“Qian Jingfuyuki!”

“You, why did you come just now?”.

Conan was excited and anxious, jumping on the spot.

Qian Jingfuyu saw that he was afraid of the gun in Xiao Ai’s hand, so he held back his laughter and accepted 8,000 emotion points.

“Isn’t this just enjoying love with a beautiful woman with a good figure? It’s reasonable to come late.”

Enjoy love!?

Ayumi was stunned and blushed.

What are you talking about in front of a child?

Xiao Ai gave him a cold look.

Conan, Conan is envious and jealous now!

Why didn’t he think it was such a wonderful thing that Qian Jingfuyushu was liked by beautiful women!

It’s a pity that he realized it too late!!

Even if he wanted it, he would never have the conditions!!

“Okay, now it’s time for adults.”

It’s not easy to deal with a group of wooden counterfeit money gangs.

Qian Jingdongshu, the”363″, took down the Silver Fox and the huge rent and called the police.

The police didn’t believe the children’s words, and his words were more effective than anything else.

The nearby police came to the door and sweated profusely when they saw Qian Jingdongshu and the children.

“hodo simmi marseille!!”

“If it weren’t for Qian Jing Dongshu, we would have been blind and not known that the counterfeit money gang was hiding next to the police station!!”

Qian Jing Dongshu waved his hand and said bluntly:

“Although we know that the Japanese police have been useless for a long time, your eyes are not for breathing!”

“Even children can’t compare”

“Hi! Hi!!”The policemen were ashamed and kept bowing to apologize.

The shame and anger were constantly increasing. Even if it was only over 3,000, at least they could get a blind box, enough to pay for the appearance fee of Jing Fuyuki.

“Ayumi, you guys go home first.”

After watching the child leave, Qian Jingfuyu walked over and patted Conan on the shoulder.

“Come on, didn’t you have something to tell me last time?”

“But this girl……”

Conan pointed at Xiao Ai with a suspicious look on his face.

Xiao Ai took the initiative to walk to Qian Jing Dongshu with a mysterious and dangerous smile on her face.

“Shirley, this is my original code name”

“APTX4869 is the name of the poison you took. I participated in its development and improvement.”

“I took that medicine, and that’s why I became like this.”

Conan was shocked!

He felt like he was thrown into a 10-magnitude earthquake + hurricane tsunami scene.

“You are from that organization!!”

“So, Qian Jing Dongshu, you…are you controlled by them!!”

Conan looked at Qian Jing Dongshu in panic.

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed so hard that tears came out

“Who gave you the illusion that those black crows could threaten me?”

He still needed Conan to be stubborn and create more plots and points for him.

So how could he give him”wrong” information and let him think that the organization was so powerful?

Of course, the greater the hope, the more watery his imagination was, the more he dared to go!

Qian Jingfuyushu’s words really fooled Conan.

Conan was shocked and looked at him with fear, and took two steps back.

“I find that I don’t seem to know you at all.”What about this Shirley! Could she be the spy that Qian Jingdongshu placed in that organization?

“It seems that you have really adapted to the black market like a duck to water.”

Conan recalled the first time he met Qian Jingdongshu on the roller coaster. He was completely different from now.

Qian Jingdongshu sneered,”People always have to grow up, otherwise how can they survive in this fucked up world.”

Apart from anything else, it’s good enough that I didn’t cheat and approach you, the elementary school student of the god of death.

“Anyway, Shirley’s identity as my person was discovered and she escaped from the organization.”

His people…

Ai was startled, her face blushed, but she did not deny it.

Anyway, last time, almost every part of her body was explored by him.

When she feels uncomfortable now… and grows bigger again, she should not refuse him.

Conan’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Qian Jingfuyu

“Don’t even think about getting the organization’s intelligence through her, because they have already wiped out all the places she’s been to and all the people she’s come into contact with.”

“Even the death record book that she had tampered with, your name, Kudo Shinichi, who had taken drug A and died, is still on it. I don’t know if he will be suspected.”

Conan was shocked again!

The crisis was approaching, and so many things were happening behind the scenes, but he, the person involved, was kept in the dark and had no idea at all!!

“Qian Jing! We promised to share information……”

“That’s just your one-sided wishful thinking……… ”

Qian Jingdongshu looked disdainful

“Last time you taught me to defuse a bomb, it offset the trouble of helping you solve your identity problem. If you really want to trade intelligence, what can you bring to me for an equal exchange?”

“I almost forgot to mention that when the Shinkansen exploded last time, that Gin you pissed off spent 30 million US dollars to buy a few words of nonsense from me!”

Conan’s eyes were shredded on the spot.

30 million US dollars is only worth a few words of nonsense…

That organization is so rich.

He, the young master of the Kudo family, his father can travel around the world to collect materials for his novels, but he can’t afford so much money to buy assets for him!!

The key problem is that so much information is needed at one time, and the rest can’t be paid even if he sells him!!

“Hey Qianjing,” Conan said seriously and shamelessly,”How about I work for you?”

“An 18-year-old high school detective who can reason, play football, defuse bombs, and… You won’t lose out if you accept me, right?”

“With your talent, I know everything. As long as you need it, I will teach you everything. Whatever you want to do, as long as it does not violate…well, I can also help you if it’s not too excessive!”

If the mountain doesn’t go to me, I will go to the mountain!

Flexible thinking and flexible application!

Think about it from another angle. It’s really cool to follow a boss like Qian Jingdongshu, who likes to play and make trouble at ordinary times, but is extremely reliable in big occasions.

If you are not careful, you will be worried about exposing your identity. You can blame all your actions on the boss, let him shine in front of the stage, and cover up Kudo Shinichi’s presence. 1.4 makes people think that he is really dead. The plan works!


Qian Jingdongshu heard a ding sound in his ears, and the trusteeship was successful. He was a little confused.

Conan is also a scam like this?

Good guy, the consciousness of the Conan world is to join if you can’t beat it, and forcibly lick your face to arrange the protagonist to be protected by me!


Too cunning!

Strong condemnation!

Similarly, Conan, you bump into me and let me work like a cow and horse, then I won’t be polite.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at Conan with ill intentions, who was now complacent and thought he had taken a big advantage

“Okay, since you are a younger brother, you must have the awareness of being a younger brother.”

“I will now give you a long-term task, to embarrass your uncle Maori. The more unlucky and the worse your reputation, the better.”

“ah? ? ?


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