《Surprise! High school student detective Shinichi Kudo is actually a world-class thief! ?》

《Come and have a look, pictures speak louder than words!

Qian Jingdongshu went to the newspaper shop to buy a magazine from Penthouse, and happened to see a third-rate gossip tabloid that was selling the fastest and was about to be sold out.

He was amused on the spot.

“Which third-rate tabloid is this? They are stealing bamboo shoots.

The first page of the tabloid is simply a headshot of Kidd’s face that was affected by the explosion.

I don’t know which talented paparazzi brother was able to hold the camera steady in such a dangerous situation and capture such a close-up of the explosion in the air.

Kuroba Kaito’s face is completely, without a trace of disguise, grinning, perfect facial expression, and a big shoe sole print on his head, and it was published in the newspaper.

This is not the most fatal thing. The fatal thing is that he and Conan don’t look exactly the same. They are completely born to the same father, Mr. Aoyama!

How famous was the high school student detective Kudo Shinichi, but at this moment he turned into such a cruel boomerang.

The dart pierced back into his body when blood came out.

“Third-rate tabloids all know that in order to attract traffic, they will use a lot of groundless gimmicks.”

“As a landlord of Beihua Street, how can I not clarify things for the unlucky Kudo Shinichi?”

Qian Jingfushu was gloating over the misfortune.

“Just come out and make a statement, and let ‘Qianqian’ condemn it.”

If it goes wrong, it will boost Conan and Kid’s emotional values, and make a lot of money without any investment!

After the interview with Mizunashi Reina, she registered for renting a house. Qian Jingfuyuki had her phone number. She called directly, but Mizunashi Reina happened to be in a meeting.

Feeling the vibration in her pocket, she quietly took it out and looked at it.

“Landlord-san is calling…!

Why… is Fuyuki-san so impatient?

“”Four-nine-three” is really embarrassing!

Mizunashi Rena was shy and embarrassed, but she was secretly proud and excited in her heart.

A handsome and charming top man couldn’t help but do it not long after they separated…

Does it mean that she is very attractive to him to some extent?

As a double agent, how much psychological pressure does he have to bear every day?

The more repressed he is, the more he yearns for the rare opportunity to pursue the release of his nature.

“Wait a minute, Fuyuki-san.”

Mizuno Rena’s cheeks blushed slightly, and before the TV station leader looked over, her slender fingers quickly reached into her pockets.

Da da da, she typed blindly.

“I’ll go to the apartment after I get off work, you can go and wait for me first!”

After thinking for a while, Mizuno Reina was afraid that her tone was too harsh and would make the landlord feel bad.

Her face was burning, and she added

“I have a surprise treasure waiting for you to appreciate!”

Zen Jing Dongshu, who originally just wanted to find Mizunashi Rena to send two reports: There is such a good thing?

“Then you are busy. No matter how late it is, I will definitely wait for you, Miss Mizuno.”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and replied.

A double agent, the beautiful news anchor Mizuno Reina took the initiative to deliver herself to the door. Only a fool would push her away!

As for the report of playing the role of a black, he can make it up himself.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled slyly, rubbed his hands and quickly typed on the keyboard..

Kudo House

《Neon’s most handsome landlord, Fuyuki Zeni, angrily denounced the false news that Kudo Shinichi is Kaito Kid!》

《Qian Jingdongshu warned that anyone who makes false reports and slanders the reputation of the neighbors on Mihua Street will be held legally responsible!》

“Qian Jing Dongshu, what is he doing?!”

Knowing this morning that he was said to be Kid by a third-rate gossip tabloid, Conan was very calm.

After all, Kid does look a bit weird. If he takes off his hat and scratches his hair, he looks exactly like him.

Some unreliable rumors will fade away over time if left alone.

His father was single and doing IVF, but he was made up by the gossip media as a miserable widower who lost his love. So what if he was misunderstood as Kid? Can he turn back into Kudo Shinichi and come out to clarify? ?

Ignore it, let everyone treat it as a joke, just have fun.

But now, Qian Jingdongshu’s reverse holding back operation has made Conan unable to cope.

Come on Nissan, I just gave you the credit for defusing the bomb, and you stabbed your brother twice?

Can you not be so cowardly when dealing with people!

Conan was dumbfounded.

Conan gritted his teeth.

Conan… grabbed the microphone and wanted to scold Qian Jingdongshu!

However, as soon as he got through the call, Qian Jingdongshu’s voice, which sounded like a smile but also revealed a serious greeting, came from the other end.

