A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1056 Truth and Lies

It was raining non-stop outside, Albert held up the umbrella that Isobel handed over, and walked into the rain-washed street.

Hogsmeade looked deserted under the rain, and there was no Valentine's Day atmosphere at all. Pedestrians on the street came and went in a hurry, and few students were seen at all.

Albert stopped for a moment in front of the Death Eater's arrest warrant. The reward price on the arrest warrant was the same as Sirius' previous arrest warrant. Anyone who could provide clues to apprehend the fugitive would also be rewarded with a thousand Galleons.

However, how credible is this arrest warrant?

The reputation of the Ministry of Magic is now terribly low.

However, it seems like a good idea to poke out Voldemort's lair and let people from the Ministry of Magic help to fight the thunder.

The icy raindrops hit the umbrella and splashed on Albert's boots, and he stopped pattering towards the Three Broomsticks.

Because of the rain outside, the Three Broomsticks bar was more lively than ever. When Albert glanced over the bar, he saw Lee Jordan waving at him.

"You came much sooner than I expected!" Lee Jordan moved aside, making room for Albert to sit down.

"Where have you been talking!" Albert asked straight to the point.

"Basically, it's almost there." Lee Jordan looked at the reporter in front of him, indicating that he could ask the reporter directly if he had any questions.

"Cough cough!"

Rita Skeeter coughed lightly and put down the parchment in her hand.

"Speak directly." Albert didn't intend to make a detour, that would be boring.

"You can't expect me to write for nothing, at least pay this price." Rita Skeeter spread her palms towards Albert, she knew that the guy in front of her was not short of money at all, "Also, this thing can't Use my byline."

"You are also afraid. I thought you were not afraid of these things. After all, you have caused troubles for the Ministry of Magic before." Albert looked at Rita Skeeter, who was no longer glamorous, and chuckled lightly. He turned his head He looked at Luna and asked, "It should be fine if you don't sign it!"

"No problem." Luna fiddled with the small paper umbrella on the cup, humming softly Weasley is our king: "However, many people are willing to contribute to "The Quibbler" just to have their articles published on magazine."

"I can only give you this price." Albert stretched out two fingers: "I can give you half of the price first."

With that said, Lee Jordan took out a small bag of Gallon from his pocket and placed it in front of Rita Skeeter.

"Honestly speaking, there is no market for this kind of article, and it is published on "The Quibbler". Do you think people will take it seriously? I think you must know it better than anyone else." Rita Skeeter actually didn't want to get involved Things related to the mysterious person, even if you don't use your brain, you know that this is a very dangerous thing.

"Still, you plan to publish it in..." Rita Skeeter was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

"This is not something you should care about." Albert took a sip of butter beer without haste.

Of course, it is mainly on "The Quibbler", and "Defense Letters" is used to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic. Quibbler" has to be finished.

"Okay, it's a deal. They're really unlucky." Rita muttered, picked up the money bag and stuffed it into the purse. She knew that if she didn't agree, her memory would probably be erased.

"Tell me about your thinking." Albert made a gesture of invitation.

Rita Skeeter took out her notebook and told Albert about her writing ideas.Tell the whole thing from last year's Triwizard Tournament, add parts of Harry's report last time, and Fudge's report, plus what Umbridge did at Hogwarts , linked to the Azkaban escape.

And, of course, Albert's predictions for the future.

With Rita Skeeter's ability, it is not difficult to put together an article. She has done this often before, and now she can write in more detail.

"You missed one thing, the Spanish incident last summer." Albert reminded, "At that time, Fudge insisted that Goyle and Crabbe were not Death Eaters."

For some reason, Rita Skeeter gave him the feeling that Fudge might really have a connection with the Death Eaters after careful analysis.

"You don't need to affirm one thing directly, but use analysis and speculation, put the evidence in front of everyone, and let everyone make their own judgments." Albert added what Rita Skeeter missed thing.

