Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 446 Krypton is the strongest, the leadership battle

The clock was set back half an hour.

After an in-depth discussion between Luke and the female commander of Krypton, they reached a consensus.

Fiora recognized him as a Kryptonian, and as a general.

Agree to return to the giant ship to speak to Zod, make a fair hostage exchange, or let Clark's parents go.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Luke expected.

After he came out of the underworld, he found that his little cousin was gone.

"Why didn't you stop Clark's reckless behavior?"

Luke frowned slightly and looked at his innocent-looking godson.

"Godfather, you can't expect an unarmed ordinary person to be able to stop Superman who is lifting a Boeing 747 passenger plane with his bare hands."

Lex shrugged, looking aggrieved.

"Don't act so pitiful, your father will be fooled by this trick."

Luke raised the corner of his mouth and tapped Lex's chest with his finger, half as a reminder and half as a warning: "I don't want to see this happen again, do you understand?"

He generally treats Lex and others with a gentle attitude.

Being easily angered and angry is not how a leader should behave.

But occasionally, he will show severity and beat him.

"Lex, when I give you a task, I definitely want you to handle it properly and complete it successfully, rather than seeing you mess up."

Luke said calmly.

Feeling the pressure, Lex took two steps back.

"I see, Godfather."

He was sincere and did not defend himself.

"You always find new trouble for me."

Luke shook his head and saw that Lex admitted his mistake, so he didn't say any harsh words.

The young godson always has some clever ideas popping up in his head.

He could obviously stop Clark from advancing, but he chose to sit on the sidelines.

Is it because of jealousy of Superman?

Or have other ideas?

Luke didn't dig into it.

Some villains' fates are destined to be impossible to change.

For example, Gotham's Joker.

Apparently, Lex Luthor is the same person.

Without him, Superman would be off for half the year.

"I originally wanted to get along with Zod and the others as a pacifist, but I didn't expect that all I got in exchange was to push the envelope..."

Luke sighed and put on the Superman suit.

The dark red cloak fluttered suddenly, and the figure passed through the atmosphere like lightning.



Back to the present.

"Hello, General Zod."

A magnetic voice with a smile? sounded in Zod's mind.

The young man was greeting him from across the overlook.

" compatriots?"

Zod did not issue an alert order, and then activated the spacecraft's turret to conduct a round of fire bombing.

Because in his perception, the other party's breath is quite familiar.

"you can say it this way."

Luke nodded, not denying it.

"Krypton... General."

Zod walked to the console and pressed a few times to conduct a life scan on the uninvited guests standing in the dark universe.

But the results he got made him doubtful.

The genetic template is the leadership class? General!

"Are you surprised?"

Luke smiled.

After he fought the sentry, he used reputation points to level up the template from LV4 general. (Note 1)

"Krypton has long been destroyed, and all the leaders have died with it! There can be no other general!"

Zod is unwilling to accept the facts. Like the Jor-El couple? And the corrupt elders? They all choose to live and die with Krypton.

It stands to reason that there cannot be any extra survivors.

Kal-El is already an exception.

Why did another one appear!

"It's hard to explain my origins to you, and there's no point in dwelling on it."

Luke chuckled, and his mind wavered into Zod's consciousness.

"General, all you need to know is that I am here with the sincerity of cooperation and can help you achieve your good wish to rebuild Krypton."

Zod's eyes were cold? How could he be so easily moved by a few words?

"I'm afraid that disappoints you. I can rebuild Krypton without your help."

The Kryptonian general refused bluntly.

"You mean to get the fertility code from Clark, and then use the world engine to transform the earth's atmosphere and surface environment? So as to create a new Krypton?"

Luke said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

There are countless ways to rebuild Krypton? General Zod must choose the most difficult path to achieve.

If he has a good attitude? Take the initiative to explain the cause and effect to Clark.

According to Superman's good-natured character, it is impossible for him to refuse to hand over the Code of Birth to the people of Krypton.

But Zod had to choose the earth, and then broke into the Kent farm and hurt his mother.

Success turned Clark against him, causing the grand plan to fail.

Of course, this is inseparable from personality defects at the genetic level.

Zod is the leader class, the Kryptonian general.

Stubborn and tough by nature, never compromise and give up easily.

"With all due respect, the earth is not as simple as you think."

