Chapter 171: Going shopping with Shiho, Conan looks for Yusaku!

The next day, morning.

The cruise ship stopped steadily in Tokyo. As soon as Li Ze and others got off the cruise ship, they saw a black business car.

Butler Ochiai bowed slightly.


After seeing Li Ze and others coming, he took the initiative to say hello and began to open the car door for everyone.


After a group of people sat in the car, the car slowly left.


After sending Xiaolan and Conan to the detective agency first, then sent Ayako and Sonoko back, and finally returned home with Miyano Shiho.

There is no way!

Regarding the huge cake of 3G mobile phones, Ayako needs to go back and inform her family first.

After the Suzuki family has a basic understanding and a simple assessment, they can meet each other to have a better in-depth conversation.

2-chome, Li Ze’s house!

Li Ze sat lazily on the sofa, drinking the black tea just brought by the maid, and then he couldn’t help but speak.


“From now on, you should stay here for your daily life.”

“After all, we have already negotiated with the organization, so you don’t have to worry, right?”

Li Ze said very seriously.


Miyano Shiho narrowed her eyes when she heard this.

She looked at Li Ze with interest at first, until she saw that Li Ze began to feel a little embarrassed, then she slowly nodded and agreed.


“But since you are my legal wife, you also want me to walk under the sun.”

“Then let’s follow the traditional rules. Before we get married, you are absolutely not allowed to touch me.”

“The room next to yours will be mine from now on!”

Miyano Shiho said seriously.

However, she had a relaxed smile on her face, and her eyes were full of yearning for the future.

After all, this kind of thing was something she couldn’t imagine in the past.

But then, after a little thought, she continued to say:”Go shopping with me later, I want to buy some necessities of life!”

After she finished speaking, she did not wait for Li Ze’s reply, and immediately went to the second floor.

Obviously, she had already begun to prepare for the decoration of her new home, and now she was just going to take a look at the future territory.


Li Ze, who heard this, seemed very distressed.

After all, in his opinion, some shopping matters could be handed over to the housekeeper and the maid.

Moreover, because of the troubles in the Hatamoto family last night, he basically did not sleep well all night, and he was actually ready to make up for his sleep.

But, forget it!

He could feel Miyano Shiho’s excitement, and he knew that girls attached great importance to this kind of ceremony.

So even if it’s a headache, he still went there.


Thinking of this, Li Ze couldn’t help but sighed helplessly.

Half an hour later,

Miyano Shiho, who came downstairs, said directly with the small notebook in his hand

“I have recorded all the things I need to buy.”

“Li Zejun, let’s go!”

In response,

Li Ze shrugged, but still stood up:”Okay, let’s go!”

After that, he was about to ask Butler Ochiai to prepare the vehicle, but this time he was stopped directly by Miyano Shiho

“Li Ze, don’t look for the housekeeper.”

“Let’s take the bus, okay?”

Li Ze nodded:”Of course!”

He knew in his heart that Miyano Shiho at this moment was like a bird that had just flown out of a cage.

She was eager to enjoy freedom and sunshine, but of course she still preferred to take the bus, which was a more daily mode of transportation.


The two of them walked hand in hand, talking and laughing all the way to the bus stop.


On the other hand,

Conan had just returned to the Maori Detective Agency. He simply put down his luggage and stayed for a while, then found an excuse to leave.

Then, he went back to his home without stopping.

“Shin-chan, are you back?”

Kudo’s house!

Yukiko smiled as she looked at Conan at the door.

On the other side,

Yusaku Kudo, who was sitting in the living room reading a newspaper and drinking tea, put down the newspaper immediately after seeing this:”Yukiko, go make some tea, Conan, come to the study with me to talk!”

After saying that, he went straight to the second floor.

Obviously, he could tell from Conan’s serious look that he must have something important to talk to him about.

He was very clear about his son’s abilities.

He wouldn’t come to him for trivial matters!

Then… there was only one possibility, and that was the Black Organization.

Facing this great enemy, even he had to take it seriously!

On the other side,

Conan heard what his father said, and naturally he didn’t hesitate at all.

After changing his shoes, he put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the study on the second floor with a serious face.

Yukiko was very unhappy about this.

He felt that no matter how old he was, Whether it was her father-in-law or her son, they didn’t seem to take her seriously.

It was too much!

However, she also knew the priorities, and even though she was unhappy, she still went to make tea honestly.

Ten minutes later, in the study, Kudo Yusaku sat at the desk, and did not pick up the teacup in front of him.

Instead, he supported his chin with his hands crossed, and just listened quietly to Conan’s narration…

Yukiko, with her hands on her chest.

She leaned against the balcony, and her face became serious as Conan described.

After a long time, when Conan finished his narration, the whole study was still very quiet.

The hearts of the Kudo couple sank to the bottom.


Kudo Yusaku said faintly:”I still underestimated him.”

“It is really incredible that such a large underground base could be built in Kamatsu Island, especially with such a fully armed combat force!”

“It’s clear that he has risen to prominence in such a short time. Even with the support from the Suzuki family, it’s impossible for him to become as powerful as he is now?”

“This Li Ze is very mysterious!”

Kudo Yusaku sighed.

His eyes were very complicated, and he was even a little confused.

After all.

Simply speaking from a logical point of view, Li Ze’s rise has not been long.

Even if he is capable, whether it is recruiting or building a secret base, it takes a long time to accumulate.

As for the help of the Suzuki family? The possibility is not high!

Because he knows very well in his heart that although the Suzuki family is the top chaebol in the country, the foundation of the Suzuki family is mostly in the business and political circles, and other aspects are relatively lagging.

Umbrella’s armed forces are most likely unrelated to the Suzuki family.


How did Umbrella do this? He thought about it for a long time but still had no answer.

Also, it is precisely because of this.

He can only come up with one answer, that is, Li Ze is very mysterious!

“Yes, it’s very mysterious.”

Conan nodded, and then said solemnly:”There is something wrong with Li Ze!”

“When he transferred to Teitan High School, he only had a shell company under his name. I know almost everything about his rise to fame.”

“Seba family, Takasugi family……”

“Even if he swallowed up these two companies, he shouldn’t have this level of power!”

Conan couldn’t figure it out!

Unlike Kudo Yusaku, he saw Li Ze’s rise.

But, that’s why he couldn’t figure it out.

On the other side,

Yukiko, who was leaning against the balcony, looked at the two riddlers in front of her, but she felt a little unhappy on the spot. After a little hesitation, she spoke in frustration.

“Hey, you two.”

“Can you say something I can understand?”

“I also heard what Conan said just now. Although I admit that Li Ze’s power is quite powerful, it is not as exaggerated as you said, right?”

“Just a hidden base!”

“Aren’t there other chaebols?”

“Is it necessary to be so frightened?”


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