“Conan-kun, are you also angry about the false reports about your brother Kudo-kun?”

“Don’t worry, I will personally clarify on social media and no one will pursue me anymore.”

“I……”The words that Conan wanted to say were stuck on his lips.

He didn’t know how to respond to him.

He was about to explode.

On the other end of the phone, Qian Jingdongshu was very happy.

He pretended to be concerned and asked,”Hey, Conan, why don’t you say anything?”

“Isn’t it your responsibility to find your brother Kudo Shinichi and ask him to clarify the matter right away?”

“The situation has become serious. If he comes out later, it will be too late, and I will be embarrassed.”

You guy! Are you pretending to be stupid?

Bullying me because I dare not expose my identity!

Conan almost vomited blood.

It was neither right nor wrong. The key point was that he didn’t know whether those men in black would be so powerful as to eavesdrop on other people’s phones!

What if Qian Jingdongshu was in the limelight and happened to be targeted by them??

Conan could only take a few deep breaths, trying his best to be calm, and even said in a sweet voice with a little bit of grit and trembling:

“I’ll inform Shinichi-niang, so don’t worry about it, Fuyuki-niang!”

I’m counting on you, bro, just take care of yourself!”

Conan hung up the phone angrily.


Qian Jingdongshu laughed so hard that tears came out.

Looking at the constantly jumping emotion value, Conan’s was in place, and it soared 5,000 points at a time!

Not bad, isn’t it?��

Then there is Kuroba Kaito.

I wonder if Ekoda is following the big news in Kyoto at the same time?.

Ekoda, Kuroba Family

“It hurts! Grandpa Terai, please be gentler!”

Kuroba Kaito lay on the tatami, making a miserable cry, his hands and feet thrashing.

“Young Master, it really breaks my heart to see you injured like this!”

“If Master Toichi were here, he would definitely not have the heart to let his only son get hurt!

Terai Huang Zhisuke helped him wrap the gauze, tears welled up in his eyes.

Kuroba Kaito grinned.

“What I did was nothing. You didn’t see how dangerous the situation was that day in the art gallery!”

He was lucky that he threw the bomb away in time.

There were literally thousands of people rushing to kill each other and blood was flowing like a river!

“By the way, Grandpa Terai, you still can’t contact Aoko?”

Kuroba Kaito asked seriously.

Terai Huangzhisuke sighed helplessly.

“Ms. Nakamori already knows that I’m your housekeeper and has even blocked my number.”

“So that’s it……”Kuroba Kaito’s eyes darkened, and he pretended to smile.

“It doesn’t matter, Officer Nakamori was there too, just ask him to tell Aoko!”

“It’s a pity that Qingzi will have to spend her birthday in Kyoto with Xiaolan this year, and I… am probably the last person they want to see!”

At the airport, a pretty and lovely girl wearing a woolen coat was carrying a suitcase and rushing to Beihua Street with a fiery heart.

“Xiaolan, sister finally waited for you”

“After twelve years of separation, we sisters are finally going to reunite.”

This year, her father is in a hurry to catch thieves like Kidd all over the world, so no one is destined to accompany her.

So she will come to Beihua Street and spend it with Xiaolan!

She has a lot of words in her heart, twelve years of longing, and she wants to tell her sister one by one!

Nakamori Aoko looked down at the rental house number she registered.

“No. 33 Beika Street? Is it really close to the Maori Detective Agency where Xiaolan works?”

“No matter what, it’s hard to find a room in Beika Street now, let’s book it first.”

I heard that it’s because the landlord of Beika Street, Sang Qianjing Fuyuki, is so handsome, and he has a mechanical maid under him, and his fighting power is off the charts.

Beika Street has become the safest and most popular choice for renting in Kyoto, especially among young women and single nobles.

Although Nakamori Aoko only has her sister Xiaolan in her heart, she still looks up to him and is grateful from the bottom of her heart when she mentions Qianjing Fuyuki.

Because her father said that it was this landlord Sang who saved everyone in such a dangerous situation..

【Kuroba Kaito is melancholy and helpless, +500 emotion value!】

【Nakamori Aoko is excited, expectant, grateful, and happy, +2000 emotion points! 】


Is that the opposite?

Qian Jingfuyu was surprised.

Kuroba Kaito seems to be unaware of the rumors spread by the tabloids.

What about Nakamori Aoko?