He is very clear that they may not believe what other people say, but they will believe what they have seen, analyzed, and identified.

"I dare say that if this article is published, the entire Ministry of Magic will explode." Rita Skeeter asked in a low voice, "Do you have a grudge against Fudge?"

"Aren't you very clear? Fudge has caused me some trouble before, you can think of it as a small counterattack from me. Of course, these don't need to be written on it." Albert said lightly after taking a sip of butter beer.

"Are you sure it's just a little bit?"

Rita Skeeter suspected that if the article ever got out, Fudge might actually be ousted this summer.

Rita Skeeter, of course, had also heard the prophecies of Fudge's imminent downfall.

Well, if she knew that the prophesied culprit was sitting in front of her, she didn't know how she would feel.

The two chatted for about half an hour, and after thoroughly perfecting the structure and content of this article, Rita Skeeter got up and prepared to leave. Before she left, she reminded: "Absolutely, absolutely do not use my name Famous."

No way, she was also worried that Albert would dig a hole for herself, and then she would really be finished. Just look at the unlucky Fudge, and she knew that kind of black-hearted guy really couldn't be messed with.

After Rita Skeeter left, Albert turned his attention to Luna.

"How are you getting ready now?"

"How about what?" Luna was a little puzzled, obviously not understanding the meaning of Albert's words for a while.

"It's about the Wizard's Card Club." Albert explained.

"It's okay." Luna suddenly said.

"Time is not enough. We will graduate at the end of June this year. At that time, you can only rely on yourself. If you feel that you cannot inherit the Wizarding Club, I can only temporarily hand it over to Hermione Granger After finishing speaking, Albert looked at Lee Jordan and said, "You have to hurry up, I have a hunch that Fred and George will leave Hogwarts early, and the time may not be far away."

"Do they really want to suspend school early?" Lee Jordan muttered, "It's obvious that there are only a few months left before graduation. Damn, it's really enviable."

"Didn't you expect it?" Albert looked at Luna again and said, "Do you have any other questions? If you have any, you can ask them now, and we will answer them for you. If not, I will leave first. "

"This..." Luna took out a notebook from her pocket and said, "There are a few questions."


After Valentine's Day, Albert's mood obviously improved a lot. It may be because he and Isobel just finished Valentine's Day together, or it may be that the Felicia elixir that has been waiting for half a year is finally coming to an end, or maybe However, the predicted future has not deviated too much. Fred and George still left on broomsticks, and Dumbledore was also driven out from the position of headmaster of Hogwarts.

The known future may be boring, but at least it is better than safety, better than having traces to follow, and being able to be under control.

Before the mysterious man is defeated by Harry Potter, it is definitely not a good choice to completely deviate the plot and let the situation completely escape Albert's control.

Albert never thought of being a savior, and he hated being a savior, let alone come out to clean up the mess in the end.If possible, he didn't want to fight Voldemort at all, even if he could defeat Voldemort in the end and gain a lot of experience from it, it would be a loss-making business.

In the past, there was really no way. If you don’t fight, you can only be a salty fish. What’s more, the cheat is right in front of you. If you work harder, you will be the winner in life. Why not work hard?

It's different now. He has money, family, business, and wife. He has a successful career. He is a proper winner in life. Why would he take a huge risk to fight a big devil like Voldemort? at a loss.

For this, Albert admired Dumbledore from the bottom of his heart, even though they occasionally disagreed on certain matters.

Not long after Valentine's Day ended, Hermione came to him several times frequently, each time he hesitated to speak.

She obviously noticed the problem in the prophecy.

In fact, anyone who has a little brain and believes in the prophecy can find the answer from the prophecy, and Hermione is undoubtedly the best among them.

"In the near future, Dumbledore may die."

Looking at the trio of saviors who finally came to ask him, Albert calmly stated this cruel fact.

"Who did it?" Harry asked in a trembling voice after a moment of silence.It was really hard for him to accept such an answer.

"I saw the Dark Mark." Albert said calmly.

