With Conan around, Qian Jingdongshu wants to take the gold coins to the right path and directly choose to report the case.

“Fuyuki-kun! You really did a great job this time!”

“These three people are a headache for our police force!”

When Officer Megure arrived, he excitedly praised Qian Jingfuyuki.

Qian Jingfuyuki first noticed Sato Miwako next to Officer Megure.

“Hey, Sato-san!”

Sato Miwako had a thrilling experience in front of Qian Jingfuyuki last night.

When she saw him, her smile froze immediately, and she said unnaturally:”Hello, Fuyuki-kun!”

Worried that she would be embarrassed and misunderstood, Sato Miwako quickly added:”I didn’t sleep well yesterday.”

I don’t know why, when I got home, my mind was full of the feeling of being rubbed by my underwear.

I couldn’t sleep at all, and my nose seemed to be lingering with the pleasant masculine scent of Fuyuki-kun.

And his feminine voice seemed to get into my body

“Then Sato-san, you guys should have a good rest, your health is everything.

Qian Jingfuyuki greeted with concern and looked at Officer Megure.

“What happened?”

Conan also limped over, suspecting that he had broken his hip bone.

Even so, he was still strong-willed and insisted on finding out.

“It’s Dino Cabana, oh, the boss of the Italian robber gang these three belong to.”

“He escaped from prison! Just when the Japanese arsenal was embezzling a large amount of black gunpowder.”

Inspector Megure looked around, lowered his hat, and whispered.

Because Qian Jingfuyuki was a good citizen praised by the higher-ups, a good helper to the police, and a good role model for all Japanese people.

Inspector Megure himself had a full favorability, and now he treated him as his own. He didn’t mind revealing this level of secret information to him, and even hoped to use his power in the black market to find out some information.

“It’s good that Fuyuki-kun knows this. After all, it’s not a good thing for the citizens to know that such a large amount of black gunpowder has leaked out.”

Conan, who was eavesdropping, was horrified.

Qian Jingfuyuki frowned.

That Dino Kabana actually escaped from prison? The only person who knew the location of the gold coins was him.

How could he spit out the gold coins that were in his hands? It would be best if he died in prison or was deported, but if he came out alive… then he would be killed as soon as possible.

“By the way, Dongshu-kun, a child just told me that you got the treasure map?”

“Ahem, could you use your reasoning talent to help us find the maple leaf gold coins?”

Such a large sum of money, if it is confiscated by the Metropolitan Police Department, it can be exchanged for several patrol cars.

Officer Megure looked at Qian Jingfuyu ingratiatingly.

Qian Jingfuyu was waiting for this, and smiled.

“Come with me”

“These symbols on the note are actually very simple.

Qian Jingdongshu stood on the newly bought Yuejian Street and pointed at the sign and said to everyone

“First of all, ORO is Italian for gold.”

“The moment I saw the note, I guessed that they were related to the Italian robber gang mentioned on TV.”

“Then there are logos like hats, panties, and umbrellas. Don’t the shapes of the signs look familiar to you?”

“Hat, panties, umbrella?!”

The adults present looked at each other in bewilderment.

“Ah! Really!”Ayumi and Mitsuhiko screamed at the same time.

Mitsuhiko was still shocked and looked at Qian Jingfuyu with admiration.

“I thought ORO meant extremely large and abundant treasures!”

“I didn’t expect Fuyuki-san to be so knowledgeable that he can even speak Italian!”

Huge and rich?

Qian Jing Fuyuki took a special glance at the seemingly inconspicuous Sato Miwako.

When he supported her yesterday, the surging flesh was indeed very attractive, but she was very good at squeezing and hiding.

Sato Miwako unexpectedly met his eyes, and seemed to think of something, and her cheeks suddenly flushed.

The landlord-san wouldn’t have seen it, she was still savoring his taste.

She couldn’t help but imagine that if she encountered that embarrassing situation again for the second time, would she rub against him while rubbing…

Conan was not convinced at this time,”What’s Italian? I can learn it too.”

With his talent, he could learn the language of a country in ten days or half a month.

But who would have thought that Qian Jing Fuyuki shocked him so much

“Haha, that’s nothing, I know the languages of all the countries in the world.”

Qian Jing Dongshu spread his hands and casually spoke a few minor languages, even complex Latin and the dialect of non-indigenous tribes fluently.

“” Ah?!”

Conan’s pupils trembled violently.

He really can do it!? What’s the brain of this guy!

