Umbridge's status as a High Inquisitor through a Ministry of Magic education order did not add much to her intimidation among the students at Hogwarts.

In everyone's impression, she is still the bouncing Professor Toad.

Because the impression was too deep, and there were related photos, occasionally some students got too excited (to die) and called Umbridge a pink toad.

The end can be imagined - closed confinement.

Thus, there are a few more lucky people who are lucky enough to taste Umbridge's punishment quill.

Even though Dumbledore had issued an order prohibiting professors from using black magic props to punish students, Umbridge still ignored them.

The innocent Mr. Principal was shot because of this, and received a large number of complaint letters.

In fact, the "Daily Prophet" also receives several similar letters every day, and "someone" even deliberately sent a shouting letter to the newspaper, but they still haven't been surprised by any waves.

Regarding the Ministry of Magic's intervention in Hogwarts, the entire British wizarding community reacted rather slowly, or numbly. In fact, wizards did not pay as much attention to Hogwarts education as expected.

do not know?

How can it be!

The Daily Prophet clearly reported that Umbridge had become a senior investigator, and that Lucius Malfoy appeared in the paper on behalf of "all the parents".

The only voices of opposition came from the Wizengamot patriarchs Griselda Marchban and Tiberus Ogden, who resigned in protest of the appointment of Hogwarts Inquisitors.

It is really thanks to the importance of the members of the Wizengamot that this matter can be included in the "Daily Prophet".


British wizards were indifferent to the matter, even though the education of their children might be involved.

Of course, it may also be forced by life, and I am afraid that if I say a word more, I will be persecuted and expelled from the Ministry of Magic.

Wizards don't give up decent jobs at the Ministry so easily.

Albert is also indifferent to these matters, and has always adhered to the attitude of "it has nothing to do with himself".

As for the questions raised by students who were full of doubts after reading the "Daily Prophet", Albert asked them to write letters to ask their families.

Speaking of which, the most amazing thing about the whole thing was that Albert found out that he was about to become a new member of the Wizengamot.

Naturally, the Wizengamot has a substitute member, but it is not a substitute on the surface, but a reserved number of substitutes that everyone has reserved in private.

However, Albert is an obvious substitute.

Once there was a vacancy in the members of the Wizengamot, Albert needed to fill it.

For this reason, Fudge claimed that Albert had not yet graduated from school, could not fulfill the responsibilities of members of the Wizengamot, and was preparing to let his own people take over.

This statement obviously did not convince the other Wizengamot members.

Fudge, who was once again directly protested by members of the Wizengamot, could only hold back his anger and smile.

When facing this group of elderly people, Fudge didn't dare to go too far.How could the aged members of the Wizengamot, who could be in high positions, have no means of their own because they might stab a hornet's nest?

If it really didn't exist, someone would have already removed him from his position.

You must know that there are only fifty members of the Wizengamot, and no one has stepped down. How can the others take up positions?

After a vote by the members of the Wizengamot, no new members will be added for the time being.

Now, everyone is whispering that Fudge will step down next year. God knows whether Mrs. Marchbane and Mr. Ogden will return to the Wizengamot after Fudge leaves the position of Minister of Magic?

As for the official back-up member Albert Anderson.

Everyone recognized his ability and was willing to accept Albert as one of them, but Albert was too young and needed someone to guide him to become familiar with the Wizengamot instead of pushing him into that position.

Not long after Fudge left the Wizengamot meeting room with a dark face, Percy Weasley brought him another bad news.

"It's been predicted that I'll be ousted before the end of next summer," Fudge growled at Percy, wide-eyed.

"A lot of people believed it."

Percy took out a handkerchief to wipe the drool on his face, and said helplessly.

Fudge suddenly understood why the group of immortals had left their seats vacant.

That day, Fudge locked himself in his office, and anyone passing by the Minister of Magic's office could hear the sound of things being smashed inside.

