Conan was so upset.

He was so frightened and worried that he turned into anger towards Qian Jingfuyuki and Miyano Akemi.

“”But whoosh! You two big bastards!”

He kicked the box next to him hard, and it buried his head.

Qian Jing Dongshu, of course, laughed wildly without any hesitation.

Even Miyano Akemi couldn’t help laughing.

“Little brother, thank you for your passionate performance anyway.”

Passionate performance!”

Conan was stabbed hard!

He vomited blood in his heart.

He was lost and exhausted and left.

【Conan was shocked, speechless, stunned, dazed, angry, ashamed, helpless, emotional value +50000! 】

Haha, it’s no wonder that Director Conan has so many inner dramas.

His emotional value alone is equal to that of many people at the art museum.

Qian Jingfuyu knew that he didn’t need to tease him for the next two days.

Miyano Akemi turned to look at him anxiously and dependently

“Dongshu-kun, I don’t know my sister……”

Qian Jingfuyushu has a great harvest, and he doesn’t mind helping her meet Miyano Shiho.

After all, everyone who has watched Conan knows that if Shiho’s sister gets into trouble, she will defect from the organization regardless of everything.

He just needs to wait to receive Xiao Ai.

“Small problem, you wait.”

After Qian Jingfuyu’s last transaction, he asked Yamamoto Minaru to back up a set of phone numbers of important figures in the Black Organization.

One call was made to Gin.

“What? You want to see Shirley? Impossible!”

Gin flatly refused.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and said:”Don’t talk too early, for example, no matter how advanced the tissue medical technology is, it can’t cure your face, right?”


The face on the other end of the phone was so cold that ice chips could fall off.

This guy was clearly threatening.

Last time he was able to leave a deep wound on his face, and next time, it might be his neck and heart.

Gin felt aggrieved, but now Vermouth is indeed trusted and valued by the boss.

He snorted coldly,”Only one hour’ 々!”

Hang up after saying that

“Wait, there’s also a person called Miyano Akemi at the bottom of your organization, I poached her.”

Gin’s pupils shrank, Miyano Akemi?

The incompetent sister that Shirley had been asking to see?

Qian Jingfuyu is playing the long game, is his real target Shirley!?

“Impossible, I tell you.……”

Before Gin finished speaking, Qian Jingfuyu died without even listening.

“You sisters should make an appointment. To be conservative, you can meet at my house.”

Oshibo before she became smaller.

I wonder how beautiful it is to see her shy face, who is so pure and innocent?

Qian Jingdongshu does not do business at a loss. If you accept a favor from your elder sister, you should also accept another one from your younger sister!

“Ah, thank you Fuyuki-kun!”

Miyano Akemi excitedly offered a hot knife.

At this moment, all the men in the world combined could not compare to the sincere man in front of her.

She was so lucky..

“Is this Qian Jing Dongshu’s home?”

Miyano Shiho was blindfolded and taken to the downstairs of No. 32 Beihua Street.

Gin and Vodka said nothing with a sullen face, and asked her to hurry out within an hour.

Miyano Shiho was a little suspicious at first, whether the organization wanted to paralyze her deliberately.

For example, find a disguise expert to pretend to be her sister, so that she would give up and focus on the experiment.

But when the door was opened, she saw Miyano Akemi open her hands with tears in her beautiful eyes.


Shiho Miyano threw all her doubts and worries behind her, and the sisters hugged each other excitedly.

Qian Jingfuyu stood beside her with his hands folded on his chest, watching quietly.

The huge presence made Shiho Miyano sober up quickly.

The little face that always kept strangers away suddenly became very unnatural, and she couldn’t be cold even if she wanted to. The gratitude and joy in her eyes were about to overflow.

“Landlord Sang Qianjing Dongshu, thank you for helping my sister”

“You’re welcome. Your sister has paid the price.……”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked up and down at the talented Oshibo and smiled.

The melancholy girl in a white coat exudes childishness and coldness, and the red long sweater wraps up her exquisite lines.

She is thin where she should be thin, and round where she should be round. She has tears on her face without knowing it, and her stubborn expression makes her cold and pale face very likable.

It’s like the paw of a proud kitten gently scratching her heart.

Shirley, who just came back from abroad, is really fashionable and sexy, combining Western style with Japanese women.


Miyano Akemi was startled and looked at her sister.

She should have resisted, but when she met Qian Jingfuyuki’s red eyes full of interest, she couldn’t say a word. She broke the taboo and blossomed to her heart’s content, and she was a traditional woman who put her husband first.

“.「 It’s okay, sister.”

Miyano Shiho held Miyano Akemi, shook her head gently, and then looked at Qian Jingdongshu with a slightly red face. She didn’t think he was abrupt, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her hand and stroked her throbbing heart.

She secretly glanced at Qian Jingdongshu, and again.

From the moment she knew he saved her sister, her innate good impression, coupled with the news reports, Gin and others were constantly happy about being defeated, made her very curious about this mysterious man.

Miyano Shiho knew that being curious about a man was the beginning of her fall, and she did not escape.

Perhaps because she had seen too many breakups and reunions abroad, Miyano Shiho’s still ignorant emotional buds secretly stretched out a little.

If you try with a man as powerful as Qian Jingdongshu, who no one dares to provoke…

Will life outside of the experiment be more interesting?

Miyano Shiho (Mah Qianhao) coughed lightly and moistened her throat

“I don’t know what price my sister paid, I only know that you have done me a great favor and I am also somewhat interested in you”

“How about… just try to be together? Even if you are not sincere and want to use me, it doesn’t matter.”

Miyano Shiho said seriously,”I learned medicine from Teacher Elena, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.”

“I will keep working hard so that you won’t want to throw me away!”

She was trying to imitate the negotiating spirit of the Black Organization, and didn’t want Qian Jingdongshu to look down on her.

However, what Qian Jingdongshu saw was the cute version of Xiao Ai wearing cat ears, trying to promote herself and meowing at him.

How could Oshibo be so cute?

It really makes people want to take him down immediately and cherish him.

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes became dangerous. As a person who has experienced it, Miyano Akemi quickly made way sensibly.

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