Where’s the blood? Where’s the blood stain after chopping a person?

Is there a blood drain?

No, even if you want to use special means to clean it, there must be blood stains that have not completely dried up in the corners!

However, the armor in front of him is as smooth as new no matter how you look at it!

This is unscientific!!

Conan’s confident expression froze there.

His cheerful smile gradually disappeared.

The policeman with the evidence gasped at this time:”……It’s just too new, it looks like it has never been worn.”

“I don’t know how it was maintained. It’s obviously an old item, but it looks like it was just made.

Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t help laughing.

This is the first big gift, the evidence of innocence forever.

He walked over

“Didn’t you expect that, Conan? You doubted my armor, but you were wrong.”

“This one?”

Conan looked at him fiercely, his eyes fixed

“Brother Fuyuki, do you really not have a second set of armor?!”

“What a joke! This kind of rare treasure is rarely seen in the world!”

“”It’s already amazing that Qian Jing-kun has a set of armor!”

Director Ochiai said loudly, unable to bear it any longer.

He carefully put on his gloves, pushed Conan aside, and put his armor back on.

Conan’s cheeks were puffed up, but he still didn’t give up.

Qian Jing Fuyuki said,”You still want to find blood? Indeed, if you wear armor and lift such a heavy sword to chop, the splattered blood is not so easy to deal with.”

“For example, the angle and shape of the splash, the degree of blood soaking into clothes, even if it sticks to easily overlooked places such as hair, Band-Aids, socks, etc., if any link is not handled properly, it will become fatal evidence.……”

He has watched a thousand episodes of Conan, so it would be strange if he didn’t know all this.

Everyone around him looked at him in shock.

Gradually, everyone swallowed hard, their faces turned from white to blue, and then to extreme fear!

Even the media reporters who had just tried to dig up dirt on Qian Jingfuyuki couldn’t help but huddle together and tremble at this moment!

Professional police officers like Inspector Megure couldn’t help but show horror in their eyes.

“”Fuyuki-kun! How do you know so much detail!?”

This was said so vividly, as if he had really seen it with his own eyes at countless crime scenes.

Coupled with Qian Jingfuyuki’s beaming expression.

Hiss! He is just like a potential killer!!

Could it be…

No! How could a righteous and enthusiastic young man like Fuyuki-kun be such a vicious criminal!

Officer Megure thought so, but his hands trembled involuntarily, and he hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat.

He didn’t dare to meet the young man’s red eyes for a while.

It must be him!!

Conan stared at Fuyuki’s expression, trembling in his heart!

Even if he was born brave, he would not be so calm after seeing two dead people!

There must be something wrong with Qian Jingfuyuki!!

But whoosh! Where is the breakthrough!

He wanted to continue to touch the armor.

Officer Megure was not used to it.

He blocked it and said seriously:”Conan-kun, this is evidence, you can’t touch it!”

Turning back, he coughed and said to Qian Jingfuyuki:

“Don’t worry, Dongshu-kun, this precious armor will be returned to us once our police have finished testing the luminol reaction!”

“Okay, I’m willing to cooperate as long as it can help the police solve the case.”

Zenijijidfuyuki said righteously.

Officer Megure exhaled lightly. As expected, it was just that Zenijijidfuyuki happened to be well-informed.

He is still a positive and good citizen.

Conan couldn’t help but widen his eyes when he heard his words.

This guy, is he really so sure that there will be no problem with the armor?

Is his reasoning wrong? The murder weapon is not this set of armor!

Seeing Conan’s suspicious face, Zenijijidfuyuki finally couldn’t help but chuckle and burst into laughter

“No way, Conan-kun, you really think I’m the murderer and that I’m lying for Director Ochiai!

Director Ochiai sighed and stood up at this time.

“At this point, I don’t want to implicate innocent people.”

“I’ve lived enough at my age, and it’s quite refreshing to go to jail, haha.”

He was speaking the truth out of self-abandonment.

“Qian Jingjun, I know you are willing to help me out of appreciation for artists.”

“But I don’t want to keep pretending, so I’ll just reveal my cards to everyone.”


Everyone was confused and didn’t understand the situation.

Xiaolan was even more shocked.

