“You wet your pants and ran to take a shower and change clothes, which happened to be the period when Kaito Kid showed up and made a scene, and Mori-san had not yet found the body.”

“Except for yourself, who can prove where you are and what you are doing?”

As Qian Jingfuyuki pressed on, Kubota trembled all over again!

His back felt cold.

In fact, when he was doing something in a place that the surveillance camera couldn’t capture, he passed by the basement and witnessed the murder scene of Zhenzhong for the first time!

But he was too scared at the time and was scared away!

Afterwards, greed got the better of him, and he ran back to hide in the blind spot of the surveillance while peeing his pants, and robbed the gold ring and mobile phone from the corpse in the dark. These are indisputable facts!

He thought that no one would think much about burning his pants after his ugly appearance!

Who would care about a clown who made a fool of himself? The result was that he really had no alibi!

And as luck would have it, he was a habitual thief, and his technique was too sensitive. The surveillance didn’t even capture his appearance, which made him even more suspicious.

Qian Jingfuyuki… This guy would have said nothing if he didn’t say it, but once he said it, he really���It’s so annoying!

Is he the nemesis sent by God to punish him?

“”Inspector Megure! We found it!”

The police came back excitedly with the key evidence.

They held up the evidence bag.

“Mr. Manaka’s lost gold ring and cell phone were found at Mr. Kubota’s toilet outlet.”

“There was also a little blood stain on his pants!”

“In addition, we have an unexpected discovery!”

Everyone looked at the other evidence bag

“Telephone line? Self-assembled signal shielding device?”

Inspector Megure frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

“Kubota, why don’t you tell the truth!”

Kubota was really going to collapse this time.

He felt like he was covered in mud and couldn’t explain himself!


He knelt on the ground and fell into madness.

“I am not, I really am not the murderer, it was not me who killed someone!”

“I just want to smuggle that precious set of armor and Qian Jingjun’s paintings!”

“I don’t have the courage or the ability to kill anyone, Officer-san, please believe me!”

Even though Maori Kogoro disliked Qian Jingfuyuki in every way, he couldn’t bear Kubota’s excuses anymore.

He asked disdainfully:”If you didn’t kill anyone, why did you steal and cut the telephone wires?”

“The evidence is irrefutable. I think you are just guilty and afraid that someone will find out about your crime and notify the police, which will affect your escape!”

Kubota was speechless.

Because that’s what he thought. After all, armor and paintings are valuable collections in people’s eyes. At least he has to leave the city!

Qian Jingfuyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Director Ochiai.

Look, some people are greedy and don’t need to frame others. They just go their own way.

“As expected of Qian Jing-kun, he has a perfect grasp of people’s hearts.”

Director Ochiai remembered what Fuyuki had reminded him not to do anything fancy when killing someone, and immediately pushed the ballpoint pen he was going to use deeper into his pocket in shame.

The criminals were all kneeling, and at this moment, the truth of the case was almost out.

Motive, evidence, alibi, all the elements of the crime were complete!

He wet his pants and deliberately took the deceased’s things, cut the telephone line to block the signal, and stole and sold artworks. With all these elements, the suspicion of murder was clearly marked in red, almost a foregone conclusion!! What’s even more speechless is that Qian Jing Fuyuki actually discovered it earlier than anyone else.

Oh, it was just a joke, and he did n’t say it until now! Conan was shocked and his eyes were dead.

Sure enough, from the beginning, this guy deliberately disliked him and was teasing him on purpose, right? Is it necessary to be so petty, just because he targeted him last time?

Seeing the murderer being handcuffed and arrested by the police with a desperate face, the media reporters immediately rushed to raise their cameras, and the flash lights illuminated the whole area!

Excited and writing furiously

“Qian Jing Dongshu is such a smart and thoughtful person, not inferior to the top detectives at all!”

“It turns out that he is the new savior of the Neon Police!!”


Officer Megure was also moved and embarrassed

“Mr. Fuyuki, this is the second time that the police solved a case quickly because of you!”

Although the last one was manslaughter, if it weren’t for Fuyuki’s move, and if it weren’t for Fujie Akiyoshi’s diary, who would have known that he was a weirdo who could commit suicide and put the blame on others!

Qian Jing Fuyuki looked at the people around him who were suddenly enlightened, admiring and respectful. He closed his eyes of insight and smiled with satisfaction.

The most direct and classic plot for Conan to brush his emotions is, of course, solving a case in full view of everyone!

However, this time he did the opposite. Instead of solving the case, he helped Director Ochiai commit a crime!

Look, didn’t the protagonist Conan notice the problem?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have achieved the hidden conditions and helped the plot character clear his name!】

【Sign in at Ochiai, and be rewarded with a full-level appreciation!

Qian Jing Dongshu was stunned for a moment.

Saving the criminal, and signing in unexpectedly?

Doesn’t this mean that he will continue to jump from one party to another in the future?

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled, he liked it this way! He could play with the characters in the plot in different ways as he pleased!

After quietly appreciating Dongshu’s process of solving the case, Vermouth could no longer hold back his excitement and clapped his hands.

“As expected of the landlord, he is really good at solving cases! He is even better than those detectives and policemen who are only good at acting.

Detective Maori Kogoro staggered: What?

Inspector Megure, who was shot in the knee, twitched his mouth: Hehe……

“Landlord, you are done with your work, so shouldn’t you give me some time now?”

Vermouth’s eyes were burning.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled meaningfully.

“Of course, I solved the case quickly and decisively just to welcome you, Mrs. Sharon, in the best condition.”

