Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 12 The road ahead, the nature of war

"You stay here! Protect the colonel! I'll go after him!"

Luke jumped out of the metal instrument, looked around, and immediately realized what had happened.

He put on his coat and asked Rogers to stay at the base. The latter nodded subconsciously.

Everyone watched Luke bend his legs slightly and jump up.

Load the Superman template and get a brand new body.

Like a charged cannonball, it jumped directly from the bottom floor of the operating room to the second floor.

Grasping the railing with one hand, he made a clean and beautiful turn, and Luke was firmly on the ground.

Fortunately, the digitization ability provided by the character panel allowed him to quickly get used to his physical fitness which is much higher than that of ordinary people.

It's not like Clark in his childhood, who often faced the trouble of losing control of his abilities!

Luke exerted force under his feet, and powerful strength surged out of his body, causing spider web-like cracks to appear on the concrete floor.

He was like a strong wind sweeping past, setting off a violent current of air.

With a "boom" sound, the ground seemed to shake.

The whole person sprang out like a sharp sword, pulling out an afterimage!

In just two breaths, that tall figure had already rushed to the corridor.

The killer sent by Hydra was quite smart.

When escaping, he did not forget to destroy the door controlled by the electric button and lock the pursuer behind, which acted as a delay.

"Unfortunately, in my eyes, it is as thin as a piece of paper!"

Luke didn't stop or slow down.

The figure that rushed forward suddenly accelerated and smashed open the thick metal door.

There was only a "bang" sound, and a clear humanoid outline appeared on the door!

"Okay! I take back what I just said, I still feel a little bit!"

Luke shook his head and admitted that the metal door was not as fragile as paper, it should be almost as strong as a thick wooden board.

Break out of the secret base and come to the compartment.

Luke suddenly stopped and set off a gust of wind that shook the bookshelf.

When he walked out, he saw the old woman in the antique shop who was his contact person lying on the ground with two bullets in her body.

Outside the door, a black car had started.

The killer sent by Hydra swept around with a Thompson submachine gun.

Da da da!

A barrage of bullets broke the car windows and swept away several plainclothes agents guarding outside.

The sudden and fierce gun battle caused panic among pedestrians.

They were afraid of being affected, so they ran away with their heads in their hands, and at the same time they didn't forget to scream at the top of their lungs.

Luke took a few steps out of the antique store and was about to give chase when the car parked at the door exploded instantly.

The roaring fire, the astonishing air waves, and the tall figure stood among them, without wavering at all.

He watched as the car carrying the Hydra killer turned a corner and disappeared at the end of the street.

Luke smiled coldly and ran away!



"Why is there such a big commotion?"

The Hydra members who came to meet him asked complainingly.

The mission they received was to assassinate Abraham Erskine and sabotage the super soldier plan, not to plan a terrorist attack in New York!

Because if things get serious, you will have to pay a huge price if you want to evacuate!

"There are two super soldiers! There are pursuers behind us... drive quickly!"

The killer was panting, and there was a burst of cold sweat on his back, as if he was being stared at closely by a murderer.

Even after getting into the pick-up car and getting rid of the plainclothes agents, there was still no sense of escape.

He was a nail that Hydra spent a lot of time and energy burying into the military council.

If Berlin had not issued an order to eliminate Abraham Erskine, he would never have taken the initiative to expose him!

The frontal battlefield between the Allies and the Axis Powers competed on the abilities of soldiers, guns and leaders.

But at the intelligence level, what matters is the deciphering of radio communications, as well as the length and depth of the spies' lurking.

This killer named Greg can be said to be the spy that Hydra has lurked in New York for the longest time and has the highest level of intelligence contact.

He could have played a more important role, but now he has no chance.

"When you return to Berlin, the Führer will definitely award you a medal in person!"

The Hydra member who was driving said enviously.

"If I can return to Berlin, then I... wait! There is someone behind me!"

Killer Greg was about to say that he would go back to his hometown to get married after completing this mission, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a tall figure running towards him in the rearview mirror!

The Hydra members who thought they had escaped safely had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!

"I always keep my foot on the gas pedal..."

he murmured.

Is there anyone in this world who can use two legs to catch up with a car with four wheels?

