A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1035 Running wild on the road to death

"Professor Umbridge wants to see you."

Cedric had just finished class and was about to go to lunch when Filch stopped him in the hall.

"What did Umbridge want Cedric for?"

Several friends around Cedric glared at Filch, and now everyone knew that being targeted by Umbridge was definitely not a good thing.

"follow me."

Filch ignored the unkind eyes of the others, and led Cedric towards Umbridge's office.

Cedric glanced back at his friend, shrugged, and followed Filch out of the hall.

"Damn toad, what must we do?"

Although they said so and knew they had to do something to get Cedric out of trouble, no one did anything about it.

Maybe they don't know what to do, maybe they don't dare to do anything at all.

Walking to the door of Umbridge's office, Cedric still had a calm expression on his face. He had long expected this day to come. After Filch knocked on the door lightly three times, he Walk in through the door the other side pushed open.

Umbridge sat in a chair behind his desk, not knowing what to write.After Cedric walked in, she put down the quill, looked up at Cedric, showed a signature smile, pointed to the opposite chair and said, "Sit down, Mr. Cedric."

Cedric secretly looked at Umbridge's office, this was his first time here.The office is filled with pink decorations that don't match Umbridge's age, and trays of various cats are placed on shelves, which is very girly.

However, the owner of the office is an old witch.

Cedric suddenly understood why Umbridge liked to speak in a girlish sharp voice. It turned out that the other party had always had a girlish heart.

Still, the thought of Umbridge's age made him sick.

On the wall behind the desk was nailed a thick, strong iron bolt to which three broomsticks were being chained and locked.

Cedric recognized Potter's Firebolt at a glance, and the Weasley brothers' two sweeping five-stars, thanks to Umbridge's "help", maybe Hufflepuff can make it again in the next game Beating Gryffindor, however, Cedric wasn't happy about it.

"Professor, what do you want from me?" Cedric asked directly after finishing the expression on his face.

"I've heard some rumors recently, and I want to talk to you about something." Umbridge stared at Cedric, with the usual hypocritical smirk on his face: "By the way, what do you want to drink?"

"What?" Cedric's heart suddenly bulged, and he thought to himself: Is it still here?

"What would you like to drink, Mr. Diggory?" Umbridge smiled even wider. "Tea, coffee, pumpkin juice?"

"Let's have milk tea then!" Cedric said without thinking.

Hearing such an answer, Umbridge always felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, but she still waved her wand and conjured a cup of steaming milk tea for Cedric.

Cedric stared at the milk tea in front of him, knowing that he probably couldn't escape, so he took a sip of the milk tea and said with a stiff expression, "The taste of this cup of milk tea is really indescribable."


Umbridge didn't react for a while.

Cedric put down the teacup he drank and started his own performance: "This cup of milk tea is terrible, it makes me feel a little sick."

Umbridge raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the milk tea that had been partially drunk, looked at Cedric with a sinister and friendly smile, and asked, "I heard that the "Guide to Self-Defense" is where you are ?”

"The Guide to Self-Defense?" Cedric said quietly. "I did read that book."


Umbridge's face darkened.

"Yes, once. I saw that book on the table in the library and put it back after reading it." Cedric explained blankly: "This is a private rule of everyone, just to Keep Umbridge from knowing who took the book."

"Who came up with the rules?" Umbridge's face was very ugly.

"I don't know." Cedric shook his head.

"So, you don't know who and where that book is now?" Umbridge's face darkened further.

"I don't know, only the person who took the book knows."

After a brief silence, Umbridge asked again: "Mr. Cedric, how much do you know about Dumbledore's Army?"

"Understood, there are various rumors about Dumbledore's Army circulating in Hogwarts." Cedric looked at Umbridge and continued: "Some say that Dumbledore's Army is an organization formed by the Anti-Toad Alliance , for the purpose of driving Umbridge out of the school."

The smile on Umbridge's face disappeared completely. What Cedric said just now was undoubtedly an insult to her, but she couldn't be angry, because Cedric, who drank Veritaserum, only told the truth.

"It is also said that Dumbledore's Army is an organization established by Dumbledore. This organization is absorbing Hogwarts students and teaching them how to use magic to fight. Its purpose is to overthrow the current Minister of Magic Fudge. Rule. Everyone says Dumbledore has his headquarters somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, but no one knows for sure."

"Are there any students?" Umbridge hinted. "Potter, for example?"

"No." Cedric shook his head. "Everyone thinks it's a rumor."

"Go on," said Umbridge deadpan.

"It is also said that Dumbledore's Army is actually a group formed by students spontaneously, because the things taught by Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Umbridge are too bad, and those students who want to get excellent grades in the next important exam They all joined one after another, it is said that it is called the 'Defense Association'..."

"You think it has something to do with Albert Anderson," Umbridge interrupted again.

"It's okay, Albert is very busy. When I asked him for the knowledge on the "Guide to Self-Defense" last time, he refused." Cedric shook his head.

"What is he up to?" Umbridge asked warily.

"I'm about to graduate, and Albert is hurrying to read some of the books in the restricted area." Cedric said calmly, "He can borrow any book in the restricted area."

"Who gave the power."

"Principal Dumbledore." Cedric fell silent after finishing speaking.

"you can go now."

Umbridge looked Cedric up and down, made sure he couldn't ask any more answers, and let him go.

Looking at the re-closed door, Umbridge frowned, and intuitively told her that Cedric might be lying, but Umbridge couldn't see where the other party was lying.

Is there... a problem with Veritaserum?

Umbridge stared at the half cup of milk tea, frowning slightly.

