Professor Connors turned around and used his left arm to arrange the items on the table. "Nothing," he said. "I've done most of the research today. Come on, your friends are here. Let me show you some results. My name is Kurt Connors and I'm here to tell you about my research."

Several people followed Professor Connors to a field with holograms. Next to the hologram are several glass containers, each containing a mouse. But these mice are all disabled, missing a leg.

Connors looked at the device and explained: "I implanted these mice with broken legs with a serum antigen that I extracted from reptiles. For example, reptiles have amazing regenerative abilities, Lizards can completely regrow without a tail. If they can do it, I think any other creature can do it."

"So I'm using these mice, and if they work, I could consider extending it to patients. So a lot of people with physical disabilities will be given a new lease of life."

Here, Professor Connors's tone was full of expectation, even hope.

Ye Teng also looked up at Professor Connors' body and found that Professor Connors' right arm had an empty sleeve, which obviously did not exist. It is entirely conceivable that Professor Connors is also so invested in hoping that he will benefit from this research.

Connors looked at the hologram expectantly. They saw a hologram showing the mouse's body through the lens, its structure including musculoskeletal features clearly visible, apparently from the same scanner.

Harry turned to Professor Connors. "Well, you look good here. My father greatly admires your talents. Professor, he has admired you more than once before me."

Professor Connors nodded. "Yes, Mr. Osborne took my project very seriously. He helped me buy a lot of important equipment. I am also honored to have Osborne's support."

Harry talked to Professor Connors.

On the other hand, Ye Teng was suddenly attracted by a very peculiar device. He patted Peter on the shoulder.

Peter's eyes were drawn to him. It's a strange tube-like device, small but complex.

Professor Connors discovered Ye Teng and Peter, who were both attracted to the device. It's called the Canary, and it's a device that Mr. Osborne recently introduced..." "It's called the Canary, and it's a device that Mr. Osborne recently introduced. This is a very large device. The idea is actually very simple, put an antigen on this device. The reactive cloud it creates can cover a very large city block, or even a city-sized area. And it works quickly. Those covered by the cloud of reaction it creates can be treated in about half a day. ” explained Professor Connors.

After listening to Professor Connors' explanation, Peter said: "It's amazing that this device can do this."

Harry looked at the canary too. "I've never found anything like this before and I don't know why my father has developed and imported so much of it recently."

Professor Connors added: "However, there are some risks associated with this device. If someone loaded the device with toxic substances, the consequences could be serious. Therefore, the device must be used with care. Well. The mice used in the experiments have been Be prepared to react.”

Professor Connors walked up to the hologram and saw a row of seven white mice.

Listen to the electronic sounds emitted by the artificial intelligence from the hologram: "Subjects 1 through 7 began to respond. Tissue began to grow and cells began to grow and divide rapidly."

Professor Connors was delighted. "I spent some time injecting these mice with a special serum antigen that should be much more effective than before," he said.

After a few minutes, the reaction was still normal. However, an electronic voice suddenly sounded: "Warning, subject number. 3, no. 6 people have maladaptive symptoms and organ tissue failure."

After hearing this, Professor Connors' face hardened. Start adapting the experiment to the instrument.

Harry saw Connors busy again and said, "First, Professor. I'll take them to visit other places. Let's go."

"Go slowly," Professor Connors said, waving as he laid out his equipment.

"Then I'll take you upstairs and take the others out with me.

Mary Jane pursed her lips. "Oh, that must be fun..."

The four people had left, but Professor Connors was still there, busy adjusting the equipment. Not only did one rat after another develop organ failure, some even died.


Connors frowned and touched his head with his only left arm, Electronic Sound reported.

"Professor Connors. It's almost lunch time. Do you want me to get you something to eat?" the assistant said.

Connors breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, you go first. I want to be alone."

The aides then left the room, leaving Connors to think.

"How many times have you tried?" Professor Connors sighed.

Connors was a highly skilled military medic, but the war in Iraq changed his life years ago. At that time, Connors' medical team was transferred to the front lines of the Iraq War to perform operations on emergency patients. But the base was attacked by rockets from militants, and Connors' right arm was irreparably damaged. Connors had his leg amputated to save his life.

Connors returned to the United States and devoted himself to studying the reproductive system of reptiles and the biology of various reptiles. In an effort to restore lost arms and create human limbs for medical purposes, Connors has been studying how to transfer the genetic characteristics of reptilian regenerated tails to humans. But before meeting Norman Osborne, president of Osborne Industries, it's good to have someone willing to support the project.

Norman Osborne was not only an entrepreneur but also a man of scientific ability. He was so impressed by Connors' research that he decided to support Connors' project and invested a lot of money.

But Connors has been working on the project for nearly two years. Two years of research have also been full of ups and downs, and the latest stage of experiments has hit a wall at every turn. Norman Osborne, who Connors knows is also patient, has recently expressed his dissatisfaction with the long-term failure to deliver results. If it doesn't succeed soon, this project is bound to fail. Osborne even privately said he would be given another three weeks.

Just when Professor Connors was crestfallen, an electronic voice sounded: "Subject No. 7 is all normal, with rapid tissue growth and normal body temperature and blood pressure."

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