Was the old director really the one who killed him?

Did Fuyuki lie?

No, who is telling the truth?

Director Ochiai ignored everyone’s shocked and surprised eyes and continued in a deep voice:

“After Mr. Manaka’s death, it is better to have someone like Qian Jing who understands art take over than a capitalist who is greedy and only cares about profit. The art museum will be entrusted to you next.”

Inspector Megure frowned. Is this… is it really that Fuyuki-kun gave false testimony? That would be difficult to deal with.

Even though he was already in a delicate situation, Qian Jing Fuyuki looked around and shrugged at everyone.

“Director Ochiai, please don’t be angry and say something sarcastic. Conan is a natural detective. I’m just kidding you.”

“That’s right! Conan-kun was also like this to Fuyuki-kun last time.”

Inspector Megure had no idea what to say to Conan.

Children can say anything, but it’s annoying if they mess up in such a serious occasion.

“Conan, please keep quiet!”

Conan was gagged and held his breath.

How could he be so good! He was defeated again!!

But why did the curator’s words sound familiar?

Just like Qian Jingdongshu, retreating to advance? Gaining sympathy? But whoosh! He becomes the villain again!

Look at Conan’s emotional value soaring like high blood pressure.

Qian Jingdongshu almost burst out laughing.

“It’s really a one-trick pony. This trick is definitely effective against Conan. It seems that I can use it more often in the future.”

The more Conan thought about it, the more he felt that the curator’s attitude was unusually cold when he mentioned Zhenzhong, which was a big problem. He suddenly felt a chill on his back!

He glanced at it, my goodness, Qian Jingdongshu was actually looking at him and laughing!

In an instant! A ray of light passed through his brain!

All the weird things about Qian Jingdongshu, which always made him doubt himself, were solved!

This arrogant and hateful guy, it turned out that he had been misleading and making fun of him on purpose!!


The previous reasoning was instantly smashed to pieces like a collapsed tower.

Insufficient evidence, the old curator could not convict even if he had a motive.

Even the words just now, what if, maybe, the person really didn’t show weakness on purpose, but was forced by this kid?!

Conan’s string called reason was broken with a bang!

This Qian Jingdongshu, how could he be so bad!

Which one is true and which one is false? Doesn’t he know that deliberately giving wrong information during reasoning will kill people!

The most annoying thing is that his acting is too…

Okay , I really can’t tell me! The big circle has burned his brain, but it is still not caught! Crowded with Conan ‘s eyes red , and he could n’t afford it.

“Can’t you bear it? It’s not over yet.

Qian Jingdongshu’s mouth curled slightly.

Here it comes, the second gift is here.

【The target of use has been determined, Conan, activate the”Tongue Against One’s Will”, effective immediately!】

【The person being used will be cursed by Loki, the god of lies and jokes, and will be forced to say ten things that are not what he really means! 】

Conan was completely unaware and said,”Stinky old man, tell me that you are the murderer of Mr. Manaka!”


Director Ochiai was shocked and looked at Conan fiercely.

“Conan, what are you talking about? Didn’t Qian Jing just explain it clearly?”

“You can’t frame a good person!”

Qian Jingjun tried so hard to help him remove the suspicion, he had already stained the other person’s armor, how could Qian Jingjun’s work be in vain!

The old curator’s mentality changed, no matter what the kid said, he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it!

“Conan-kun? How can you be so rude to Director Ochiai?”Xiaolan also accused him unhappily.

The others frowned and looked at him unhappily.

Conan’s eyes widened in horror.

He, he didn’t want to say this at all!

He obviously wanted to soften himself first and wait for the old director to relax his vigilance before deceiving him! Instead of letting him be fully alert when he came up!

Qian Jingfuyu chuckled and turned his face away to laugh.

Conan saw him smile and immediately got angry again

“Dongshu brother painting skills���Super! Tianfa’s painting is even better than the master’s. He is the most talented person I have ever seen!”

{Landlord, you are really amazing, your acting is first-rate, you fooled everyone into applauding! }!!!

Conan covered his mouth in shock.

He was originally going to be sarcastic to Qian Jing Dongshu, but how come it turned into a rainbow fart!