In fact, not only did Fudge encounter bad things, but Umbridge, who was far away at Hogwarts, also encountered a lot of trouble.

The position of Senior Inquisitor hadn't made Umbridge's operations at Hogwarts any easier, on the contrary, it had gotten her into a lot of trouble.

A large number of "Defense Letters" magazines suddenly appeared in the school, and quickly became popular among students and became a popular publication.

Although Umbridge responded in a timely manner and banned the "Defense Letters" at lightning speed, it still couldn't stop the fact that "Defense Letters" was spreading wildly in Hogwarts Castle.

Everyone can always find a way to hide it from Umbridge. Could it be that students are expelled for reading "Defense Letters"?

Dumbledore is still at Hogwarts!

In order to strengthen their authority, new educational orders have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Umbridge's series of actions seemed to thoroughly annoy the Hogwarts students.

In the following days, one Howler letter after another kept greeting her in the face, leaving Umbridge in a panic.

She had to ban the Red Howler letter from Hogwarts, and sent wizards from the Ministry of Magic to check the letters received by Hogwarts students.

However, she still couldn't resist the frenzied roaring letters.

Owls were borrowed from Hogwarts' owl shack in advance and released directly in the castle at breakfast, creating the illusion that someone had sent Umbridge a Howler letter.

The offensive of howling letters frenziedly changed completely after Umbridge used magic to brutally kill an owl that sent the letter.

Since then, no owl has sent Umbridge a howler letter again.

Because these smoldering red cuties seemed to have grown their own wings and flew quietly into Umbridge's bedroom, bringing unexpected surprises to Umbridge in his sleep.

At this point, Umbridge no longer stayed overnight at Hogwarts, but used Floo powder to go home and rest every day, so as not to be tossed into a nervous breakdown.

She was a little doubting whether she was right to accept Fudge's appointment now, and she hadn't had a few days of peaceful sleep since she came to Hogwarts.

However, Umbridge, who had just slept peacefully for a few days, encountered other bad things.

A student secretly tipped her off that there were ghost radios in the common rooms of the colleges, and that they would broadcast the wizard's watch station on time every day.

To this end, Umbridge ordered the prefects of each house to confiscate the radios in their common rooms, and once again banned Hogwarts students from using radios.

However, this semester is full of wonderful things.

The prefects unanimously claimed that after the ghost radio got wind of it, they disappeared.

Umbridge felt that the prefects were deliberately putting himself off, so he planned to search the common rooms of each house himself.

It's a pity that Umbridge can't even get into Ravenclaw House.

She is so full of politics that she has long forgotten the wisdom of Ravenclaw.

For this reason, after learning that Umbridge was actually a student of Ravenclaw, a large group of Ravenclaw students tried to remove her from Ravenclaw House, they would not admit that the idiot was from Ravenclaw Crow.


Many students think that Umbridge is from Slytherin, and she has a good relationship with Slytherin students.


"What are you guys doing here?"

Albert, who had just returned from the library, walked to the corridor near the portrait of the Fat Lady, and found that the corridor was crowded with Gryffindor students.

Albert guessed why when he looked over the crowd and saw Umbridge standing in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"The password seems to have been changed." Lee Jordan winked at Albert and said.

Has the fat lady's password really changed?

Of course not, everyone just didn't want Umbridge in the Gryffindor common room, that's all.

In fact, a similar case happened in front of Ravenclaw's waiting room. A lot of people crowded the entrance, but no one was willing to come forward to answer questions.

"Let let!"

Albert pushed through the crowd and walked towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.He glanced at Umbridge who was staring at him, and asked suspiciously, "Professor, what's the matter?"

"I suspect there are illegal items in the Gryffindor common room, and I'm going to go in and check." Umbridge still had a fake smirk on his face.

It's just that the smile looks a little stiff.

"Illegal items?" Albert asked in pretended surprise.

"Let the portrait open the door, don't tell me you don't know the password!" Umbridge stared at Albert.