Luke chuckled, the Earth in the Marvel Universe is the heart of the Eternal God.

And here on the set, the origin of the earth is equally extraordinary.

It is the central channel of the multiverse, and the white light that represents life in the emotional spectrum is hidden here.

Among the eight planets in the solar system, Zod didn't take a fancy to any other planets and had to choose the earth.

All I can say is that he is very discerning!

"Really? I don't think so."

Zedd shook his head, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

After the Kryptonian spacecraft arrived on Earth, it quickly conducted a detailed analysis of its civilization level and racial life.

Backward, inefficient, complex social structure, numerous religious beliefs...

All in all, it is an inferior civilization that has no hope of unification for the next 100 years.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about."

Luke shrugged.

This result was within his expectation.

Strong men like Zod, Odin, and Sentinels.

Their personalities are similar to some extent.

They will not be swayed by others and take back their decisions.

Zod narrowed his eyes and opened a hatch in front of the bridge.

Strong airflow creates suction force.

The Kryptonian general's strong body is as unshakable as a mountain.

One step, two steps...

Zod walked to the hatch, looked at Luke, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you going to stop my great plan to rebuild Krypton like Carl?"

"Unfortunately, we didn't reach an agreement."

Luke nodded.

Upon hearing the reply, Zod's face darkened.

He didn't want to waste any more time exploring and discovering new livable planets.

For the Kryptonians, Earth is the most suitable choice.

Young and full of vitality, and within the radiation range of the yellow sun.

Just use the world engine to start the transformation project.

Then Krypton can be reborn in the shortest possible time.

"Your suggestions are not suitable for the current situation. My tribe and I can't wait to welcome the new life of our mother planet!"

Zod thought for a moment, shook his head and said.

If he hadn't been unable to figure out Luke's strength for the time being, he wouldn't be so patient.

"General, I personally hope you will reconsider."

Luke's mental fluctuations are transmitted into Zod's brain.

"Believe me, conquering the earth is not as easy as you think. Many creatures more powerful than you have tried, but none of them have achieved their goal."

He was not annoyed by Zod's repeated rejections.

For the most part, Superman's cousin has a good temper.

"That's because they're not strong enough!"

Zod's patience was exhausted and he said coldly: "Now, get out of my head!"

The Kryptonian general's tenacity instantly banished the voices in his head.

The black cloak fluttered, and Zod took a step forward, suspended in the void.

Then he clenched his hands into fists, and the surging power erupted like a volcano.

Zod, wearing black armor, looks like a huge beast, exuding a terrifying aura.

He stared at Luke coldly, although he had some fears in his heart because of his identity as a Kryptonian general.

But Zod didn't think he would lose. His innate fighting instinct was firmly imprinted in his genetic blood.

"So I said, negotiating with a reckless man who is full of muscles is the most troublesome thing. Why can't you be more sensible?"

Luke thought silently and complained silently.

"Since you think you want to let your fists do the talking, then give it a try."

Facing the violent General Zod, Luke showed no fear at all.

On the contrary, deep inside, there is still a hint of excitement.

This is the instinctive desire for a powerful opponent.

In the dark, cold and boundless universe, two strong and powerful figures stand above the earth.

A peak showdown between Kryptonian generals is about to begin!




The black general Swanwick stared at the picture transmitted by the satellite on the big screen, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Although the image is slightly blurry and has a lot of lag.

However, everyone in the command room could clearly see that there were two figures standing in outer space without any basis.

The harsh environment and extremely dangerous vacuum of space seemed to have no effect on them.

The black general Swanwick clenched his fists. Faced with such a non-human existence, could he still rely on troops and weapons to deal with it?

There was a wave of worry in his heart. When the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, it would mean the coming of war.

Because, lions will not live in harmony with sheep!

"Send the news to the White House... Forget it, I will go and tell the President in person that America, no, the entire human civilization is in crisis."

The black general walked out of the command room with a solemn expression, and after he left, the picture on the big screen changed.

The two figures confronting each other suddenly started to move!

With unimaginable speed!

It was like two steel cannonballs that had been charged for a long time, colliding fiercely and fiercely!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Despite the vacuum environment of the universe, no sound is transmitted.

But everyone who witnessed this scene seemed to feel a powerful collision in their ears.

