Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 420 Kansas Farm, a new starting point

Half a month has passed since the nuclear war that almost dragged the human world into the abyss.

The missing nuclear warheads have become one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world. No one knows where they went.

When the Eastern and Western camps announced a truce, a guy who called himself the "Emerald Knight" appeared in the Kremlin and the White House and had a several-hour conversation with the presidents of the two countries.

According to the information provided by the intelligence department, this person was covered in emerald green energy armor. Conventional weapons had no effect on him, and he showed extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

The special service team responsible for security work fell down in front of the Emerald Knight without even a chance to fight back.

"Mr. President, I'm here to negotiate terms."

The Pharaoh, wearing Sinestro's lamp ring, started with the lines written by Luke.

Although he didn't know why the other party emphasized this sentence.

Is there any profound meaning in it?

As Luke said, triangles are the most stable structures.

When the third pole appears in the world, he is neither American nor Russian.

At this time, some conflicts will shift, some conflicts will shrink, and then they will enter a delicate balance.

“Why did the militia disband?”

While talking to the president, Adrian remembered Luke's question.

The militia is an organization of cross-dressing heroes. It was once popular among the public and was the best helper for the police department and the government.

But later, as the number of vigilantes increased, the police department fell into a weak position. The New York City Government even rejected the police's request for a salary increase several times, deeming it unnecessary.

The media and the public also feel that since there are cross-dressing heroes, police officers to maintain law and order are no longer needed.

They will only arrive late after the problem is solved. They can't deal with the scene as efficiently as the cool vigilantes who fight against criminals.

Ever since, the pent-up dissatisfaction turned into anger at being treated unfairly.

Many police officers banded together and held a general strike, which in turn led to a shutdown of society and triggered even greater riots.

People took to the streets, holding placards saying "Who will restrain the cross-dressing heroes" and "Get out of the vigilantes".

Coupled with Nixon's subsequent successful re-election, Congress passed the Keene Act.

Cross-dressing heroes either work for the government or retire. There are only two options.

The militia was then disbanded, and the relay watchmen were ineffective.

The reason for this situation is precisely because the cross-dressing heroes in this world, except Dr. Manhattan, are all mortals.

They can only be monitored and cannot resist.

Even Rorschach, who never compromises, can only go from being a vigilante on the surface to going underground.

Luke asked this question to remind Pharaoh.

Today is different from the past, he is already the "Emerald Knight".

A being who can ignore the government and act as a vigilante.

If you don't have enough power, you will be restrained.

The World Government on the set next door, even if it formed the Sky Eye Society, could not give orders to the Justice League.

Although the Marvel Universe has introduced a Superhero Registration Act, and a civil war broke out among the Avengers, government control has never been truly realized.

After all, there are still many superheroes and they have the power to resist.

"I am the Emerald Knight."

Pharaoh, who left the White House, flew high into the sky and saw Luke standing on the clouds.

The dark red cloak fluttered like a flag.

The latter smiled and said softly: "Times have changed, Werther. Even if Doctor Manhattan never comes back, you can become the 'God' of this world."

He successfully bewitched the Pharaoh and persuaded him to sign the devil's contract.

At the price of a will lamp ring, he obtained the ownership of his soul.

It's like playing a collectible card game, with Luke loving a variety of quality villains.

Compared with superheroes, they have better ability to do things.

Pharaoh is just the first S card he got, and there are better ones later.

"When are you leaving?"

Adrian's eyes were complicated and he said in a deep voice.

He is an egotistical person who likes to dominate.

But in front of Luke, the Pharaoh, who often compared himself to Alexander the Great, no longer had that confidence.

"You are so anxious to urge me to leave? That's right. There is only one God. Only in this way can we gain the worship of the public."

Luke's lips curled up and he joked.

He didn't think that handing over a Will Lamp Ring to Adrian Veidt was a loss-making business.

As the person who knows Dr. Manhattan best, Pharaoh always comes into his own.

"Sooner or later you will get tired of it. When the time comes, I won't mind opening the door to the wider universe."

Luke predicted.

The Pharaoh has handed him the modified Night Owl airship and the coordinate data for tracking Dr. Manhattan's energy.

Among them, there is also the red lynx created through genetic modification technology.

It retains Dr. Manhattan's energy and has other uses.

"Goodbye, Werther."

Luke waved his hand. He didn't plan to stay in the Watchmen universe for long.

This is a devastated, almost broken world.

Let the Pharaoh do the grand task of bringing order out of chaos.

"By the way, remember to leave the puppets and the pantomime behind. Just as they are useful to you, they are useful to me too."

Luke said this before leaving.

Adrian, who was covered in emerald green energy armor, flashed his eyes. This guy really knew everything.

He looked down at the earth, and then looked at the shining ring in his right hand.

Pharaoh Adrian Veidt has died of cancer.

Now there is only, Emerald Knight!



A few days later, Luke took the Night Owl airship alone and performed quantum tunneling without telling anyone.

The entire cockpit made a buzzing sound, as if it was about to disintegrate at any time.

The route of the automatic navigation has been modified by him.

It is no longer the timeline where Dr. Manhattan is, but an earlier time and space before the Flashpoint occurred.

The dazzling light swallowed up everything, and Luke couldn't help but squint his eyes. The Night Owl airship he was riding on seemed to be sucked into a whirlpool, constantly turning and tumbling.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably vomit out all the food residue left in his stomach due to this violent jolt.


The Night Owl airship, which looked quite old on the outside, seemed to have hit a hard wall.

It pushed forward hard, pushing through the thick "obstacle".

The metal shell rubbed bright sparks, like a rapidly falling meteorite.


The red lynx lying on Luke's lap looked like a cat with fried fur, its tail wagging uneasily.

"It's okay, we'll be there soon."

Luke stroked the soft fur with his palms, like stroking a cat, slowly calming down the manic red lynx.

Like a crashed plane, the Night Owl airship quickly passed through the atmosphere with a conspicuous flash of fire.


After Luke kept slowing down, the inertia of the fall still caused the Night Owl airship to hit the ground hard, making an astonishing loud noise.

"When Adrian Veidt modified this airship, didn't he consider adding an emergency landing function?"

Luke coughed twice and hugged the red lynx.

He forced open the distorted hatch and walked out unharmed.

There were crackling sparks and choking smoke billowing up.

Luke looked at the Night Owl airship, which had not successfully landed. It made a big crater.

The surrounding soil was scorched black, as if it had been burned by fire.

"Someone is here."

Luke's ears moved and he heard footsteps in the distance.

He glanced around and saw large fields of corn and wheat nearby.

It looks like a farm!

"It's been a very unpleasant journey."

Luke opened the world of Hades, took in the Night Owl airship that was on the verge of being scrapped, then soared into the sky and disappeared.

Look down on the land and magnify your senses.

After a few seconds, he finally determined the location of his descent.

here is--


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