"When I was passing by, I saw someone robbing, so I went up to help."

"While I was fighting with the robber, the old man was accidentally injured and fainted."

"After I chased the robber away and got back the old man's money, I immediately called the police and an ambulance."

"That's how it is... I'm done."


In the meeting room, Lin Detective calmly recorded the confession of Gao Mushi and Sato Miwako.

"…………"Sato Miwako had a weird expression on her face, but she held it in.

Although she was not very smart, she was not a fool either.

Of course, she did not believe that there were such coincidences in the world!

They had just locked onto Shikano Shuji, and then something happened to Shikano Shuji.

There was obviously something wrong!

Sato Miwako knew very well that this was definitely a routine set by Lin Tan and Kudo Shinichi!

She knew it, but she would not say it out loud stupidly.

However, the slightly raised corners of her mouth were very difficult to suppress!

"I see... But later our police found out that the money was stolen! It was related to a case from eighteen years ago!" Takagi Shige's expression was a little strange.

He didn't know the inside story, but he knew Lin Tan!

He was a very good detective.

Just catching a thief solved the case of Chousi Lang that had troubled the police for eighteen years?

How is this possible!!

There is obviously something wrong here.

But Takagi Shige is not a fool, he will not do anything to offend people.

Besides, it is related to Sato Miwako, he will not act rashly.

"Oh? Really? Looks like I'm lucky." Lin Tan smiled and said,"Have you finished asking? I'll leave after that.………I haven't had dinner yet."

"You can leave at any time, Lin Jun. Gao Mushi nodded repeatedly and said

"In that case, I'll leave first." Lin Tan didn't say anything more and stood up and left the meeting room.

As soon as he came out of the Metropolitan Police Department, he saw Shinichi waiting for him there.

"I bet that everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department will know your name tomorrow!" Shinichi came up and said with a smile.

"I hope so."After Lin Tan said this, he was thinking about how much reputation he could gain tomorrow.

The case of Chou Silang was also a well-known case. It would not be too much to give him a few hundred reputation points after solving it.

When the reputation reached 500 points, he could immediately take Sato Miwako as his own cow and horse, and make her work for him until her death.…………No, this should be mutual benefit, harmony and win-win!

Shinichi was still immersed in the method of solving the case just now, and said with a sigh:"I didn't expect the case to be solved so well. I have learned a lot! I have learned a lot!"

"Although the method is shady, it doesn’t matter!"

"The important thing is to solve the case and bring the murderer to justice!"

At this point, he vaguely felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Such a method of solving a case made him energetic and excited!

"Come on, Lin, you really opened my eyes tonight, I have to treat you to a good meal!" Shinichi said enthusiastically.

"Then I won't be polite." When Lin Tan was about to leave with Shinichi, he suddenly heard someone calling his name from behind,"Lin Jun, wait a moment!"

This made him stop and look back. It was Sato Miwako who caught up with him.

"Whoosh whoosh……"The policewoman paused, panting, and said,"Um...you haven't eaten yet? I...I'll treat you to dinner!"

""Yes." Lin Tan agreed readily. He turned to look at Shinichi and said,"You go back first! Officer Sato and I are going to have dinner."

""You are a guy who values women over friends! Be careful or I'll tell Xiaolan and the others!" Shinichi muttered, but still waved goodbye.

He said this, but he also knew that Sato Miwako invited Lin Tan to dinner to express her gratitude.

Otherwise, they couldn't possibly be going on a date at this late hour, right?


Beika Hotel.

Sato Miwako stared at the ceiling in a daze.

She still couldn't believe that she had spent a sleepless night with a boy who was ten years younger than her!

It was originally a joke,"I don't know how to thank you, how about I give my body to you."

But she didn't expect it to really happen. It really happened.

This made Sato Miwako feel very unreal and ridiculous.

She obviously liked a man who was more mature and stable than herself and could give her a sense of security. How could it be………

Of course, what made Sato Miwako even more unacceptable was——————————I was actually at a disadvantage the whole night, and I didn't win once.

Just thinking about it made me feel bad.

At this time, Lin came back from the living room, and he brought a cup of coffee and said,"Drink it, you will feel better and have more energy to work."

""Well...thank you." Miwako Sato didn't know why, she didn't dare to look at Lin Tan and felt a little shy.

After she took the coffee, she hurriedly concentrated on drinking it.

This behavior made Miwako Sato herself a little bit uncomfortable.

Cowardly, too cowardly!

Miwako Sato, you are not such a cowardly person!

After thinking about this, she pretended to be calm and said:"Mr. Lin, why do I feel that you seem to be very familiar with these things?"

Lin Tan did not answer, but asked:"Why? Officer Sato, have you never been in love?"

"…………"Miwako Sato didn't say anything, just drinking her coffee.

Huh? What's going on? She felt warm all over, as if she wasn't sleepy anymore, and she wasn't tired anymore?

She was surprised and asked,"What brand of coffee is this? It's so effective?""

"The hotel sent it to me, I don't know." Seeing that she changed the subject, Lin Tan smiled and said,"Go take a shower, and go downstairs to have breakfast together. You go to work and I go to school."

"oh……"Miwako Sato nodded, drank the coffee in one gulp, then picked up her clothes and hurried into the bathroom like a thief.

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