Killer Greg quickly raised his gun and stuck his head out of the car window, wanting to fight back.

Luke suddenly jumped up, dodged the submachine gun fire, and accurately hit the speeding car.

Then he used both hands to tear open the tin roof like tearing paper!

Greg, who was sitting in the passenger seat, threw away the submachine gun with the empty magazine, took out his pistol and pointed it at Luke, trying to pull the trigger.

Luke's face was expressionless, and he stretched out his right hand directly to hold the PPK automatic pistol.

With a "bang" sound, the 7.65mm small-caliber bullet hit the open palm, but it seemed to hit a steel plate, making a sound of metal collision.

Luke raised his eyebrows slightly, and with a firm grip, he crushed the pistol into a piece of scrap metal.


The driver screamed and screamed with fear on his face.

As a result, Luke disliked him for being too noisy, so he picked it up with one hand and threw it away like trash.


He smashed the window of a shop on the street and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Cut off one head and grow two! Long live Hydra..."

Greg couldn't help but despair when he saw the terrifying power Luke possessed.

After shouting the slogan of Hydra, he was ready to bite the potassium cyanide poison hidden in his teeth.

He has the consciousness to devote himself to the organization and is not afraid of death!

"I know you are from Hydra, how could you not think of this!"

Luke curled his lips, as if he had expected it, and reached out to remove the other person's chin.

In his eyes, the opponent's movements were too slow. As long as he concentrated, it was like watching a frame-by-frame freeze-frame.

Hydra is a huge organization with strict management. Every spy and agent sent out to perform a mission will put poison on their collar or hide it in the hole in order to prevent them from being caught or discovered and causing intelligence leakage. in dentures.

The Strategic Science Corps still knows this bit of information.

Ignoring Greg's fearful look, Luke lifted him out of the car like a chicken.

A few minutes later, Rogers and Carter drove up.

They took the captured killer and the driver back to an antique shop in Brooklyn.

"Great job, Luke!"

Back at the secret base, Colonel Phillips praised.

He saw the human silhouette of Luke left on the wall, and also heard about the amazing story of Luke overtaking a car with his legs and blocking bullets with his palms.

Looking at Luke, who was taller and stronger than before, the colonel seemed to have made a certain decision in his heart.

"You guys go out first, I have something to talk to Cavill."

After looking at the busy infirmary, Colonel Phillips said loudly.

He drove the doctors and nurses out, and then looked at Luke with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter, Colonel?"

Luke puts on his coat and becomes the only "super soldier".

Like Rogers, he was inevitably forced to have his blood drawn.

Dr. Erskine was shot and killed, and all the samples were used up - which was not the case.

In the original plan, there was only one super soldier, but now there was Luke, and the remaining serum samples were also used.

Even with a large amount of research data as support, I want to reverse engineer Dr. Erskine's serum formula.

At present, this is still an elusive task.

The only thing we can look forward to now is the blood of Luke and Rogers - the hope of replicating the serum is hidden in their genetic code!

However, the military's illusions are ultimately fragile bubbles.

First of all, Luke isn't really a super soldier at all.

The energy provided by the serum was used to activate plug-ins and open gift packages, and it did not play any role in transforming the human body.

This is why Luke felt almost no pain after the injection.

What's more, he loaded the Superman template.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to extract anything from blood.

Even decades later, through so-called reverse reduction, the military produced a bunch of inferior products with great side effects.

"Have you thought about your future, Luke?"

Colonel Phillips looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Copying the serum formula and creating new super soldiers is unlikely to succeed in the short term. If the plan is aborted, those politicians will try their best to get rid of their responsibilities!"

"As a super soldier, I am more optimistic about you - Rogers is a good person! But your performance in all aspects is better! I can see, Luke, you are a born warrior! You will never be soft on the enemy!"

"Rogers is far behind in this regard. He also has some kind of naive idealism! This will not help win the war!"

"The essence of war is plunder! It is violence! It is a means to gain profits! Although we will say that this is a just war! It is a war of freedom! But there is actually no good or evil in war!"

"Rogers doesn't understand this. I hope you do!"

Luke was surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the colonel understood it quite well.

It is obvious that the other party's performance in the plot is just a common stubborn and stereotyped military image.

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