Simodox mages at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 Ghost Gathering

The appearance of this figure is extremely terrifying.

The tall figure looks a bit fierce, and the expression is extremely ferocious, like an evil ghost. The unusual thing is that his hands and arms are unusually thin, almost like a "skeleton", but they show an inconsistent sense of strength.

His clothes were gorgeous and shabby, like a declining nobleman who specially put on shabby clothes in order to participate in an important ceremony.

There were many wrinkles, tears, and bloodstains on the dress. There were also shackles on the sleeves of the dress.

There were some dark spots on his face, and his eyes were glaring, as if a hungry drug addict had seen drugs, which was creepy.

Rai looked at this man and thought: Wrong guess.

Rai originally thought it would be the ghosts of Hogwarts. After all, the things Dumbledore said he hadn't seen at the dinner were ghosts.

However, this fierce ghost-like person is very different from the ghost described in the original work.

His body was extremely solid, and he was not floating through the wall like a ghost. Instead, he was walking around the stone blocks like a normal human being and walking over with his feet.

In this way, ghosts are basically eliminated.

So...the one I didn't see at the dinner...could it be a certain professor?

But there is no such professor in my is because of the changes in the plot line caused by his arrival.

This is possible.

"Good evening, Barrow," Dumbledore greeted briskly.

The man named Barrow cracked an ugly smile and responded with a happy expression: "Good evening, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore."

Ron ducked back and exclaimed softly, his tone full of disbelief: "Oh my's...the Bloody Man...Barrow..." .”

Bloody Balor

Rai recalled it carefully... Isn't this the ghost of Hogwarts? It seems to be the resident ghost of Slytherin House.

Why is he here?

Moreover, why is the body of the ghost so solid?


Rai's mind was filled with thoughts, but he was still not sure what was going on.

Maybe... it has something to do with this cube

Or is it that the manipulator behind the scenes has taken control of the ghosts of Hogwarts?

The house elf Moni seemed a little afraid of Bloody Barrow. He raised his head and asked Dumbledore for instructions: "Sir, I think I..."

"Okay, you have completed your task very well." Dumbledore agreed.


A crisp finger snap with sparks exploded in the silent air, and Moni disappeared.

Dumbledore looked at Barrow again: "How..."


Bloody Barrow suddenly rushed towards Dumbledore, seemingly having been accumulating strength for a long time.

He was extremely fast, so fast that even a wizard like Dumbledore couldn't cast an "Iron Armor" spell.

Crabbe, who was a few meters behind Dumbledore, had already opened his eyes wide and was too frightened to even move.


Bloody Barrow's shackled hand had already touched the corner of Dumbledore's clothes.

Dumbledore suddenly spun like a top and quickly disappeared into the air.

Rai immediately took out a bottle of spider web potion.

At this time, we can no longer care about being exposed or not, saving our lives is the most important thing.

He didn't have the teleportation skills used by Dumbledore. If he was caught by Bloody Barrow in the physical state, he would definitely die suddenly.

As for the exposure, let’s find a way to explain it later.

Just as the demonized potion bottle was about to be released, Bloody Barro suddenly stopped in place strangely, as if he had fallen into extremely thick mud.

Then, he suddenly took a few steps back.

Dumbledore was on one side and shouted in a stern tone: "Enough, baron"

ps: baron, the English name of Barro.

Bloody Barrow looked at Dumbledore blankly and stood there.

Behind him, another terrifying figure appeared.

It was a man wearing medieval clothes, with a head hanging on his neck. The connection between the neck and the head were two bloody holes.

Hermione screamed in fright

nearly headless nick, nearly headless Nick.

Immediately afterwards, figures appeared one after another, all with dead expressions on their faces.

Or maybe they just stood there quietly, like zombies, and the weird atmosphere they exuded made the whole scene look very scary.

Rai clenched the bottle of magic potion that he had just put back in his pocket, ready to go.

Dumbledore frowned. Things had once again exceeded his calculations.

He pondered for a while and waved his magic wand: "Clear ears and clear eyes."


The sound spread from Dumbledore's wand, a bit like the aftertaste of church bells.

The materialized ghosts trembled violently one by one, then their eyes became empty, and then became strangely energetic again.

"What's going on?" Dumbledore asked again when he saw that the situation had improved.

"New first grade..."

Dumbledore was greeted by the funny voice of Peeves.

He glared at Peeves, who then stopped talking.

Apart from Bloody Barrow, Dumbledore was the only person in Hogwarts who could restrain Peeves.

Nearly headless Nick pushed his head back onto his neck, making him appear less intimidating.

He paused and said: " be resurrected, but not at all. After turning into entities, it was a bit difficult to relax, and everything in front was pitch black... "

"So, what are you doing gathering next to the dormitory of the new school at Hogwarts?"

"New School"

"Yes, it came about during the sorting ceremony." Dumbledore replied.

"It's been so long since the sorting ceremony. Oh my God, it feels like it's only been a little while." Nick, who was almost headless, said in surprise.

"Yes, the dinner is over but luckily you are not looking forward to the delicious food at the dinner." Dumbledore joked.

"Haha," Nick said with a few laughs, "I really want to eat now. You see, we may be able to let the food fall into our stomachs."

Dumbledore smiled and walked around behind the ghosts, followed closely by Ley and the others. This time, Crabbe and Goyle did not have the courage to walk in front, and the yawns disappeared because of the horror just now. Everyone was sleepy. Nothing.

Behind the ghosts is the back of the stone cube. This is the only place that Rai has not observed.

According to Dumbledore, there should be a door on the back of the stone cube.

Sure enough, a small door that was ajar was embedded in the back of the stone cube.

The door is only less than one person tall, but with the heights of Rai and the others, it is more than enough for them to walk through the door and walk upright.

Dumbledore stopped and said, "It seems that this is it. Why don't we open the door and take a look."

Dumbledore stepped aside and let Ly open the door, while he pointed his wand at the side crack of the door.

Rai squeezed the bottle of magic potion with one hand and walked towards the door.


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