That invisible sense of power was directly and vividly displayed in front of them through the images transmitted by satellite.

"God! It's terrible!"

An American soldier in the command room couldn't help but sigh.

General Zod, wearing black armor, looks like a tireless ferocious beast.

Time and time again, they quickly approached and launched wild attacks.

His fist seemed to be harder than alloy material.

Coupled with the unparalleled explosive power in the body, it is enough to penetrate everything in the world!

"Even the military's exoskeleton armor might not be able to survive for a second in the hands of this monster..."

The picture on the screen is as fast as a bunch of afterimages. It needs to be slowed down several times and frozen frame by frame to see the action clearly.

Just relying on imagination, you can understand the fierce collision between the two figures.


The picture on the screen suddenly shook, and a large number of snowflakes flashed.

It turned out that the aftermath of the battle between the two sides had interfered with the satellite, and the burly man in black armor was punched away.

It directly hit an artificial satellite floating in orbit, and the violent explosion ignited into a bright fire.

The screen stopped abruptly.

No one knows how this battle will end.

But the terrifying combat power and destructiveness shown by those two non-human monsters alone are enough to make people feel frightened and heart palpitated!

"How should we deal with a monster like this?!"

Everyone in the command room had the same question in their mind.


outer space.

The terrible fighting continues.

General Zod, who was knocked away by a punch, had anger and fighting intent on his face.

He held the artificial satellite that exploded into a ball of scrap metal with both hands, and the surging power erupted, directly throwing the huge metal object weighing dozens of tons at the opponent.


The huge sound wave was swallowed up silently.

Without changing his expression, Luke tore open the sturdy and huge artificial satellite as if he were penetrating a piece of paper.

The infinite power of Superman's body spurted out, driving his body and rushing in front of General Zod.

"General, you are not as powerful as I thought -"

Luke's taunt reached Zod's mind, instantly arousing his anger.

The Kryptonian general's eyes revealed a violent killing intent.

Like a turbulent and violent raging sea tide, people can't help but feel fear.

Luke smiled slightly and turned into an afterimage to avoid Zod's big hand that smacked his head.

The Kryptonian general's combat skills are truly honed, and he also possesses an instinct as sharp as a beast.

No wonder that in the original timeline, Superman was beaten by him and was unable to fight back.

Without relying on long-term living on the earth and adaptability to the environment, it may be unknown who will win the final victory.

Zod stepped into the void and punched out, like the sound of a cannon, creating invisible ripples of sound.

Luke blocked it with his hands in front of his chest, bearing the astonishing force, and his body involuntarily retreated backwards.

Zod grinned, revealing a cruel smile.

The continuous high-intensity battles allowed him to regain his old feelings.

The blood gradually boils in the body, like a boiling volcano!

Zod jumped up, like a hunter who has seized the moment, and raised his arm covered with gauntlets high, like a sharp sword slashing down!

"I am not the opponents you have encountered before."

Luke has a calm demeanor, and fiery energy erupts from his body.

Like a human-shaped torch, it releases a huge amount of light and heat.

Zod, who was pursuing victory, suddenly felt a deep chill.

He quickly held his head with both hands, and the terrifying shock wave directly blew him away.

In the dark and endless space of the universe, there was a glimmer of light, and then it quickly dimmed.

Luke walked in the void, staring at the somewhat embarrassed Kryptonian general with his deep eyes.

Zod's majestic black armor was now in dilapidated condition.

Half of the fluttering cloak was also destroyed. Luke's sudden attack just now obviously made him suffer a little.

"Why continue this meaningless battle... General, I come with sincerity for cooperation, and I have also proved to you that I have sufficient strength and qualifications for equal dialogue."

Hearing Luke's words, Zod thought for a moment.

The violent glare in his eyes gradually dissipated, and the overwhelming killing intent disappeared.

The Kryptonian general is not a brainless fool, as a qualified military leader.

He actually has a strong sense of the overall situation and the ability to think calmly.

Luke is very powerful, if he must be his enemy.

Then whether it is Zod or his companions, they will have to pay a huge price.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Kryptonian general glanced at Luke and returned to the spaceship in silence.

The latter followed closely and entered the bridge.

The two enemies who had been engaged in a fierce battle just now sat back at the negotiating table in an instant.

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