"Hmm? Why are you guys so quiet today? No one is talking... Weird"

"Heiji, your expression seems wrong."

"Huh? Is that right? What's wrong?"

"I feel like you're very happy"

"Really? Then you must have seen it wrong."


The next morning, when they were having breakfast together,

Kazuha found something wrong. It would have been fine if Shinichi and Asai Narimi didn't talk to each other, but the sudden silence of Heiji, who used to be a chatterbox, made her feel that something was wrong.

Heiji felt guilty and didn't dare to look at Kazuha.

Because what the other person said was right, he was indeed very happy.

He still vaguely remembered what happened last night.

He and Miss Asai Narimi…………Hehehe.

Just thinking about it, Heiji couldn't stop smiling, and he was so happy that he couldn't say it!!

He didn't expect that something like this would happen. It was a huge profit.

If Shinichi knew that I accidentally slapped his beautiful female assistant, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood and fight with me!

This must not be known to Kazuha. If she knew, she would definitely fight with me.

Thinking about it, Heiji moved his butt and adjusted his sitting position.

I don't know why, but it hurts here.

Heiji thought that it might be because he used his sphincter too much last night.

It's normal to have soreness caused by excessive exercise!

Kazuha noticed Heiji's abnormality, but if the other party didn't say it, she couldn't do anything.

She had to look at Lin Tan and asked,"Lin, what did you do last night?"

As soon as the question came out, Lin Tan immediately felt three strong gazes.

He shook his head and said,"I went to bed earlier than them and don't know anything."

After hearing this answer, Shinichi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly took a sip of soup to control his joy.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

Things would turn out like this.

Drinking can actually trigger such things, no wonder so many people like to drink, I understand, I understand.

I've decided!

After returning to Kudo's residence, I will immediately confess to Miss Asai!

As a responsible person, I can't ruin Miss Asai's innocence.

I will take responsibility!

Thinking of this, Shinichi's mouth corners couldn't help but rise, he felt that a better life was beckoning to him again.…………Hiss!!

Strange, why is there a crack here on my butt?

Yes, it must be because I ate too much chili last night.

It seems that I have to control it in the future.

"………"Xiaolan glanced at Shinichi.

She immediately determined that he was up to something.

However, she did not ask Lin Tan on the spot.

Instead, she waited until after breakfast, when everyone was walking in the town, and then she pulled him aside and asked,"Lin, what happened last night? You must know, right?"

"Well... I'd rather not know." Lin Tan sighed and said

"Hmm? So you know?" Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help gossiping,"What happened between them? Why are the three of them so strange so early in the morning?""

"When I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night yesterday, I saw them... 1-1." Lin Tan lowered his voice and said

"1-1? What does 1-1 mean?"Xiao Lan asked with pure curiosity.

"1-1 is……"Lin Tan leaned close to Xiaolan's ear and told her the details.

Xiaolan was shocked and her face turned red. She stepped back in panic:"This... This kind of thing... is too...………Madam... they are perverted. How can they do such perverted things!!"

As she said the last part, she slapped her forehead repeatedly, trying to make herself forget what she had just heard.

Don't let these messy things pollute your mind!!

At this time, Kazuha, who was pestering Heiji, saw that he was unwilling to say anything, so she could only walk away angrily.

After she found out that Lin Tan and Xiaolan were whispering again, she hurried over to find out what was going on:"What's wrong? Xiaolan, why are you slapping your forehead?"

"That's because...………Lin, tell He Ye about this."Xiao Lan felt that since she had heard these terrible things, He Ye should also listen to them and understand her current mood.

"Are you sure you want to know what happened to them last night?"Lin Tan kindly advised:"I suggest you don't listen, keep your brain pure"

"No, I want to hear it! Tell me quickly!" He Ye asked expectantly.

"You will regret it if you listen to this." Lin Tan said with a serious expression.

"I want to hear your regrets too! Lin, tell me quickly!"He Ye urged

"All right, put your ear close to me." Lin Tan waved his hand, and when He Ye put his ear close to him, he told He Ye about the fight between the three of them last night.

"Ah!!! I won't listen, I won't listen! My ears, my ears………It's not clean anymore!!"He Ye blushed and wailed.

She quickly covered her ears and kept shaking her head, as if to get rid of what she had just heard.

However, the more she wanted to forget, the clearer her brain remembered it.

Lin Tan looked at Xiaolan and Ye, one slapped her forehead desperately, and the other shook her head frantically.

He shook his head and said,"I told you not to be so curious, but you didn't listen... Now it's okay, right? It's not clean anymore."

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