He tried to shout again

{Baga Qian Jing Dong Shu?}

“”Brother Fuyuki, I love you so much!”

Hey, what’s going on?

Is this a ghost?

Conan was stunned.

Qian Jingfuyuki was so embarrassed that his face turned red.

“Haha, cough! Conan, you should call me landlord brother again, it’s too corny, but I still thank you for the compliment.”


What’s going on? Why did he suddenly start to talk nonsense?

Conan stared blankly, panicked.

{You must be kidding, why can’t I tell the truth all of a sudden!}

“Hi~ Landlord brother, you are so nice!”

Conan: ???????

Xiaolan didn’t know the truth, but still smiled and nodded with satisfaction

“Conan finally understood, so let’s make peace with Fuyuki!”

Me and him!?

Xiaolan, you don’t know at all, this guy is not a good guy!!

Conan tightly shut his mouth, looked at Xiaolan in grief and anger, trying to use his eyes to make her understand what he was thinking

“Yes, Xiaolan, you are right! Conan-kun, since you are still a child, I will not argue with you.”

Zen Jing Dongshu said seriously.

Seeing Conan’s eyes spitting fire, he did not dare to open his mouth to refute. His shoulders were shaking violently and he was laughing inside. He had already said four of the ten untrue words. Let’s see how Conan can perform and let his emotional value be refreshed.

“Hey, Conan! You little brat, you say one thing to one person and another to another. You are so young and you change your mind at the same time, right?”

Mouri Kogoro squinted his eyes and lifted him up with contempt.

This kid, didn’t they say they were from the same country? Which side are you on?

Uncle Mouri… This is not his intention at all!

Conan had no words to say.

Inspector Megure saw that Conan had finally calmed down and acted like a child, and nodded with satisfaction.

“Conan, it’s good that you know you’re wrong”

“Now that the adults are solving the case, a child like you should get out first and stop affecting us for boring detective games.”

Conan’s heart skipped a beat when he heard this!

He knew that if Inspector Megure didn’t take him seriously this time, he would be branded as a child and no one would take him seriously anymore.

He immediately became anxious.

He had to ask Inspector Megure to let him stay here! He had to clear his name!

“Useless, useless policeman, you don’t know how to be grateful for my help in solving the case, and you chased me away? Who do you think would want to stay? Humph!”

Inspector Megure’s face changed.

This kid, he just praised me a few words and then he didn’t know what was good for him.

This good-tempered policeman roared angrily again!

“”Mori-kun!! Hurry up and take Conan away! Do you want to interfere with public affairs?”

Conan, Conan was completely shocked.

What happened to this world? Why did he always encounter such weird situations, just like the last time he stepped on the soap for no reason!

“Hey, hey! Don’t be angry, Inspector. I’ll take him away right now!”

“Edogawa Conan!!”

Mouri Kogoro pulled him with a dark face.

Conan was making a fuss, {I won’t go! Uncle Mouri, don’t pull me!}, and said:”Oh Dao-san, I want a hug!”!???

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Inspector Megure was so scared that he fell back and stuttered when he spoke.

“Mao, Mao Li, when Conan said he was a relative of yours, could it be that he was referring to……”

Conan, who looks like a first-grade elementary school student, is Mori’s illegitimate son! ? ?

No wonder lawyer Hime was so angry that she fell in love with Fuyuki and kicked him out!


Maori Kogoro was stunned and shocked, his mouth opened wide.

Looking down at Conan who was also dumbfounded, he suddenly let go as if he had touched a hot potato!

“Inspector Megure! You misunderstood! I, I am not! No, Conan and I are not in the relationship you think!”

“God knows where this kid came from! I didn’t even know him before yesterday!!”

Conan woke up from his dream and nodded frantically.

{That’s right, Uncle Maori is Ranei’s father, not my father! I was Kudo Shinichi before, and I just became smaller!}

“Oh, I forgot that Dao-san said that you can’t expose it casually.”

After saying this, Maori was stunned.

Conan was in a mess, wanting to cry but without tears, and slapped his mouth.

What the hell am I talking about!

Kudo Shinichi, did someone force you to drink drugs and damage your brain, and now the sequelae appear?

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