Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 451 Wonderful battle, fierce battle


Luke, who was sitting in the VIP room, was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the Kryptonian general would actually find himself in the arena.

It seems that leaving a familiar environment and coming to an unfamiliar place will indeed cause considerable stress.

He had only entered the main city a short time ago, but Zod was already impatient with waiting. This was not the impatience a general should have.

"Just in time to lure Gao Tianzun out."

Luke originally wanted to show up, but then he thought about it——

The Kryptonians are such powerful natural warriors. The cosmic elder on Saka will definitely meet Lie Xinxi and try his best to get them.

He raised his body and sat back on the sofa.

With a relaxed and leisurely expression, he picked up an alien fruit and threw it into his mouth.

"The Kryptonian versus the horse-faced thunder god...this is a rare and good show."

Luke looked at the two tall figures facing each other in the center of the arena, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

One is an alien warrior who has undergone biochemical transformation and can lift Mjolnir to defeat Thor;

The other is the born leader class, with the genetic template of a general, a Kryptonian who once pressed Superman to the ground and rubbed him.

Fighting with such a strong man is much more interesting than the one-sided massacre before.

Compared to Zod, Kroonan Warrior is just an appetizer.

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Has he bought a ticket?"

"Horseface Bill smashed him with your hammer!"

"Fight! Fight!"


Nobody hates drama and unexpected twists.

Because it can make an ordinary story more interesting.

It can also cast a legendary color on the life of a mediocre mortal.

The story of a fighter who never lost from the beginning to the end, and finally died of old age in the arena.

Obviously, it is not as touching as dying at the hands of another powerful warrior and shedding the last drop of blood.

As the champion of the gladiatorial arena, there was no suspense in the horse-faced Bill's victory over the Crunan fighters.

When the audience recovered from the bloody massacre and the visual impact dissipated, they felt dull.

Therefore, the sudden intrusion of Zod, an uninvited guest, ignited their enthusiasm.

Thunderous applause and cheers erupted, sweeping and drowning the Kryptonian general.

Zod had a look of confusion on his face. He didn't understand what those people were calling.

Celebrating a holiday?

Hundreds of thousands of spectators who packed the arena chanted in unison.

A bright spotlight instantly hit Zod.

The host, who had suddenly stopped speaking before, also used an exciting tone to create the atmosphere under Gao Tianzun's instructions.

"Can't they be quieter?"

Zod frowned, endured the noisy and harsh sound, and looked at Horseface Bill.

He learned the common language from the scavengers, but it was still a bit difficult to speak.

"You have stepped into a cage with no freedom."

Horse-faced Bill looked at the Kryptonian general who broke into the arena with pity.

He could tell that the other party was a strong man.

This conclusion can be drawn from the violent aura or the strong body.

But so what?

As the elder of the universe, Gao Tianzun has countless slave-catching groups under his command, as well as a huge fleet composed of space pirates.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he still needs to eat, drink and rest, and he cannot consume a large number of enemies at all.

This is how Horsefaced Bill was captured alive and reduced to the arena of Sakaar.

He once fought hard, but Gao Tianzun used his tribe as a threat.

Forced by helplessness? Horse-faced Bill could only succumb to the feet of the elder of the universe.

"A group of weak, ridiculous creatures that enjoy watching you fight with other creatures?"

Zod looked around and his expression darkened.

The Kryptonian general reacted? The group of people clapped and shouted like crazy.

Just to see, he and Horseface Bill were biting each other like two wild beasts.

"Are you so willing to accept your fate? To become a killing machine without dignity?"

There was anger in Zedd's voice.

Although he was not locked in a cage, killing and fighting with people all day long.

But this Kryptonian general is emotionally disgusted and resistant to such behavior.

"You think I didn't try to resist?"

Horse-faced Bill smiled bitterly.

He was originally a good man who hated killing and fighting, but he became a butcher in the arena.


Zod snorted coldly.

The tough-minded Kryptonian general didn't want to listen to Horseface Bill's explanation.

According to his point of view, all misfortunes in the world are caused by one's own insufficient abilities.

The weak eat the strong? The strong dominates everything? Concepts similar to the law of the jungle are deeply rooted in the genetic bloodline.

"Who is the owner of the arena?"

Zedd questioned.

Horse-faced Bill hesitated for a few seconds, his throat rolled, and he was about to say Gao Tianzun.

A needle-like electric current hit his neck, causing bursts of pain.

"Tear him apart? Horseface Bill!"

Gao Tianzun's cold voice echoed throughout the audience along the microphone.

Zod glanced at the stands in the distance. The force under his feet shook the ground.

The tall figure, like an arrow, suddenly rushed out and rushed towards the VIP room where Gao Tianzun was.

Horse-faced Bill had no choice but to obey the orders of the Elder of the Universe and hit the opponent with a golden war hammer.

"Boom"? A loud and ear-piercing sound erupted in the atmosphere.

Zod felt the danger in mid-air and could only stop his advance.

Turn around and open your palms.


The golden round warhammer collided with Krypton's body, bursting out waves of fury visible to the naked eye.

The explosion-like impact of sound waves directly stunned the audience in the front row.

The ground collapsed, leaving holes of various sizes, as if it had been bombarded by artillery fire.

"Is that all?"

Zod's figure shook for a moment, but quickly stabilized.

He stepped on the atmosphere, and his pitch-black cloak fluttered every now and then.

With astonishing power, he approached the horse-faced Bill.

A punch hit the head, as if the sky was collapsing, and the entire space was distorted.

Horse-faced Bill's eyes were horrified, and it was too late to dodge at this time, so he raised his hands to block.


The hard body that has been biochemically modified is not enough to look at in front of Zod.

Horse-faced Bill's arms were shattered, and his whole body was thrown out like a kite with broken strings, crashing into the solid wall of the arena.


"This is the real competition!"

"Horseface Bill is down!"


The fact that the auditorium was affected by the battle earlier did not dissuade those people.

On the contrary, they were even more excited and excited, and couldn't help cheering for Zod's powerful strength.

"You can't stop me!"

Zod landed on the ground, held his head high, and looked at Horseface Bill whose body was embedded in the wall.

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