"The password is: open sesame!" Albert said without thinking.

"The password is correct!" The fat lady spun open the door of the common room.

"Okay, let's go in. Don't squeeze, enter the lounge in an orderly manner!"

Albert walked into the lounge first, but he didn't know who was crowded there. Umbridge, who was originally not tall, was pushed aside, and even bumped his head against the side of the passage.

Umbridge got up from the ground in embarrassment, and scanned the students returning to the common room with a disgruntled face.However, she was shocked to find that there were no students in the common room, and everyone went to nowhere.

When Albert went downstairs with Tom in his arms, he found that Umbridge was still there, and other people were lined up in two rows in the lounge.

"What the hell are you doing!" Albert asked with a frown.

"Umbridge thinks we have hidden radios and she's reviewing..."

"The radio? That thing that appears by the fireplace every day on time?" Albert put Tom on the armchair, took out a pocket watch from his pocket, looked at the time and said, "You didn't tell her that the radio was on time every day?" Appear, disappear on time?"

"We said it! But she just doesn't want to believe it." A student winked at Albert innocently and said.

"If I were you, I would wait for the radio to appear by itself, and then take it away if you think it is a contraband, instead of asking someone else for a radio." Albert waved his hand impatiently, a The armchair automatically appeared behind Umbridge, and Umbridge, who was about to speak, suddenly felt his legs go limp and fell down on the armchair.

"And you, don't stand here and get in the way, how can you let other people go back to the dormitory." Albert glanced at the others and said, "Don't you have anything else to do at night?"

After hearing Albert's words, the other students scattered and went to do their own things.

Albert also found a place to sit down and read books borrowed from the library.

Fred and George were teasing the cat with a cat teaser, and everyone automatically ignored Umbridge.

At this moment, the announcement from the wizard's watch station quietly sounded by the fireplace.

Welcome to Wizard's Watch.

The theme of this issue is: How much does the pink toad know.

You said pink leprosy?

That's the nickname of Dolores Umbridge. According to the information we got a while ago, Dolores Umbridge was turned into a pink toad not long ago.

God, whose idea is this, let's applaud him...

Umbridge's face turned an ugly liver color, and she jerked out her wand, ready to blow up the radio on the fireplace.

However, just as Umbridge was about to cast a spell, he found that his spell was interrupted.

"Don't use black magic in the common room. There are a lot of students here. It would be bad if it affects other students." Albert closed the book behind Brick, looked at Umbridge who was full of astonishment, and said flatly Say, "If you think the radio needs to be destroyed, you can take it with you and destroy it in a place where no one is around, but not here. What if your explosive spell accidentally spreads to other people? And Explosive spells are more dangerous black magic, you should not take the lead in using black magic, this is a bad example."

The next moment, the students in the common room stood up and applauded Albert.

Umbridge's face became even uglier. She stared at Albert with murderous eyes, quickly stepped forward to pick up the radio that was still chattering, and threw it to the ground, but the radio was still playing Sirius Voices: Umbridge's favorite lie: My father was a prominent man of the Wizengamot during his lifetime.However, Umbridge's father is actually still alive, he was actually a member of the Ministry of Magic...

The voice suddenly stopped, and everyone stared at the culprit.

Panting, Umbridge raised his wand and cast a Freezing Charm to temporarily freeze the radio.

As the crowd watched, Umbridge hurried away with the radio.

Everyone was very sorry about this, and they wanted to know the real identity of Mr. Umbridge, and they were very curious about what news about the pink toad was going to come out from the Wizard's Lookout.

"Anyone of you has a radio somewhere."

Someone in the common room yelled, but there was no answer.

Everyone is interested in the gossip about Umbridge.

Just as people were sighing, there was a loud explosion outside, and everyone rushed out of the common room. When they followed the sound, they found that Umbridge, who was covered in black, was being carried on a stretcher.

Apparently, Umbridge was trying to destroy the radio.

Then, the radio went off.

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