Chapter 181: Meeting Judy at the Shibuya Game Hall!

Conan looked unhappy.

He immediately started to complain about Inspector Megure, after all, it involved his own safety.

On the other hand,

Li Ze, who knew the truth, could not help but fall into silence.

He didn’t know how to complain about this damn timeline.

After a little hesitation, he slowly spoke.

“From what you said, it seems that there is some element in Lao Baigan that is at work.”

“Although I don’t know the specific situation, but for the sake of our friendship, I will still remind you.”

“I suggest you don’t do any experiments lightly. Let your parents spend some money to find a laboratory and do as many experiments as possible to study the specific situation.”

“You are lucky to have failed, otherwise if you had succeeded, it would not be a good thing for you.”

“Everyone has antibodies”

“The more successful you are, the more antibodies your body will produce against this element.”

“Over time, your body will become immune to”

“By then, you’ll be finished!”

Conan was stunned when he heard this.

After a moment of silence, he felt that Li Ze was right.


Although he was not an expert in biology, he was a high school student after all, and he knew some basic biological knowledge.

He had forgotten about this because he was too excited. Now that Li Ze reminded him, he finally reacted.

“OK, I understand.”

Conan was silent and nodded:”Thank you, Li Ze!”

“I will definitely pay attention in the future!”


Li Ze did not hold much hope for this.

He knew Conan too well.

Even though Conan had restrained himself a lot compared to the original book because of his arrival, he was essentially a dog that could not change its nature.

Conan was too reckless!

Because of Xiaolan, he would not be able to hold back sooner or later.

Especially since the timeline of this world was terribly messy, although it seemed to be only a year in name, it would actually take at least 20 to 30 years.

In such a long period of time, with Conan’s temper, in order to fool Xiaolan, he would sooner or later make himself completely immune.

Of course… this had little to do with him, after all, he had already reminded her.

As a friend, it was good enough.


Half an hour later.

Shibuya, Blue Bridge Building.

Game arcade.

Looking at the towering building in front of him, Li Ze couldn’t help but smile.

The reason is simple.

This building belongs to Asuka Real Estate. It was originally owned by the Seba Group, but now it has become an industry of Umbrella.


After the group came to the game hall, Sonoko and Xiaolan were attracted by the photo stickers at the door.


For this day and age, photo sticker machines are rare, especially for girls like them, they have an extraordinary attraction.

The two girls went to play happily, and Conan and Li Ze stayed with the two girls.

And, during this period.

Naturally, several people had to take photos together. Although Li Ze didn’t like it very much, he still accompanied the two girls to take a few photos.

“This wedding dress is pretty good.”

“Garden, let’s go!”

“Let’s take a photo together!”

Xiaolan’s eyes lit up. She immediately dragged Sonoko and prepared to take a photo of her back in a wedding dress.


Sonoko was unwilling to do so, which made Xiaolan a little confused for a moment, but then she couldn’t help but tease her.

Then she talked about the school teacher Niide Tomoaki, Sonoko’s boyfriend Kyogoku Makoto, and the English teacher Judy who had just come today.

Li Ze narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Listening to the conversation between the two women, he began to believe in his judgment more and more.

The FBI acted in advance!


Just as Xiaolan and Sonoko were chatting, bursts of exclamations came from the other side of the playground from time to time.

Li Ze couldn’t help but turn his head and saw Judy Stelene!

She was wearing a teacher’s uniform and holding a game gun to show her power.

“Teacher Judy?!”

“Did I see it wrong?”

“How could she come to a place like this?”

“That’s right!”

Xiaolan and Yuanzi exclaimed in surprise.

Then, the two girls walked over, and Li Ze and Conan followed closely behind.

“Hey, Li Ze!”

Conan put his hands behind his head and said in confusion:”The English teacher of our class, I don’t remember it was her!”

“New here today.”

Li Ze shrugged his shoulders.

On the other side, the two girls had already started chatting with Judy, and Judy also explained why she came here.

In short, she just likes playing games!

The game halls in Yingjiang are too full, so she definitely came to Jiaobenji, which develops games.

While teaching, she played crazily.

After all, many games in Yingjiang have been on the market for a long time here.

Also, it is precisely because of this that she does not need to compete with others. The reason why she chooses to teach seriously is that she is afraid that she can’t find a job in the industry…

In Judy’s words, it is difficult for foreigners like her to find a suitable job.

“Hello, hello!”

“After all this time, it turns out that he is a game fan!”

Conan couldn’t help but fall in love when he heard this!

On the other side.

Li Ze couldn’t help but roll his eyes after hearing this.

Damn, are you serious?

It was a bit difficult for him to evaluate Judy in front of him.

She must have used a backdoor to join the FBI, right?

This kind of ridiculous reason can only fool students like Xiaolan.

Anyone who has been in society for a few years will never believe this kind of crappy reason.

Are you kidding!

Yingjiang is the father of Jiaobuji. When Yingjiang’s people come here to find a job, many companies are willing to give her a position.

Even if she can’t do anything, there are many companies willing to support her.

After all… if there is a business meeting���If he could bring in an American employee, it would definitely be a compliment to himself.

Can’t find a job?



Although Li Ze knew everything in his heart, he was too lazy to expose it.

As long as the FBI doesn’t come to bother him, he doesn’t bother to have anything to do with the FBI.

Even, take a step back.

Even if he wants to contact the FBI, he will find the supervisor of the headquarters.

Judy, Shuichi Akai and other low-level employees basically have no power in their hands, so Li Ze naturally has no interest in talking nonsense with them.


Just when Li Ze was thinking, under the introduction of Judy Stein, Xiaolan started playing a virtual fighting game.

At the beginning, the first game.

Xiaolan undoubtedly beat the computer!

But in the second game, it became a character controlled by a person.

Xiaolan, a miserable defeat!

In the end, as expected, Xiaolan’s position was taken away

“This man is so bad!”

Yunoko complained:”This man, who does he think he is!”

“I am so angry!”

The three girls walked to the side, and Yuanzi complained unhappily.


Xiaolan shook her head and said nothing more.

“Little sister, you can’t win!”

“Oto is too familiar with this game, he knows how to use many tricks. If it is your first time playing, you can’t win even if you are strong!”

“People call him the Caesar of Mihua Town, but actually he is just a small gangster. Especially recently he has become more and more arrogant, even we are troubled by him!”

“I think the only person who can beat this guy is Lucas from Beihu!”


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