"How is this possible!" Ron was obviously unwilling to believe this cruel fact.

"This matter must be different from what we thought. I don't believe that Dumbledore will die at the hands of Death Eaters. Even the mysterious man can't do anything to Dumbledore." Hermione calmly analyzed, "The There may be something going on that we don't know about."

"Don't worry, the future is just the future, it hasn't happened yet, it's just been predicted, and it can still be forcibly reversed." Albert spoke to calm the emotions of the three, "I have already told Dumbledore the result of the prophecy, I think if Dumbledore doesn't want to die, there must be a way to avoid possible fatal dangers in the future and reverse his own destiny, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Can such a thing really be done?" Hermione asked in surprise.Not only her, but even Harry and Ron, who were stunned by the news of Dumbledore's death, were a little dumbfounded.

"What did I lie to you for?" Albert asked back.


"As one of the few most powerful wizards in the world, Dumbledore is fully capable. As long as he is willing and knows the danger in advance, it will not be difficult to avoid danger and reverse his future." Albert explained, "Even if he is Time-Turner, after paying a huge price, may still reverse the outcome of the future to a certain extent, let alone divination, which is more uncertain."

"However, your predictions are accurate every time." Ron stammered.

"That's because I never interfered on purpose, and those things are not worth my time to interfere." Albert guessed what they were thinking.

"Is there a time-turner that can really do it?" Hermione was also confused, because these were different from what she had learned.

"Yes, but there are risks." Albert said to Hermione, "Professor McGonagall said that, because he doesn't want anyone to do it. Most people will only make things worse, and..."

"Let me give you an example. Potter killed Weasley in a duel. Then, Hermione, you went back in time and used the stun spell to sneak attack Potter and Weasley, putting them into a coma and successfully preventing the duel. In the future, it may turn out that someone sneaked up on Harry and Weasley, rather than Potter killing Weasley in a duel, and only you know about it."

"Can't you change your name?" Harry couldn't help complaining, but he couldn't help but also heaved a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was quite frightened when he learned that Dumbledore might die in the future.

However, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Albert say that Dumbledore also knew about this and that he had a way to change the future.

The future hasn't happened yet.

can be changed.

In fact, Albert is also very curious, in the story of Dumbledore's death, where will the future be led?

In fact, he didn't really want Dumbledore to die like this. After all, there was a tall man supporting him when the sky fell, so he didn't need to play in person.

It's a pity that although he comforted the three of Harry like that, who knows what will happen in the future?

"By the way, there is one more thing. I still don't understand what Umbridge wants to do?" After putting down the matter of Dumbledore, Harry asked the previous question again.

"What does Umbridge want?" Albert repeated.

"Yeah, what does she want to do," Harry continued.

"Fire you, drive Dumbledore away, and become the new headmaster of Hogwarts."

"But, what excuse is she going to use? Defense Association?" Hermione asked puzzled

"You have to remember that they are the makers of the rules. They say what they say. If you say you violate the laws of the Ministry of Magic, you violate the laws of the Ministry of Magic. You must understand that within the rules they make, you can never be theirs. opponent."

The three of them opened their mouths slightly, Albert's words gave them a big shock, is it true?

"Your opponents have never been rule-followers, otherwise Umbridge and Fudge would not have come up with a bunch of educational orders to try to disenfranchise Dumbledore. As law-makers, they are always on top, using these frameworks To restrain and restrict others, perhaps the original intention of the law has a good side. When the judiciary is corrupt and used for evil, it causes more harm than anything else.”

Albert looked at the three people who were silent, and continued: "In the Muggle world, the collapse of a country usually begins with the rule of law and justice, and other aspects will soon be infected and become a mess. "

"Even if I don't say it, you can see their harm. When the government has a credit crisis, it is not far from the end, and the Ministry of Magic has already had this kind of problem, so I said that Fudge's next appointment is a Bad luck, because he can't fix the mess at all, not even Dumbledore can solve the problem."

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