Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 469: This is what you said, His Majesty the King

Today is undoubtedly a bad day for the panther god Buster.

It originally stayed in the dimensional world to enjoy the offerings of the people of Wakanda as usual.

After eating and drinking enough, prepare to take a nap.

Since it became the god of Wakanda, it has become accustomed to such a plain and fulfilling life.

Eating and drinking every day and sleeping to gain weight will be very satisfying.

Like how Dormammu wanted to occupy the earth all day long, and then got beaten up by the Sorcerer Supreme.

From the perspective of the Leopard God Buster, he simply had nothing to do.

Why did you mess with her.jpg

However, fate always likes to catch people off guard and make a joke.

A big hand fell from the sky and pulled it out of the dimensional world!

Even though Buster is a panther, he is still a member of the cat family.

When the skin on the back of the neck was pinched, its smooth hair and strong, round belly made waves of flesh.

His legs were straight, his ears were drooped, and he could not help but curl up into a ball.


It gave a low cry.

Not much of a deterrent.

"Damn you, humble mortal, let go of your sinful hands!"

Buster, who was inexplicably interrupted from his nap, wanted to yell loudly to show the majesty and anger of the gods.

But his keen intuition of danger and his rich experience as a dimension demon caused him to immediately feel something was wrong.

This mortal... is so strong!

And there is also the magical aura of Emperor Weishan!

Could it be the Supreme Mage?

To die To die!

I am a good citizen, and I have never done anything harmful to nature...

The Leopard God Buster, who had many thoughts in an instant, continued to curl up and worked hard to form an unknown black ball.

It seems that it is not a god worshiped by the Wakandans, but a well-behaved and docile kitten, waiting for the favor of its owner.

"Leopard God! It's really the Leopard God who appears!"

Wakanda is originally a closed tribal country, and the final interpretation of the Panther God's beliefs and objects of worship has always been firmly controlled by the royal family and priests.

The high priest was the first to kneel down, and then the king also crossed his hands on his chest and saluted respectfully to the unusually spiritual black panther on the altar.

The Wakandans who were clamoring to execute outsiders quickly shut their mouths and fell to their knees.

The pious look on their faces at this time was in sharp contrast to the fervent and barbaric shouts before.

This is probably one of the negative consequences of handing over the power of thinking to the upper class.

"What happened? Are we running into some slum?"

Carol, in her drunken state, has no regard for the politically correct behavior of superheroes.

"If this were a movie, or a comic book, you'd be in big trouble for that line."

Luke was holding the panther god Buster with one hand, and with the other hand he was supporting Captain Marvel, who was flying drunk and almost crashed.

King T'Chaka of Wakanda looked up at the altar and saw the two murmuring outsiders. He coughed a few times and said, "The appearance of the Leopard God is a recognition of the festival! This is a gift to Wakanda!" "

The black high priest understood the meaning and echoed: "The Leopard God Buster, please continue to protect Wakanda! Protect your most devout believer!"

As soon as these words came out, the people cheered even more.

The leaders of other tribes were very calm and looked at each other with different expressions.

The appearance of the leopard god Bastet can be big or small, it all depends on how the King wants to publicize it.

If the slightly "bloated" Black Panther is really the god Wakanda believes in.

What should we do with the two outsiders who interrupted the festival?

Apostle of God?

Or perhaps the spokesperson of the Leopard God?

But in Wakanda, only the king can inherit the name of "Black Panther" and go to the land of his ancestors to meet the gods.

Now these two outsiders suddenly appear, causing the panther god Buster to appear, which will undoubtedly make the royal family a little embarrassed.

The leaders of other tribes were anxious, looking forward to how His Majesty the King would resolve the situation.

Wakanda has never been monolithic.

In addition to the royal family who inherited the name of Black Panther, there are also five major tribes.

In addition, the way the king is elected is through one-on-one fair challenges, the final inheritance rights are not completely controlled by the royal family.

Therefore, the political structure of Wakanda reveals a delicate balance and a sense of mutual restraint.

Border tribes with powerful military forces settled near the national border. They usually pretended to be ordinary herders, but in fact they were all well-trained soldiers.

He is also proficient in the technology of raising war rhinos, forming the first solid line of defense to defend Wakanda.