Facing Qian Jing Dongshu’s burning red eyes, Vermouth’s legs were a little numb.

Dongshu-kun attached so much importance to her invitation, so she certainly couldn’t let him down.

In fact, Qian Jing Dongshu was calculating the time in his heart.

Since Sister Bei found the bomb, she should notify the people from the winery. I wonder if there is anyone who can master the skill of bomb disposal. He is not worried at all that Sister Bei’s first thought when she sees the bomb is to take him away.

Because of the bondage of love.

How could the considerate Sister Bei bear to embarrass him? If he can secretly dismantle the bomb, his problematic identity will naturally not be exposed, and he will not be in trouble.

The moment Qian Jing Dongshu saw her affectionate gaze, he knew that he was invincible.

In Xiaolan’s eyes, he was in deep thought, and his heart was moved again.

“Dongshu-kun is so handsome and charming when he is thinking!”

She couldn’t help but cover her flushed face, and couldn’t suppress the sweet smile.

Just now, she really looked at him radiantly when he was reasoning, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him the whole time!

Every moment, she liked Dongshu-kun more than the last minute and second!!

“But whoosh! That guy stole the limelight again!”

Maori Kogoro yelled and punched Conan on the head.

He didn’t know why, but after the last fight, he got a little addicted, and whenever his iron fist itched, he would go find his iron head.

Conan saw Fuyuki and Vermouth were about to leave together, and he suddenly became anxious.

In his eyes, Vermouth was a gentle and wise big sister.

Even if Qian Jing Fuyuki was cleared of all suspicion, he was still an out-and-out dangerous element!

No one knew his depth, and a few words could make him, a high school student detective, and a vicious and cunning murderer, run around in circles!

{That pretty lady over there, stay away from that guy! He might be a murderer! }

In a hurry, he accidentally forgot to put on the gag lock.

Facing Vermouth, he blurted out:

“Hey! Ugly old lady, you are not worthy of the landlord brother, stay away from him!”


Vermouth was originally holding Fuyuki’s arm with a bright smile.

Upon hearing this, her face immediately turned cloudy and her head was in a trance.

Ugly… old lady???

Not worthy of Fuyuki?

How dare this dead kid say that to her!?

The Thousand-Faced Witch smiled at Conan immediately with a gust of cold wind.

God knows how much damage this sentence can do to her now!

This naughty child, it seems that he really doesn’t know how to write the word death!

Sister Bay couldn’t hide the look in her eyes that wanted to stab someone.

Look at Conan who made Sister Bay so angry.

Fuyuki, who was familiar with the original plot, couldn’t hold it anymore, laughed softly, and grabbed Vermouth’s hand to comfort her

“The child has poor aesthetic taste, Mrs. Sharon doesn’t have to listen to him”

“A person as beautiful as you would be extremely charming even if she were a hundred years old.”

When Vermouth heard this, she was immediately overjoyed and her annoyance turned into shyness.

“As expected, the landlord is the best at talking, his mouth is like honey.”

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Dongshu intoxicatedly, and the more she looked, the happier she became.

The man she fell in love with was perfect, how could she not grab him quickly?

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled at Conan’s embarrassment, thinking that after talking about Sister Bei, Conan’s tongue that played with emotions would have two more chances.

These two sentences should be enough for him to save for the heavy fireworks show that followed.

He kindly reminded her that

��Conan, you are in trouble because of your mouth, so you’d better not talk carelessly.”

Conan noticed Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes and a flash of interest, and he shuddered all over!

The alarm bells in his mind rang wildly!

This scary guy!

He must want to use his mouth to satisfy his evil taste again!

He was determined not to be fooled!

Conan really covered his mouth tightly this time.

He made up his mind that unless the sky fell and the earth collapsed, he would not say a word until he figured out what was going on!!

“”Fuyuki-kun, this case is closed. Please come with us to the police station to make a statement.”

Officer Megure said, and then he looked at Maori Kogoro with a sidelong glance, and added with some disdain.

“Maori-kun, come along too.”

Conan still didn’t understand some details, so he wanted to go to the police station to read the transcript. He subconsciously opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Maori Kogoro saw it with his sharp eyes and quickly covered his mouth!

“Conan, the Great God! I, Maori Kogoro, have never done anything bad in my life. I only beg you to forgive me and shut up and use your magic!”

Maori’s face was ferocious.

He really wanted to beg this ancestor to stop talking nonsense!

He is still a virgin!

If he continues to talk, in order to clarify himself, he will reveal the most shameful secret of men!

You know, the most terrifying ridicule of a man is not that his wife ran away, but that he is still a virgin at the age of 40!!

So many reporters are still at the scene, it is tantamount to public execution!!

How can he have the face to mix in the future!!

Xiaolan will also despise him as a father and feel ashamed!

No, he didn’t mean that, Uncle Maori misunderstood!

Conan shook his head anxiously, wanting him to lower his voice, isn’t it shameful enough.

But Maori Kogoro saw that he still didn’t agree, and his brain got hot, and he simply knelt down to him!

“Conan! From now on, don’t call me Dao-san. You are my Dao-san! Isn’t that enough?!”

This kneeling made the people who had forgotten the farce just now because of Fuyuki’s reasoning turn their eyes back!

Even Qian Jing Fuyuki turned back at the same time as Vermouth, with a look of surprise!

Uncle Maori, this big fool…

Conan groaned in pain and covered his face tightly.

It’s really hopeless.

Destroy it, quickly.

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