"Masaki Hirota is probably gone, right?"

Sitting in the back seat of the Beetle, thinking of the original plot, Lin Yu's expression began to become uncertain.

It's not that he had the idea of saving people. There are so many people who die accidentally in the world every day, and he can't control it. Besides, this It was even more so for an old man in Neon.

But when Lin Yu thought about encountering a dead person later, his heart became uneasy.

Dead people are not auspicious in any world.

"What's wrong?"

Hai Yuan Ai, who was sitting next to him, saw Lin Yu's face was unclear and couldn't help asking with concern.

The co-pilot, hearing the movement from the back seat, Conan pricked up his ears in time and secretly looked in the rearview mirror to observe the rear. The two of them glanced at Conan, and Lin Yu said with a hint of disgust:

"It's nothing, I just feel that if I travel with the God of Plague, I will definitely encounter something bad later."

Although Lin Yu didn't specify, Hui Yuan Ai still guessed who he was referring to in an instant.

He couldn't help but look at Conan with a strange look.

Lin Yu, a person who is likely to come from the future, is definitely not unreasonable in what he said..

In the cab, the doctor who was driving also looked at Conan strangely. As a person around him, he could tell Xiao Ai responsibly. The two looked at each other deeply. Deeply hurt Conan's heart

"What a plague god, this is feudal superstition and has no scientific basis at all."

You can just quibble in front of the three of them, and I just listened to it. Conan was instantly defeated.

He had heard the word plague many times from Uncle Maori and Officer Megure.

They even asked him to do it several times. He went to the temple to burn incense and worship to get rid of bad luck. But when facing Lin Yu, a"strong enemy", Conan unknowingly became more serious. Struggling hard:

"That's when the case called me, the famous detective."

As soon as these words came out, the three people immediately understood. It turns out that you are really the God of Plague.

For a moment, Conan was silent, like a duck being pinched by the neck.

He found that when he said this, he seemed to be like the God of Plague.


Conan didn't know how many times he shouted this word in his heart.

Looking at Lin Yu who was leaning on Xiao Ai and not taking him seriously at all, Conan secretly swore in his heart

"I will definitely slap you in the face"

"If Professor Hirota is intact later, I'll see what happens to you."

Just after taking the oath, Conan suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"Could something really happen to the professor?"


Facts have proved that Conan, the God of Plague, is not just talk.

When the group arrived at Professor Hirota's house, he was already lying cold in the study.

The moment he saw the crime scene, Lin Yu felt his mind explode.

Blood, blood all over the ground.

As an ordinary person living in peaceful times, he had never seen such a tragic crime scene.

There was blood flowing all over the floor, the pungent smell of blood, and the red and white sticky unknown liquid that"gurgled" out of the professor's head.

"Tofu curd with chili oil?"

As soon as this idea came up, Lin Yu felt his stomach churn.

Coupled with the stimulation of the strong smell of blood, an uncontrollable overwhelming feeling came from his stomach.


Unable to bear it any longer, Lin Yu covered his mouth and ran outside, retching.

"Damn it, are dead people so scary?"

As an orphan with no relatives, he has never seen the appearance of a person after death in real life, let alone a violent death.

As a homebody, he hardly goes out.

He has never encountered any car accident scenes. The bloodiest scene he had ever seen was a scene that lasted for more than ten minutes.

He couldn't adapt to such a bloody and tragic scene.

Looking at Lin Yu running out with his mouth covered, Conan's face was filled with tears. With a hint of pride, he finally moved back.

At the same time, his inner guard against Lin Yu almost disappeared.

Although this scene was normal for ordinary people, it seemed so unexpected for Lin Yu, a person of unknown origin.

"Lin Yu was not from any black organization, and was most likely just an ordinary person who was involved in an accident."

Lin Yu didn't know that he had already marked Conan's heart as harmless to humans and animals.

At this moment, he was still struggling with his twitching stomach.

"are you OK."

Hui Yuan Ai came to her side with a paper cup and a glass of warm water.

Looking at his pale face, Xiao Ai had a complicated look on her face, whether it was envy or yearning.

"Have you never seen this kind of scene?"

The life of ordinary people without betrayal, without killing, without having to face life-threatening dangers all the time, is the life that she and her sister most envy and yearn for.

If possible, who wouldn't want to live openly and openly under the sun?


Taking the warm water Xiao Ai brought and gargling his mouth, Lin Yu felt that he had finally relaxed a lot, and his stomach was no longer so uncomfortable.

Holding the warm paper cup, Lin Yu nodded and gave Xiao Ai his first kiss. Talking about his past:

"I used to be just an ordinary person. Although I was not rich, I had no shortage of food and clothing. My life was very peaceful. I went to work and watched dramas every day. I lived a very ordinary life, but I was also very happy."

After a pause, Lin Yu looked at Xiao Ai, his eyes resting on her peerless face, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Except for the lack of a beautiful girlfriend around me and feeling a little lonely, everything is perfect."

Looking at Lin Yu, Xiao Ai murmured to himself:

"An ordinary, warm and ordinary life is really beyond our reach."

Having experienced betrayal, imprisonment, and hunting, even living is a luxury. Huiyuan Ai is so yearning for the life that Lin Yu said is ordinary, but full of warmth and happiness.

Looking at Xiao Ai's face with longing With a look on his face, Lin Yu remembered a sentence he once heard:

"If she is new to the world, take her to see all the prosperity of the world; if she has experienced all the vicissitudes of life, take her on the merry-go-round with her."

Putting the paper cup on the flower bed next to him, Lin Yu pulled Xiao Ai over, hugged her into his arms, smelled her fragrant hair, and whispered in her ear:

"There is no need to long for or yearn for, I will always be by your side and drive away all your fears and worries."

Putting your ear against Lin Yu's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

His body was hugged tightly by his arms, and the unparalleled sense of security in the first night's dream enveloped his whole body.


The little head nodded slightly, and an undetectable hum came out of the little nose.

A pair of clumsy little hands wrapped around Lin Yu's waist at some point.

In the night sky, the two hugged each other and snuggled quietly. Together.

This scene seems to last forever.

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