In the end, she called the house elf, asked her to drink the half cup of milk tea with Veritaserum, and asked the house elf a few questions. After confirming that the Veritaserum was indeed effective, she let the house elf leave.

"Could it be that I'm overthinking?" Umbridge murmured.

If Albert were here, he would definitely complain about Umbridge's level of Potions, and he didn't know that Veritaserum also had an antidote.

Of course, it could also be that Umbridge didn't think Cedric would prepare the antidote in advance and take it quietly under her nose.

Cedric was actually the antidote he took on the road, thanks to Albert's way of preserving Felicia.

The news that Cedric was called to the office by Umbridge quickly spread throughout the Hogwarts castle, and this incident immediately caused dissatisfaction among the Hufflepuff students.

If Albert is the face of Gryffindor House, then Cedric is the face of Hufflepuff. Umbridge's actions are undoubtedly a slap in the face of Hufflepuff House.

This news took Hermione by surprise, and she was relieved after making sure that Cedric hadn't triggered the curse she cast on the list.

"How did you do it?" Harry asked blankly.

Harry's relationship with Cedric is not so good because of his crush on Cho Chang.However, after taking the sedative, he was still able to maintain a semblance of calm.

"The antidote to Veritaserum."

Cedric still has a lot of weight among the DA members, at least the Hufflepuff students agree with him.

During the separate practice of the team, in addition to Harry, Cedric and the Weasley brothers will also help guide people separately, so as to speed up everyone's efficiency in mastering spells.Otherwise, it will be very difficult to finish learning the contents of the "Guide to Self-Defense" in a short period of time and get everyone adequate training.

"An antidote for Veritaserum?" Hermione asked, eyes wide. "Can you make an antidote for Veritaserum?"

"Of course not, it's the antidote Albert gave me." Cedric shook his head and said, "Don't expect too much, he doesn't have much left for the Veritaserum Antidote."

"The DA is still at risk of exposure if Toad uses Veritaserum on other members.

Cedric briefly told the two of the three proposals Albert gave him.

"The first one has to be more reliable. We can't distribute the antidote to Veritaserum to everyone. As for the Oblivion Curse... If you are not good at it, it's best not to use it indiscriminately." Hermione said immediately: "So just find a chance Delaying time, giving reinforcements to others, and making trouble is the best result."

"We may have to go to Fred and George, they are better at this." Harry agreed with Hermione's proposal, "Start the next party as soon as possible, and everyone must be vigilant!"

"Better get the word out about Umbridge's alleged use of Veritaserum on students," Hermione added.


"I think the toad is trying to die, and dare to use veritaserum to torture Hogwarts students." During herbal medicine class, George took the time to tell Albert the news.

"Really?" Shanna's eyes widened.

"Not long ago, Cedric was called by Toad to drink tea in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office." George said in a low voice, "Now everyone is worried about being called to drink tea by Toad."

"Dumbledore doesn't care about this kind of thing?" Shanna really couldn't understand why the toad dared to be so unscrupulous.

"No evidence."


"The world of adults is far more cruel than you imagine. It is very common to use any means to achieve your goals. To be honest, if necessary, I have no doubt that she will use the Cruciatus Curse to torture students." Albert said slowly Work on the plants you have on hand.

"Attention, gentlemen and ladies, you have to speed up the progress, Albert is almost finished." Professor Sprout reminded when passing by.

"Toad can use the Cruciatus Curse?" George doubted. Toad was so bad.

"Cruel people are usually able to use the Cruciatus Curse, which is the source of power for most black magic." Albert has already taken a brown ball from the tree. This thing is called Explosive Fruit, which will produce Explosions and the use of seeds to scatter them have relatively strong lethality to ordinary animals and plants. They must be picked before they mature, and the freezing spell must be used to freeze the explosive jelly before picking.

A small amount of pang fruit extract is added to the explosive sandwich fudge in the Honeydukes candy store.

"I think she should be hospitalized so that everyone can live a comfortable life." George looked at Albert, hoping that the other party could give them some advice.

"Some spells cannot be used in combination, otherwise there will be unfavorable effects." Albert said after a moment of thought, "Of course, some potions can also have similar effects."

"That's a good idea." George said without hesitation. "It's not surprising that something strange happened to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Are you really planning to do that?" Shanna had a hard time understanding what was going on in this world. Hogwarts was no longer a warm home for everyone, and she felt that people in the whole world had become extremely crazy.

The relationship between Umbridge and the students was so bad that they wanted to kill each other.

"Who made the era of chaos coming."

"The era of chaos? It seems that our luck is not very good." Shanna stopped in front of the foyer, looked at the students who were leaning against the notice wall, showing a disgusted expression, and there was no doubt that a new education order was born.

"Our luck is actually pretty good, at least we graduated from Hogwarts in time." Albert looked at the education order on the notice wall, and joked with a smile: "If people copy the education order now, they will definitely send people to Hogwarts. Crazy."

"Umbridge intends to form an action team, saying something about maintaining the stability of Hogwarts and avoiding some conflicts. It's disgusting!" Lee Jordan appeared out of nowhere and said with disgust, "I dare Said that the so-called action team were all from Slytherin House, and Toad even forgot that he was from Ravenclaw House."

"She has been expelled from Ravenclaw College." Albert reminded kindly.

He was not surprised by Toad's series of actions. Adults pay more attention to pros and cons. In fact, he himself is the same.

"She should be punished!"

On the way back to the common room, George suddenly said, "If Toad doesn't get punished, she's only going to get ahead.

"do you have any plans?"

"I want to turn her into a toad." George said in a low voice. "Of course, you can also secretly cast a spell on her, so that the toad will suffer from a serious skin disease and have to stay in the hospital for the next few months."

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