After gradually adapting to the chaotic situation in Hogwarts, everyone was surprised to find that the original college life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The professors completely turned a blind eye to the bad things going on in the castle. Even if the students played wizard cards blatantly in class, they would not express any opinions, and it was even more casual to add and deduct points.

No one has really taken grades seriously since Hogwarts had investigative operations.

In a certain spelling class, Professor Flitwick went to watch Fred and Lee Jordan playing wizard cards, and chatted with Albert about the "Spell Innovation" magazine, which surprised many students.

No one thought that even Professor Flitwick was starting to mess up.

Although the class has become very casual, Professor Flitwick's class is still very popular, especially when he sometimes has a whim and talks about various interesting topics with everyone in class, such as his experience of traveling to various countries when he was young. He also asked Albert to come to the stage to tell everyone about the International Wizards Duel Competition, and by the way, to increase everyone's knowledge.

In fact, after the headmaster Dumbledore was forced to leave the school, the entire Hogwarts professors didn't take the new headmaster seriously at all, and they were all happy to watch each other make jokes.

Every time they encountered a small matter, the professors would ask someone to "invite" Umbridge over to deal with it, as if leaving the new headmaster, no one could handle the matter well.

So Umbridge's headmaster's life suddenly became busy.

Every day, there were a few classrooms where the roar of the flying saucer could be heard, and then Umbridge and Filch needed to rush to help the professors solve their troubles with large insect nets.

Since she couldn't use spells to deal with the Spike, she had to find another way. If she couldn't solve this trivial matter, she would appear very incompetent.

So, at Filch's suggestion, Umbridge built a large insect net, as long as he used this thing to net the Spike UFO, wouldn't the problem be easily solved?

The matter was naturally not as simple as Filch said, but at least it was a solution to the problem.

Every time there are always a lot of melon-eating people cheering for Umbridge and Filch, the picture is always very joyful.

Because such scenes often happened, Albert changed the wolf tooth flying saucer into a cheaper fly toy.

That toy fly has a toad's head, and it always likes to fly over everyone's heads, making annoying buzzing noises constantly.

So, the unlucky Umbridge exhausted himself to death before he could enjoy the headmaster's power.

She had to take Filch around every day, dealing with all kinds of emergencies, and her back became a landscape of Hogwarts.

Everyone knows that professors have the ability to solve problems on their own, but they also have good reasons to throw problems at Umbridge, because they are not sure whether they have this power, so it is easier to ask Umbridge to help solve problems.

Now the whole school is watching Umbridge's jokes, and even the professors are also happy to cooperate with everyone to find something for Umbridge to do, and we can't let her idle, otherwise Umbridge will continue to do it again. thing.

Albert's original sentence "Toad is simply too idle, so he has time and energy to trouble everyone." has been affirmed by many people.

So, everyone is helping her find something to do.

No one will sympathize with what happened to Umbridge. Who let Umbridge mess up Hogwarts and want to climb on top of everyone?

Since she likes to mess around, let her mess around, anyway, Toad's troubles are far from over, and there is another Peeves in the castle who likes to mess around more than she does.

Speaking of Peeves, everyone loves and hates it now.

In the recent period, Peeves has really played a major role. He can always bring joy and laughter to everyone when he makes trouble for Umbridge.Most of the jokes at Hogwarts today are supported by the joint support of Peeves and Umbridge.

However, it is definitely not a wonderful thing to be affected by Peeves' mischief, and no one wants to experience Umbridge's experience for themselves.

This mischievous guy opened a can of herring in front of Umbridge while everyone was eating lunch, poured it on the plate in front of Umbridge, and warmly invited each other to enjoy traditional Swedish food .

The moment the can of herring was opened, Umbridge's face turned dark. The unique "smell" of the can of herring almost made Umbridge and the professors in the teacher's seat spit out the food they just ate.

"You're welcome, give it a try."

Giggling, Peeves picked up a herring, made a motion of putting it in his mouth, and handed it to Umbridge, as if considering whether to stuff it in Umbridge's mouth.

Under the complicated gazes of the other professors, the plate of herring was accidentally slammed into Umbridge's face.

"Fortunately, I still have it here."

