he saw Xiaolan, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

Compared with the fixed image of the more and more unicorn-faced anime in the later period, the three-dimensional real person is so gentle and bright, like a warm sun radiating heat.

Oval face, eyebrows and eyes are curved like the bright moon.

The light blue martial arts uniform outlines the beautiful and exquisite figure, and every frown and smile is touching.

From the front to the back, it looks heavy, elastic and full of fullness.

No wonder Bayonetta calls her an angel

“Hello, Xiaolan, I am the landlord of Mihua Street, Qian Jingdongshu”

“Your rent is about to expire, remember to ask Mr. Maori to pay it on time.”

When Xiaolan heard that Qian Jingdongshu was the landlord of Mihua Street at such a young age, she covered her mouth in surprise.

“It’s incredible. Qian Jingjun doesn’t look much older than me, but he owns a whole street of real estate.”

“No, I just have a small fortune and am good at investing.” Qian Jing Dongshu said modestly.

At least compared to your arrogant girlfriend, I am still just a small player now.

But it doesn’t matter, when the plot starts, as long as I work hard to make money, I will be able to surpass the Suzuki family.

“Hey, Xiaolan, don’t talk to strangers casually. Who knows if this guy has bad intentions towards you?”

Kudo Shinichi frowned and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with hostility.

He was jealous and very angry.

It has been a long time since they first met when they were children. Xiaolan has never smiled so brightly at him again.


Being ignored, Matsushita Hitomi nervously called out to Qian Jingfuyuki

“Landlord, I am having trouble paying the rent right now. Can we discuss this?……”

Qian Jing Dongshu never liked people bargaining with him.

No matter how good your reasons are, you still have reason to owe rent?

Just as he pouted and was about to interrupt her, the system, which had been silent for a short time, started to ring again!

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