If you have this ability, why don’t you become a diplomat and become a landlord? It’s such a waste of talent!

Inspector Megure gave a thumbs up:”You are worthy of being Fuyuki-kun!”

“”Brother Fuyuki, that’s enough!” Ayumi exclaimed

“Let’s get back to the point.”

Qian Jingdongshu pointed at the signs one by one and finally placed them on the moon above the note.

“The final clue of evidence, I think it can only be seen at night”

“However, I am very familiar with Kyoto. I can guess the approximate location by just closing my eyes and imagining the neon lights at night.”

“Neon lights?”Everyone was surprised.

They followed Qian Jingdongshu to the attic where the gold coins were hidden.

The real treasure had been moved by him long ago, and the only thing left was……

“Ah, what is this!”

Conan touched the rope.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at him and threw a skill at him, making him quiet down for a while.

【Confirm the target, Conan, launch”I know you are anxious, but don’t be anxious yet”!】


Conan was a little slow to react.

“Hey, Conan-kun!”

Inspector Megure couldn’t stop him in time, and watched him, the lime powder mixed with rusty iron and stones on his face crackling.


Bang! Bang! Crash!

Conan: Dead.

Of course not, the person was sent to the hospital on the spot.

Before leaving, he still didn’t give up, he couldn’t open his eyes but still held Qian Jing Dongshu’s hand tightly, and told him

“You must catch Dino Cabana! I know you can do it!”

Damn it, he must be unlucky again.

But fortunately, there is Qian Jing Dongshu. If this guy can fully exert his strengths, no one will be his opponent!

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled perfunctorily, and now his mind was full of how to kill the troublesome Dino Cabana.

He turned his head and spoke to Officer Megure

“So everyone has seen that Dino Kaban must have taken out the gold coins as soon as he escaped from prison.”

“He also deliberately set a trap to trick people.”

“There is nothing we can do. Let’s call it a day.”

Inspector Megure sighed. He had never thought of suspecting Qian Jing Fuyuki.

He did not pursue the matter and took Sato Miwako and others back.

When Sato Miwako passed by Qian Jing Fuyuki, she subconsciously paused and her cheeks blushed.

“Um, landlord, can I buy you a drink?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that heroes appreciate heroes, and I’m very interested in your heroic act of saving people that day.”

How could he not go when the heroic Sato-san invited him?

Qian Jingfushu smiled meaningfully.

“Okay, I’ll bring some good wine, but I have to thank Sato-san for his hospitality in advance.”

Ayumi looked up at this moment and met the landlord’s wicked smile. Her little heart seemed to be hit.

How could Fuyuki brother be so handsome, there was no blind spot from any angle!

Maybe she was obsessed with his handsomeness, Ayumi boldly tiptoed and pulled Qian Jingfuyuki’s pants

“Fuyuki-san, we, the Junior Detective Team, have helped you, right?”

“Can I visit your house?”

After meeting him once, she was really interested in his real life.

Just like other idols’ most fanatical little fans, she wanted to live next to him and observe more of his life.

“Of course you can.

Qian Jingdongshu invited happily, like the big bad wolf who turned right to Little Red Riding Hood.

“I don’t mind hanging out with Conan’s classmates.”

Better yet, when you guys do something on your own, don’t forget to let me know.


Ayumi’s eyes lit up, and she took the flattered Yuantai and Guangyan all the way home with Qian Jingfuyushu

“”Wow! Jigai! It’s so big and spacious!”

As soon as he entered the apartment, Yuanta ran around shouting.

All the dangerous things were put away, and Qian Jingdongshu was too lazy to care about him.

He called for takeout to send something to entertain them, and went back to his room alone to make a phone call and find someone in the black market to ask for clues about Dino Cabana.

?”Genta-kun, you can’t be rude in Brother Fuyuki’s house!”

Ayumi’s face was flushed, and everything she saw was new.

She restrained Genta and Mitsuhiko, sat down in the living room very sensibly, and waited for Brother Fuyuki to come out..

On the other hand, the Institute

“It’s done!”

Elena looked at the special potion bubbling with different colors excitedly.

“Now, Eri-san will definitely get her wish and have a pang~ experience with her husband.”

It just so happens that she will soon be in seclusion to concentrate on the research of the elixir of life.

Although she is reluctant to leave her husband, as long as the elixir of life is developed, they will have a very long time!

Elena put on her special coat, buttoned the clothes tightly, and wrapped herself tightly.

