"Forget it, forget it, it seems you still don't want to believe us, and we won't force you, so let's do it. See you again..shung"

After Huanying understood what Qi Liao meant, he turned around and flew into the sky. Qi Liao took this opportunity to stare at the clouds and mist beside him.

As expected, the fog became much lighter after Vision left, but it did not dissipate, mostly because Tony was still here.

"Mr. Tony, aren't you going with Vision?" Qi Liao tried his best to pretend to be calm and said. He was really worried that Tony would arrest him for interrogation due to his character.

But despite this, Qi Liao also understands that Tony has his own sense of proportion in doing things. Even if this sense of restraint makes no difference in the eyes of others, Tony will never go too far, let alone endanger his life. So even if the other party really wanted to do this, Qi Liao would not fight to the death with him.

"Yes, kid, you were right this time. I don't plan to go with Vision yet." Tony said slowly, walking towards Qi Liao in his steel armor, and said, "In fact, Vision, you don't want to leave either." Don't be anxious yet, wait for me, I have something to say to this child."

Qi Liao saw the steel armor put his arm to his mouth when he said the last sentence, probably using the communication device on the wrist armor to communicate with Vision.

Probably after getting a reply from the other side, the steel armor looked back at Qi Liao, who was pretending to be calm with the orange cat in his arms. As he walked, he said, "Relax, kid, relax. Well, let me think about it, you just asked me Why don’t you just leave with Vision, who looks like a woman’s lipstick?”

"Sir, please remember to turn off the intercom before you say bad things about me next time. Thank you."

Tony had just walked in his direction, so now the distance between the two was very close, and Qi Liao could clearly hear Vision's voice coming from the steel armor's wrist. The steel armor was silent for a while and said to Qi Liao, "He is right. I think it really needs to be closed. I will say a lot more bad things about him later."

"Oh, please, first..."

The smart program turned off the walkie-talkie on Tony's wrist on Friday, and the words Vision could say in the future were stopped in the cradle.

Tony looked at Qi Liao, who was facing a formidable enemy, and then said, "Okay, no one will bother us now."

Probably because Qi Liao has watched too many sexy movies, these words felt particularly awkward in his ears, and he always felt that there was a vague meaning of developing in a very bad direction.

"Why don't I follow Vision and leave? Actually, I just think the cat in your arms is quite interesting."

As soon as these words came out, Qi Liao suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, especially the element-eating beast, which almost instantly exploded in his arms.

"Qi Liao, be prepared. If he really wants to attack me, I will attack!"

"Well, be careful, but I don't think he will do anything to me. At most, he will imprison me, so don't worry about me."

Of course, there is another option now, which is to hand Tony the element-devouring beast and then become a lackey of Stark Technology, but this is the last option in Qi Liao's heart.

Qi Liao knew in his heart that the man in front of him was self-righteous and arrogant, but he would never harm innocent people.

That's why Qi Liaocai even ridiculously believed that he would not die. Because as long as the other party is still Tony Stark, then he doesn't need to worry at all.

Now there is no way to abandon the Yuan Devouring Beast. On the one hand, the Yuan Devouring Beast saved him, and Qi Liao doesn't want to give it up easily.

On the other hand, and the main reason is...

Just living on his own without handing over the Yuan Devouring Beast does not mean that his character is noble and he can die at any time for the Yuan Devouring Beast. After all, they had only known each other for only half a day.

However, he was really afraid. He was afraid that if he took out the Devouring Element, Tony would eat him alive before he could get it into his hands!

Ultron couldn't bear the damage, even the bones of his small body were crushed!

"It's just an ordinary cat, what's so strange about it. Does Mr. Stark also like to raise cats?"

Qi Liao laughed. Because he was very close to Tony, he was trying hard to control himself to maintain the same expression as usual, so as not to let him notice the clues.

"No, how should I put it? I just want to touch it suddenly, no problem." Tony's tone didn't change much. He stroked the body of the Yuan Devouring Beast with his palm and suddenly smiled.

His smile made both Qi Liao and the Yuan Devouring Beast tremble nervously. Although they were all ready to fight Tony, it was better not to fight if they could.

Especially Qi Liao, if he is captured, although he will definitely not die, he will definitely suffer if he is guilty.

After just touching it casually, Tony took his hand back...as if he really didn't know anything, and it was just a temporary impulse, so he was just addicted to the hand.

"Mr. Stark?" Qi Liao asked doubtfully.

"Okay, kid, I'm staying this time to tell you something." Tony's tone suddenly became serious.

"Well, tell me, no matter what it is, I will consider it." It was not clear whether Tony was in a good or bad mood at the moment, so Qi Liao planned to just respond casually.

"I also met a kid who had the same idea as you before. You even have similar experiences. You are both obsessed with becoming a superhero."

Tony said to himself, but these words made Qi Liao a little confused, superhero, him?

No, he had never thought about becoming a superhero at all. Although Qi Liao also longed to open up the world one day, this was different from being a superhero.

In the final analysis, Qi Liao just wants to be a ronin, live freely, and be a hero to save the common people, which is really far away from him.

"Yes, Mr. Stark is indeed a veteran figure on this road. He discovered this secret of mine just by looking at it." Qi Liao ignored his own conscience and decided to cooperate with Tony in an impromptu performance first.

There is no way, it is better to follow Tony's wishes at this moment...after all, there is no guarantee that he can be beaten.

"Well, that kid is actually what you call Spider-Man. Although I don't understand why you know our story and make it into a movie, I have to say that it is really convenient, and I don't need to introduce him to you."

"This kid has always been clamoring to be a superhero, but in fact he is just a brat, so I refused. He clamored to be a superhero several times, and I rejected him several times."

Just when Qi Liao was wondering what the hell was his business, Tony stepped forward and suddenly grabbed his collar.

"Qi Liao, I understand what you are thinking now, and what I want to say is that you are more naive than the boy I mentioned, and you are even less suitable to be a superhero."

Qi Liao was startled by his sudden rage, but he immediately stopped the element-eating beast that was about to attack and hurt people. He could feel the powerful aura emanating from Tony, but it did not make people scared. murderous intent.

In this case, it is better to listen patiently to what he has to say.

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