“Sister Mazi!”

Xiao Wen Nai rushed over in surprise.

Miyoshi Mazi picked her up and coaxed her.

Then she looked at Xiaolan and Qian Jingfuyu gratefully.

“Are you two the ones who just sent me a message?”

“My name is Sanhao Mazi, and I am the second disciple of this child’s father, Jiujiu Yuankang.”

Sanhao Mazi’s eyes seemed to fall on Xiaolan. But her actual attention was on Qian Jing Dongshu.

He was so cute, like a fairy boy in a New Year picture.

She was so maternal that she couldn’t help but look at him several times.

Qian Jing Dongshu noticed her attention and proudly showed his mobile phone.

“This is the message I sent to you, my beautiful sister. My name is Qian Jingshu”

“Oh, your last name is Qian Jing too?”

Sanhao Mazi covered his mouth in shock.

“Then you and that Qian Jing Dongshu……”

Xiaolan looked at Xiaowen nervously, fearing that the little girl would reveal the truth directly.

She hurriedly pretended to be surprised and changed the subject abruptly.

“Ninety-nine Yuankang?! Isn’t that the magician who died of poisoning in the previous incident?”

“I didn’t expect that Mazi-san and Xiaowen had such a history.”

“What? Oh Dao-san is dead?!”

Xiao Wen was stunned. She was kept in the dark by the adults’ kindness. She thought her father was going abroad for a routine performance.

“Wuwu… Sister Mazi, is what this elder sister said true?”

273 looked at the little Loli with tears in her eyes, and was about to flood Jinshan without saying a word.

Sanhao Mazi panicked.

“Wait, Fumino, let me explain to you.……”

She was not afraid of anything, even if the ninety-nine Yuankang ghosts came to find her, she was not afraid.

The only thing she was afraid of was that the little girl would cry uncontrollably.

The devil’s voice filled her ears, and anyone who heard it would have a headache.

At this moment, Qian Jing Dongshu suddenly tapped Xiao Wen’s sleeping point.

In the surprised eyes of Xiaolan and Miyoshi Mako, Xiao Wen’s little head tilted and she fell asleep.

“What a magical method!”

“It’s just like the ancient acupoint pressing method that often appears in Eastern movies and TV dramas!”

“Xiaoshu, are you a martial arts master?”

Sanhao Mazi is the most promising beauty magician of the time. She is naturally interested in mysterious things.

When she saw Qian Jingdongshu’s tricks, her beautiful eyes immediately lit up with novelty and she wanted to find out the truth.

“Beautiful sister, do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you.”

“But if we are bartering, you have to give me something in exchange.”

Qian Jingdongshu looked at her body with ill intentions.

Sanhao Mazi didn’t think too much, just thought it was funny.

“Are children nowadays so smart?”(ajef)”I really have no choice but to teach you a magic trick.”

She patted Xiaolan’s shoulder and winked mysteriously.

“Let’s start with this plump lady.~”


Xiaolan was stunned.

Then, her bottom and the bottom of her skirt suddenly bulged wildly!

“Ah~! This is!!”

A group of white pigeons fluttered their wings and rushed out from under her skirt and collar!

Swish –

Xiaolan had been wearing a conservative long skirt that reached her ankles at home for a long time.

Suddenly, the skirt was lifted up, and Qian Jingdongshu saw the whiteness that flashed by inadvertently.

His eyes immediately lit up!!

“Xiaolan, you seem to have grown bigger again~”

His persistent massage was effective!

“mo~ Dong, Shujun!!”

Xiaolan blushed, and she pressed her skirt down in shame and anger, straightened her collar and glared at him.

While doing all this, she looked around in panic, afraid that someone would pass by.

“Don’t worry, I have hacked the surveillance cameras at the surrounding intersections. Everyone is focusing on the school celebration, so no one will come.”

Qian Jing Dongshu comforted her

“Also, even if she is a beautiful magician, Miss Ma Zi is a bit too much!”

He narrowed his red eyes and looked at Sanhao Ma Zi’s big bear with evil eyes.

“Eh? You don’t like this magic trick?”

“Then I will turn into another flower to make amends to this Lan Sang.”

Sanhao Mazi was about to perform another magic trick to make amends. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Qian Jing Dongshu, however, was like a wolf pulling up an onion in dry land. The young wolf pounced on her and climbed onto her arms!

“Big sister, do you have pigeons here too? They are plump, let me see.~”


Sanhao Mazi exclaimed, but couldn’t resist Qian Jingdongshu’s evil little hand! []


The collar was pulled!

Like a hat trick, white doves fluttered out from her arms and skirt!

“How is this possible!?”

How can a tiny little boy copy her magic exactly!?

Miyoshi Mako was stunned

“Reciprocity is the way of courtesy. This is your return gift for disrespecting Sister Xiaolan.~”

“As for my big gift to Sister Ma Zi……”

Qian Jing Dongshu grinned evilly, and his little hand suddenly slid under her skirt!

“Thump thump thump!”

“I’m going to take out the most precious thing that Mazi-sister has as a young girl~”

A crystal clear ruby with umbrella-shaped cracks on its surface suddenly appeared in front of Sanhao Mazi!

Sanhao Mazi’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking!

Her voice trembled as she spoke.

“b, boy, what did you take? ? ?

Qian Jingdongshu smiled innocently.

“It’s just what you think, Mazi-sister~”

Miyoshi Mazi:!!!

Although she is still an inexperienced virgin.

But the shape of the crack on this ruby!!

She also learned it in biology class in middle school!!

Isn’t it the most precious guard gate of a pure girl!!

“I, my thing was taken away by him and turned into a ruby?”

But why didn’t she feel anything?

Or is this child gifted as a magician?!

The panicked heart suddenly formed a huge contrast with the appearance of the imperial girl.

Miyoshi Mazi was so scared that she wanted to cry but had no tears. She regretted making fun of Xiaolan.

“Boy, I was wrong. I can teach you any magic you want to learn.”

“”It’s just… can you, can you give back what belongs to my elder sister?”

She squatted down humbly, clasped her hands together and begged.

Xiaolan was stunned by this sudden change.

Could it be that the combination of Dongshu’s medical skills and magic really has such unpredictable abilities?

But when she wanted to ask, Qian Jing Dongshu turned his head and winked mischievously.

It was obvious that he was in a playful mood and didn’t want her to expose him.

“This Dongshu-kun!”

Xiaolan didn’t know what to say to him.

Miss Mazi was fooled!

However, such a beautiful magician is even more innocent than her.……

“It’s easy to change back, but it’s hard to change back.”

Qian Jingdongshu put his hands behind his back and shook his head and sighed.

“Then, how can I get back to the way it was before?”

Sanhao Mazi stared at him, demanding a result.

“All my magic props are gone. How about this, Sister Mazi, you come home with us?”

“Xiao Wennai can be left to our family to take care of. And you~”

Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes flashed with temptation like a devil.

“As long as you satisfy me, I will return the ruby that represents chastity to you.~”

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