· ·······Request flowers· ·

Except for her husband, no one else can see her seductive look.

Because Qian Jing Dongshu had told them not to work too hard. Elena knew that Kisaki Eri would definitely go home on time after work.

She excitedly took the potion and wanted to give Kisaki Eri a surprise.

As a result, when she entered the door

“”Oh, where do all these children come from?”

Elena was stunned.

“Hello, sister!”Yuanta and Mitsuhiko asked Ayumi to tell them to bow their heads and call them obediently.

“”Beautiful sister, are you the landlord’s girlfriend?”

Ayumi looked at Elena in amazement and a little jealousy.

So it turns out that Dongshu brother likes such a big and full woman?

Does she have to work hard from now on?

Looking down at herself, Ayumi tried hard to stand up, but she didn’t have the conditions to do so.

“It’s difficult if you have children at home.……”

Elena nodded politely and walked quickly into the restaurant.

She frowned and looked at the potion in her hand.

“I’m back.”

The entrance door rang, and Hibiki Eri’s somewhat tired voice rang out. She played cards with her husband too much this morning, and even though she ate the heart-warming egg tarts her husband made, her nerves were still a little tingling. She also particularly disliked noise.

“Hey, where do all these children come from?”

Seeing Ayumi and the other two, she frowned, the same reaction as Elena.

But she couldn’t say anything because Ayumi was so sweet right away.

“Lawyer Fei, are you the kind person who took in Dongshu’s brother?”

0 0…

“Wow, she is really beautiful and kind-hearted. She is a perfect match for Brother Fuyuki!”

How can this child be so good at talking?

The polite smile of Kisaki Eri immediately became much more sincere.

Who doesn’t like to be praised for their lover’s strong relationship?

“Good boy, I’ll get you a drink.”

“Hi~ Thank you, Auntie!”

Ayumi waited obediently.

Genta and Mitsuhiko looked at the time and saw that the parental order time was almost up.

They said to Ayumi embarrassedly:”Ayumi, it’s already five o’clock, it’s so late, let’s go back first.”

“Yada, I want to wait for Brother Fuyuki.”

How could Ayumi be satisfied with just a little contact with her idol?

If she could stay here, have a meal with Brother Fuyuki, and watch him take his time, she would be so happy.

Genta and the others couldn’t persuade her, so they had to leave first.

Hibiki Eri went into the restaurant to find the refrigerator and saw Elena first.

“”Eri-san, come quickly~”

Elena’s beautiful eyes sparkled, and she waved secretly behind the child’s back, as if she was hiding and offering a treasure.

Seeing her reaction, Hibiki’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Could it be… so soon���Got a result?

Elena’s efficiency is too fast.

“Elena Sand……”

“I’ll give this to you.”

Elena handed the potion to Hibari and winked shrewdly.

“I carefully crafted a perfect and harmless enlargement product for mature women”

“This potion is full of nutrients and can not only have a swelling effect, but also nourish the yin and beautify the face for a long time.”

“It’s just right for you~”

Hibari’s cheeks flushed red, and her hand holding the potion felt as if it was burned.


“Oh, my reagent is about to expire, I have to go back to the institute.”

Elena glanced at the watch quickly, raised her eyebrows and gave Hibiki a look that we both understand.

She would not stay and be a light bulb~

But before leaving, Elena remembered something and gave a special instruction:

“Oh, Eri-san, make sure to keep this potion safe and don’t let the kids outside touch it.”

“Oh? What will happen if I touch it?”

Hina Eri opened it and smelled it. She squinted her eyes in enjoyment and asked subconsciously.

Elena laughed. After all, the effect of drug A was too bizarre. Ordinary people would not believe it.

She only left a mysterious sentence.

“If children drink it, they might feel like growing bigger overnight, just like in the movie”Backdraft”!”

“Got it. Thank you, Elena-san~”

Hibiki watched her leave and turned to get a drink.

As luck would have it, Qian Jingdongshu made dessert this morning and prepared a large glass of rose water. He originally wanted to give it to the two girls to relieve their fatigue when they returned home.

“mo~ Anada is really like to give people unexpected surprises.”

Hiki Eri looked at the beige rose water and smiled sweetly.

She hummed a song and washed the cup, then reached for the bottle beside her and poured it in.

“This cup is mine, this cup is for Ayumi-chan!” She carried two cups of potion and drink that were completely indistinguishable, and walked out with a fragrant breeze.

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