After leaving the art gallery, Lin Tan took Xiao Lan to a nearby coffee shop to sit down and rest.

While chatting with Xiao Lan, Lin Tan took the time to check the system message.

【Ding! You successfully solved a murder case】

【Fame +20】

【You've been rewarded: full of energy!】

【Full of energy: Your mental and physical recovery speed is significantly increased! 】

After seeing this reward, Lin Tan's eyes lit up.

This skill can undoubtedly be used to increase a person's daily action time!

A worthy skill for cattle and horses!

His first thought was to give this skill to Shinichi.

Let Shinichi recover his energy faster, increase working hours by compressing rest time, solve more murders, and generate greater profits!

Thinking of this, Lin Tan couldn't help but smile.

As the saying goes, things that are too easy to get are not easy to be cherished.

Therefore, it is impossible to give it away for free.

But the price can be more favorable.

After thinking about it, Lin Tan threw this skill into Shinichi's redemption list and marked the price: 100 points.

After that, he looked at Shinichi's redemption points, and there were only 2 points left.

""Hmm? What did he redeem?" Lin Tan looked at the system message curiously.

He found that Shinichi spent 30 points to redeem [Micro-Expression Proficiency Knowledge].

This made him suddenly realize that it was no wonder that the other party worked so hard last night and solved three murders in one go.

It turned out that after getting the new skills, he couldn't wait to try them out!

After closing the system interface, Lin Tan turned his attention back to Xiaolan. He asked,"How is it, are you feeling better?"

"Well, it's nothing serious now."Xiao Lan said a little embarrassedly.

She sighed bitterly in her heart.

She didn't expect that she would be scared to death on her first date with Lin Tan.

Oh, this will definitely leave Lin with the impression that she is timid!

"It's getting late, let's go eat together." Lin Tan suggested:"There is a good western restaurant nearby, with delicious food."

""Yeah, come to think of it, I'm a little hungry too." Xiaolan nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go." Lin Tan got up and took Xiaolan to the western restaurant.

On the other side, at the crime scene,

Shinichi had found the last piece of the puzzle. He smiled and said,"I know what happened."

"Mrs. Sakagami, you are the murderer!"

"I have seen through everything you have done!"


As his reasoning show began, the scene was once again controlled by Shinichi, and the murderer had nowhere to hide!

Seeing that the evidence was complete and her own quibbling was useless, Mrs. Sakagami knelt on the ground dejectedly, and she cried in pain:"It's all his fault! It's all his fault!! I just cheated, why do I have to divorce!! If he didn't mention divorce, this would never happen!"

In the past, Shinichi might still be a little angry, and the other party was extremely selfish.

However, as he continued to solve murders during this period of time and met all kinds of people, his heart was calm, and he even wanted to laugh! After watching Mrs. Sakagami being taken away, Shinichi said goodbye to Megure Jusan and started to meet up with Lin Tan and the others.

After learning about the Western restaurant they were locked in through text messages, he looked at the distance, which was about two or three kilometers.

Originally, Shinichi wanted to take the bus, but he hesitated and finally chose to take a taxi.

Ten points can be exchanged for 10 million yen.

He doesn't have to worry about money.

Instead of taking the bus, it is more comfortable to take a taxi, and you can also sleep in the car to recover your energy!

After getting in the taxi, Shinichi lay in the back seat and began to rest. He looked at his system list.

"Huh? Another new skill?"

"Energetic? Can it effectively speed up my energy recovery?"

"This is great! If I can redeem it, I can save my rest time and solve more cases."

Shinichi was excited just thinking about it!

But when he saw his current 3 points, he was immediately unhappy.

He still had to accumulate for a long time before he could redeem this skill.

"In addition to this, you also need to change to a pill to strengthen your body!"

"There's also an enhanced sense of smell, which I also want... With it, my efficiency in solving murders will definitely increase again!"

"Want everything………But I still don't have enough points"

"Every time you solve a case, you only get a few points, which is too little."

"Maybe it’s because the case is too simple?"


Shinichi was envious of the goodies in the redemption list, but he had too few points.

He had begun to lose interest in these minor cases and began to wonder whether he should take on a big case, so that he could earn points faster!

While he was daydreaming, Shinichi arrived at the western restaurant and found Detective Lin and Xiaolan.

After seeing the two of them talking and laughing, he couldn't help feeling a little jealous!

But Shinichi couldn't blame Detective Lin. Originally, the three of them had agreed to go together, but he took the initiative to leave to solve the case!

After adjusting his mood, he walked over and said with a smile,"Sorry, I'm late.………What are you guys talking about? Why are you so happy?"

"Shinichi, you are here!" Xiaolan couldn't wait to share with Shinichi:"We are talking about food!"

"Delicious food?"After Shinichi sat down, he took a look at the steak on the table and didn't understand what was so interesting about steak.

"Yes, Lin tastes better if you drink red wine with steak!" Xiaolan said, pulling up the wine glass on the table and said,"I tried it, it's true!"

"Oh, of course!" Shinichi understood, and he said as a matter of course:"The acidity of the red wine can neutralize the greasiness of the steak, making the overall taste more refreshing; and the texture of the steak can enhance the taste of the red wine, making it richer. Eating them together tastes best."

"As expected of Shinichi, he knows everything!" Lin Tan once again gave his praise!

"Hey, basic common sense, not worth mentioning!" Shinichi waved his hands, thinking it was nothing.

But he didn't know that by doing so, Xiaolan's desire to share disappeared all of a sudden, and she was speechless.

Shinichi asked curiously:"Aren't you still wearing school uniforms? How dare they sell alcohol to you?"

""Shh!" Xiaolan made a shushing gesture and said,"Lin asked the waiter to secretly bring it to us.………Don't talk so loudly!"

Lin Tan chuckled and said,"It can be done with a little tip... Would you like a drink?"

"Forget it, forget it." Shinichi shook his head repeatedly. He didn't want the alcohol to enter his body, affect his brain and slow down his thinking speed!

At this time, Lin Tan's cell phone rang.

He looked at the number, stood up and said,"Sorry, I'm going out to answer the phone."

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