Is it because he saved Nakamori Ginzo?

“Forget it, it’s all the same, I need to prepare and follow the plot.”

He stretched, stood up and moved around.

These scraps were too little, Qian Jing Dongshu no longer cared about them.

When Conan started school, it would be time for him to reap the harvest!

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the time and frowned………

“It’s too late to be busy again. These two women are too unconscious.”

I was so hungry and my hands were thin. He was really angry.

He went straight to the law firm.

The door was closed, and the door was written on it: No. 32 Mihua Street.

There were rumors that Kudo Shinichi was the Kaito Kid, but Qian Jingdongshu didn’t bother to care about the follow-up.

But with someone like him who was at the center of the storm coming out to criticize, related and unrelated people all jumped out to express their positions. Some people were so emotional that they wanted to cut ties with the despicable thief detective. There were also people who firmly believed that the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi from Kanto would never do such a thing that knowingly broke the law.

As the rumors spread more and more, and Kudo Shinichi was slow to come out to clarify, the once glorious savior of the Neon police, the high school detective Kudo Shinichi, was shrouded in a haze and was no longer famous.

“It seems like a brand new era is about to begin.”

Kuriyama Midori glanced at the news report while busy, clicked his tongue twice, and ignored it.

It seems that I have been working too much overtime recently, and my waist and back are a little sore.

I heard that the landlord Sang has learned the mysterious ancient medical skills of the East. Should I ask him to massage my hands?.

Maori Detective Agency.

Xiaolan rolled around in the room excitedly. She took out her phone and saw a report about Kudo being a thief. She couldn’t help but think back to the time in the art museum.

When the staff was framing Fuyuki’s painting, she happened to see a familiar face.

“Maybe… Kudo Shinichi could really be Kaito Kid?”

“Who can do so many weird things? It’s not strange that he becomes a thief on a whim.”

“He is a person who loves to show off.”

Xiaolan secretly complained on her personal homepage.

Conan, who has been following Xiaolan’s column, immediately became anxious when he saw this, and quickly clarified and left a message below

“No way! Shinichi-nii is not that childish thief.!!”

Before posting, he was still smart enough to change his username.

However, when Xiaolan saw it, she felt uncomfortable and horrified!

“Is Conan paying too much attention to me? He seems to have no sense of boundaries!

I bump into him every time I go home. It’s impossible to say it’s an accident.

How did he know about the private column in their high school?!

“It’s like a secret voyeur, annoying.”

Xiaolan looked unhappy, and didn’t even click to see it, and directly blocked and deleted the friend.

When Conan wanted to explain in private chat, he found a big red exclamation mark.

“”Ah! Damn Qian Jing Fuyuki, I will fight you sooner or later!”

Conan yelled angrily, and hit the pillow.

After venting his anger, a blazing fire came out of his heart.

“At this point, it is useless to clarify. 0.3”

“As long as he catches those men in black, and then turns back to Kudo Shinichi and stands in front of Xiaolan openly, this is the price of sleeping on straw and tasting gall, one���It’s all worth it!”

So, if you say one more word to that bastard Qian Jing Dongshu, he’s a dog!

Fist!. evening

“”Woof woof.”

Conan stood expressionlessly at the door of Qian Jingfuyu’s house and rang the doorbell.

The veins on the back of his hands bulged, and his mind was full of Dr. Agasa’s words of persuasion.

“Shinichi, now Maori-kun and Xiaolan are completely annoyed with you, it is obviously impossible to try to trouble them again”

“I also want to arrange admission for you, but I am not capable enough. You still need a guardian and guarantor who can stand firm.”

“Looking at this circle of people, I’m afraid only Dongshu, who has connections in both the black and white worlds, has this ability.”

“If you don’t seek his help and Yousaku-san delays returning to China, you will be treated as an illegal resident, and then you will be in trouble!”

“Do you think those men in black will suspect that you are still alive because you look exactly like Kudo Shinichi?”

Conan didn’t dare to bet.

So he stood here

“But whoosh, I didn’t expect that after so many twists and turns, I still have to ask this guy for help!”

“He must be so proud of himself!”

Conan said with a sour face.

Qian Jingfuyu was about to go out to meet Mizunashi Rena when he bumped into him.

“Hey, isn’t this our young detective, Gong… Edogawa Conan-kun?”

Qian Jingfuyu laughed at Conan’s shocked and speechless eyes.

He turned his head to signal him to come in.

Tell me , what do you want from me?”.

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