The riverside tribes live by the water and have lived on both sides of the Armas River for generations. Most of their people are fishermen and farmers.

Because he was extremely loyal to the royal family, he often entered into political marriages.

The mining tribe is responsible for mining the mineral deposits, and they have superb smelting and casting techniques.

The export of Wakanda's specialty vibranium is basically controlled and managed by the trading tribe.

In addition, spies and informants are regularly sent overseas every year to ensure the lead in intelligence information.

Finally, there is a tribe of apes.

They differ greatly from mainstream Wakanda, first and foremost in their beliefs.

Worship the White Ape God instead of the Leopard God.

He has no respect for the royal family, but is very resistant to it.

Therefore, they chose to live in the Jabari Mountains, isolated from the world, and did not interact with other tribesmen.

The appearance of the leopard god Buster has extremely important symbolic significance for several forces besides the ape tribe.

Under the system of divine right of kings, whoever can be affirmed by the Leopard God can replace the royal family and win the support of the people.

It sounds outrageous, but for Wakanda, which is located in East Africa and pretends to be a third world country, but actually has vibranium technology and can masturbate with a spear, it is completely normal.

The advancement of science and technology cannot change the fact that the system and civilization are backward.

"You two must be the messengers chosen by the Leopard God, right? Your presence makes this festival more complete! On behalf of the people of Wakanda, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!"

T'Chaka quickly saw the situation clearly, stepped forward, and said to the two outsiders.

It must be said that this young king who inherited the name of Black Panther and swallowed the heart-shaped herb knew the art of language very well.

He took the lead in determining the identities of Luke and others, and then named Wakanda.

And he showed a good attitude and had no intention of pursuing responsibility.

"Messenger? We are just travelers passing through."

Luke has no intention of pretending to be a magician.

He didn't expect to be in Wakanda.

The country's exploration and diplomatic missions should have been carried out later.

Atlantis's trade routes have been opened up by S.H.I.E.L.D., and a large amount of resources are delivered to the world on earth every year.

As the five major countries that get the first share of the cake, they have benefited a lot.

Atlantis has been integrated into SHIELD's territory, and Wakanda is no exception.

"Travelers... Wakanda has always had a simple, warm and generous people, and they always welcome any traveler!"

King T'Chaka laughed heartily and resolved his embarrassment.

"Really? I don't believe it."

Luke continued to show off his awkward nature and tried to make T'Chaka speechless.

His Majesty the King's face looked very ugly. If it wasn't for the Leopard God's sake, he would have wanted to punch him to death.

"Since Wakanda welcomes foreign guests so much, do you have a custom of giving gifts?"

Letting go of the hand that was supporting Carol, Luke held the bloated and round black panther in his hands and kept stroking it.

The latter dared not speak in anger, and could only stare at the King of Wakanda with angry eyes.

T'Chaka was shocked, thinking that his attitude was not respectful enough and had offended the guests summoned by the Leopard God. He nodded quickly and said: "Of course there are, Wakandans are generous by nature!"

"Dear guest, if you like something, just say a word and you can take it away!"

Luke was stroking the poor, weak and helpless Leopard God. When he heard T'Chaka say this, his eyes moved and he became interested.

"Does His Majesty the King mean what he says?"

he asked again.

"I make a promise in the name of Wakanda. Whatever your distinguished guests like, you can take away!"

T'Chaka was very bold and his tone was firm, as if he was decisive.

In front of the Leopard God, he naturally had to behave well and not be stingy.

Just these two people, even if they are interested in gold, silver and jewelry, how much can they get.

"This is what you said, Your Majesty the King."

Luke was a little reserved, and then said with a smile: "I heard that Wakanda is the origin of vibranium. I once promised a friend that I would like to give him this rare metal as a gift."

T'Challa was slightly startled, but not surprised.

Wakanda strictly controls the export of vibranium deposits, and there is very little circulation in the international market.

Every time it appears, it is sold on the basis of grams, and it will be sold at an unimaginably high price.

Feeling the gaze of the Leopard God, those yellow pupils flashed with golden light, full of great majesty.

T'Chaka only paused briefly before nodding in agreement: "No problem! Distinguished guest, as long as you can get it, Wakanda will give you as much vibranium as it has!"

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