While Tono Ning was washing up, Huihara Ai also prepared breakfast.

After a simple meal, he went out to work.

It was cloudy today.

But this did not affect Tono Ning's sunny heart.

When he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, he went directly to Megure Jusan to speak.

"Inspector, do you know that the next door is investigating the matter of Councillor Tunkou?"

Megure Jusan was still yawning, he wiped his tears, "Well, it's a huge bribe, maybe the House of Representatives will be reshuffled this time."

Tono Ning naturally pulled over a chair, "Inspector, there is a group of people who want to get rid of Councillor Tunkou, I apply for the Investigation Division to intervene in the investigation and protect him."

This news was still a bit too noisy in the early morning.

Megure Jusan was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, "Where did you get the news? Is it true?!"

At this time, the office door was pushed open again.

Shiratori Renzaburo, holding a stack of documents in his hand, patiently closed the door, and then lowered his voice, "Yesterday, Higashino-kun had already entrusted me to confirm the investigation."

He put the documents on the table, "I talked to Inspector Morishima of the Second Investigation Division. Councillor Tunkou did hide something other than bribery. He was quite frightened and there was indeed a possibility of being threatened."

As he said, he pulled another chair and sat down, "Then I took my own way to conduct a simple investigation. The surveillance near Councillor Tunkou's home captured several suspicious people lurking and monitoring."

Higashino Ning had already communicated these contents with Shiratori Renzaburo on the way to work.

Higashino Ning was quite surprised to hear these news at first, but then he felt that this was indeed reasonable.

After all, Tunkou Shigehiko is a human being. He is hiding something in his heart and is at risk of death. It is basically impossible for him not to be discovered when facing the police investigation.

As for those suspicious persons captured by surveillance cameras, it is even more reasonable.

The people who do these things cannot be code members like Gin. If they are incompetent, they will naturally leave traces.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary case, but this time the police's investigation target is Shigehiko Tsuguchi. Not only did they investigate deeply and vigorously, but they also repeatedly compared the investigation results based on the principle of caution.

This also shows that the simple words that Shiratori Renzaburo gave him yesterday afternoon were not fabricated out of thin air but targeted.

The police are garbage in the setting, but they still cannot be underestimated.


After listening to Shiratori Renzaburo's words, Megure Jusan thought with a serious expression.

Soon, he took the documents and flipped through them. "Since even you, Brother Shiratori, said so, it seems that this matter really needs to be taken seriously."

"Let me report this matter now and then inform Inspector Morishima."

Megure Jusan looked at Higashino Ning, "Higashino, there are not many cases recently and we have enough manpower."

"If we really need to intervene in the protection investigation of Councillor Tunkou later, then you can go with me. The subsequent continuous protection will be left to you and Brother Takagi."

Higashino Ning nodded, "Okay, no problem."

Things were arranged quickly. Megure Jusan was always resolute and went out to find his superiors directly.

Higashino Ning and Shiratori Renzaburo looked at each other and then separated.

In addition to meeting privately, the two of them relied more on tacit cooperation, and it was best not to even have mobile phone communication.

It was Higashino Ning who did not expect that Takagi Wataru would be arranged in.

It stands to reason that Megure Jusan should have kept a younger brother around to facilitate police investigations, and Takagi Shigeki has cooperated with him for many years, so the best candidate should be Takagi Shigeki.

But now Megure Jusan intends to let Takagi Shigeki participate in the action of protecting Tsukuguchi Shigehiko with him.

"Maybe he wants Shigeki to improve with me. It is indeed good to show up more in such high-level actions."

But... there are also dangers here.

From the essence of the operation, the risks of this operation are far greater than the benefits.

Without a system and an agreement with Shiratori Rensaburo, Takagi Shigeki cannot be promoted through this operation.

Tono Ning still wants to wait until he climbs up before helping his good brother.

Unfortunately, he does not even have the right to make suggestions on personnel arrangements, which is really helpless.

After waiting for almost two hours at his workstation, Megure Jusan finally came with news near noon.

"Brother Dongye, I will lead a team to the home of Councillor Tunkou this afternoon. Starting tonight, the actual responsibility of the security work will be fully handed over to you. Can you accept it?"

Dongye Ning naturally did not

Will refuse, nod firmly.

Megure Jusan showed a relieved smile on his face, lowered his voice to the lowest, "Very good, I can't completely leave my post here."

"If things can't be done at that time, remember not to rush too hard, protecting yourself is the main thing, the investigation section can't lose an excellent police officer like you."

"As for Senator Tunkou... he can die, anyway, more than 90% of the members of the House of Representatives are not good people."

Hitano Ning said that the boss saw it clearly.

But Tunkou Shigehiko really can't die, whether he can be promoted depends on him.

Higashino Ning nodded and became curious, "What about Takagi?"

Megure Jusan coughed twice, "Let's follow the original arrangement, you are the main one, and he is the auxiliary."

"I always feel that brother Takagi is not as reliable as you. If there is a problem, he may rush forward. You should keep an eye on him."


If it weren't for the following sentence, Tono Ning would have thought that Megure Jusan had also heard the news that he was going to be promoted and Takagi Shizuo had no hope of being promoted.

But now it seems... Megure Jusan didn't know at all.

"Oh... So Inspector Morishima is also from the Shiratori family?"

"And the day before yesterday, he told me that he was transferred to the Second Investigation Division. Was he hinting that I should seize the opportunity and get on board?"

Damn... There really is no simple guy who plays politics.

Still needs to be tempered...

He actually didn't get the taste until now.

After Megure Jusan left, Tono Ning took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Haibara Ai.

[Today and the next week, I have a mission and can't go home. You have to be obedient at home alone, okay? If you are afraid of living there, go to the doctor's house and stay for a few days. 】

At this time, Haibara Ai should be in class.

Speaking of which, today is Friday again. Haibara Ai will be on vacation after this class.

What a pity.

Being a policeman is destined to not give your family too much company.

Now Megure Jusan doesn't bet with him anymore, so he can't get a vacation.

That's right!

He quickly grabbed his phone and sent another text message.

[I should be absent from this garden party, sorry. I'll ask for leave for you after the mission is over and take you out to play. ]

Half an hour later, the little loli's reply text message came.

[Okay, I'll wait for you. Remember to take care of your belly when you are on a mission outside. ]


Repetitive words, disgusting.

Dong Ye Ning pressed down the corners of his mouth and chose not to reply.

Thinking about love really delays things.

Hum~ So annoying!


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