The second floor was much quieter and more civilized than the first floor.

No one was talking in the hallway.

They all went straight into the room to do it.

"I...what should we do now?"Xiaolan and Ye said nervously and fearfully.

If there were a bunch of bad guys in the house, they wouldn't be afraid.

Both girls were very confident in their fists.

However, there were a bunch of perverts in the house, which made them unable to resist.

"Find a way to go into the room and take a look."Lin Tan locked his eyes on the room.

This puzzled Xiaolan and Ye.

He Ye said bluntly:"Why go into the room? The person who was kidnapped is a child."

Xiaolan beside her also nodded to express her confusion, with clear stupidity flashing in her bright eyes.

In response, Lin Tan explained in a low voice:"Some people are psychologically twisted and very perverted... They just like children!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan and Ye's expressions were puzzled at first, then they slowly figured it out, and finally they were shocked and unbelievable!

Their expressions changed layer by layer, full of layers.

Even if professional actors came, they might not be able to do better than these two!

"How could there be such a person in this world?"Xiao Lan was shocked and filled with anger. She couldn't understand why there were people in this world who were so perverted! They even didn't let children go!

"This kind of bastard should be sent to prison!" He Ye was so angry that her teeth itched. She clenched her fists and wished she could punch that scum to death!

"We need to move quickly, but we must not alert them, lest we arouse their vigilance!" Lin Tan reminded.

""Yeah." Xiaolan and Ye thought this was right.

"You have to cooperate with me later, understand?"Lin Tan said in a low voice.

Xiaolan and Ye nodded repeatedly to show that they understood.

"Okay, then we will disguise ourselves as one of them, blend in, and investigate slowly."Lin Tan said, putting his arms around Xiaolan and Ye's waists, and began to lead them around the second floor.

At first, when they passed the doors of those rooms, there was no movement.

Only a few shouts could be heard vaguely.

But the further they went inside, the louder the sound coming from the room.

Moreover, Lin Tan noticed... most of these shouts were made by men.

This made his anus tighten for no reason, and he couldn't help thinking: Could it be that the two men were embarrassed, so they hid in the room?

While he was thinking wildly, a woman suddenly walked towards this side.

Unlike the others, she was not wearing a mask.

When Lin Tan saw her, he whispered:"Someone is coming... She is not wearing a mask, maybe it's the... waiter here? What are you guys going to do quickly?"

""Hmm." Xiaolan and Ye replied a little nervously.

Xiaolan quickly touched Lin Tan's chest muscles with her hands. She felt that this action was very intimate.

He Ye next to her followed suit and reached out to touch him hurriedly.

The two blushed as they touched each other, feeling very uncomfortable with such an action.

Soon, the woman came to Lin Tan and the other two.

After bowing slightly, she said with a smile:"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Can you help me find a room?" Lin Tan said calmly.

"Of course, no problem. Please give me your invitation letter so I can register."The woman said with a smile.

Lin Tan knew she was testing him.

She was wearing a mask, and she still needed to register?

She obviously suspected that he had sneaked in.

"Of course, no problem."Lin Tan said, taking out the universal pass and handing it to the other party.

After that, he kissed Xiaolan again and said,"Please hurry up, we can't wait."

The woman took the pass and looked at it, and then returned it with a much more relaxed tone, saying,"Three of you, please follow me." After

Lin Tan took back the pass, he followed with the two women.

Xiaolan and Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Three of you, this room is empty. I wish you all a good time."The woman bowed slightly and left. After the three of you entered the room, they closed the door.

Xiaolan and Ye breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help whispering:

"I was so scared...I almost thought I was recognized"

"Yeah... I didn't expect we would end up in a place like this."


The two sighed and looked at Lin Tan to see if he could come up with any solution. This was actually the first time that Lin Tan encountered such a thing.

To be honest, he was also nervous.

However, confidence comes from strength. Although he was nervous, he was not panicked at all.

Lin Tan came to the window, looked around, and said,"I got it. I'll go through the window to see what's going on next door."………You wait for me here"

"Okay, okay. Be careful!"Xiao Lan nodded.

She looked at Lin Tan, who was like a superman, following the edge of the window and reaching the window of the next room in just a few steps.

"Xiaolan, your classmates are amazing.……"He Ye looked at it with great praise

"I just found out about Lin's skill today." Xiaolan was also surprised. Before this, she didn't know that Lin Tan was so skilled.

But when you think about it carefully, every time the opponent was beaten to the ground, the spring water gurgled.

If you don't have good skills, you can't do it!

"I didn't expect this to be such a place." He Ye felt a little thirsty, so he picked up the cup and poured two glasses of wine.

"I… This is my first time coming to a place like this too." Xiaolan said awkwardly:"It's… so messy here"

"Yeah, I don't understand why they mess around with men and women………"He Ye was also confused by this. She handed a glass of water to Xiaolan and drank it herself.

"Alas... I don't know where that child is." Xiaolan took the water cup and took a sip, and became a little worried.

"If you really can't find the person, then call the police!"He Ye also felt that he couldn't delay any longer.

As the two were talking, they suddenly felt something was wrong with them.

"This room is... so hot"

"Hmm... I think so too, ventilation problem?"

"Maybe the material of this kimono is not good and it is not breathable? Maybe it will be better if I take it off."


When Lin Tan got the news and came back, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

He looked at the two people in ragged clothes, revealing their beauty, and his eyes widened.

But soon, he found two glasses of water on the table, and immediately realized something, shaking his head and said,"Didn't your mother tell you? When you are out, don't drink the water prepared by strangers for you.……"

"I hope this will teach you a lesson."

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