Peeves conjured another can of herring, opened it again, and chased after Umbridge, inviting her to taste this "delicious" can.

The "fragrance" gradually faded away amidst screams and giggles, and everyone stared at the foyer dumbfounded.

The next moment, many people covered their mouths and retched.

There is no way, that smell is so delicious, it took away all their appetites at once.

George turned his head to look at Albert, and suddenly understood why his friend didn't eat, and regretted why he wasn't more vigilant.

"It's a horrible smell. It's really hard to believe that it's the smell that can come out of it." Lee Jordan felt that his whole body was not good.

"Canned herring is said to be a traditional food in Sweden. However, even in the Muggle world, not many people would try to taste it." Shanna looked at the food left in front of her, without any appetite.

"If you can overcome the smell, canned herring is quite delicious." Albert decided to ask the house elf to prepare extra food for himself later.

"Have you tried it?"

Everyone looked at Albert in unison, all with shocked expressions.

"I haven't tried it, and I don't plan to try it." Albert shook his head. Although he likes to taste delicious food, he is not interested in all kinds of exotic foods.

"I remember you got a big box of those cans for Peeves!"

George suddenly realized a serious problem. If Peeves opened a can of herring in the hall every day, would they still have to eat?

There was an eerie silence all around.

This is undoubtedly depressing news, and everyone can only silently pray that Umbridge will not come to the Great Hall to dine again.

However, their wish was doomed to fail, Peeves always likes to come out to make trouble when Umbridge is eating, no matter what Umbridge does, he can't avoid it, unless she doesn't eat at Hogwarts, once or twice naturally Yes, but if the number of times is too high, it is simply impossible.

With the mentality that everyone was unlucky together, Umbridge ran to the lobby to eat again, and pulled everyone into the water together. As a result, many people would quickly finish eating and leave the lobby after seeing Umbridge appearing in the lobby, so as not to be punished later. Skin ghost's food was disgusting.

It is said that Peeves made Umbridge cockroach soup last time.

Many people don't understand Umbridge's persistence, don't understand that Umbridge has lived in dire straits at school, and still refuses to give up the position of headmaster.

In Hogwarts Castle, only Filch is really willing to help Umbridge.

Probably because Umbridge made Filch feel that he was valued, and Umbridge also passed the "Whip Approval Order", which gave Filch the right to use the whip to teach those mischievous students.

Since then, Filch would wander around the corridors with his riding whip every day, eager to catch those troublemakers.

But the problem is that Filch seems to have forgotten that he is just a squib, and he is not worth mentioning in front of students who can cast spells. Besides, there are too many mischievous students at present. "The next is more united than before.

Filch was no match for them, and he couldn't catch anyone.

Of course, everyone will not go too far, and often use the body-binding spell to make the dear administrator stand in the corridor for hours, and he still can't catch who is playing tricks on him.

"Umbridge banned the three of us from participating in the Quidditch match again, and Angelina was going crazy." Fred sat next to Albert with the food, and mentioned what happened just now, " She actually dreamed of confiscating our broomsticks, I said the broom was snatched by Peeves, and I asked her to go to Peeves to get it, but she actually planned to search our dormitory..."

"We think she may want to target you." George said in a low voice, "Toad may suspect that you provided Peeves with those cans. It is said that Umbridge also searched the Room of Requirement, and seems to want to find evidence."

Predictably, Umbridge was unable to enter the Gryffindor common room because everyone had forgotten the password.

The fat lady's request to open the door is very simple, just say the password and let in.

Without a password, no one is allowed to enter.

"Later, she went to ask Professor McGonagall for the password." Fred seemed to find this incident funny, "Professor McGonagall said she forgot the password."

"Anyway, Toad finally gave up."

"You should let her come to me for the password." Albert said with a smile.

"Will you tell her?" Fred asked curiously. They didn't believe that Albert could be so kind.

"I'll let her fall when she stepped into the lounge." Albert shrugged, "It's better to knock out a few teeth, I don't think Madam Pomfrey can make the teeth grow out quickly, maybe she Just need some gold teeth filling."

"We're going to surprise Toad recently." George looked around and said in a low voice.

"Well, big surprise?" Albert looked at George suspiciously and said, "Now there are big surprises every day, as long as we can keep everyone smiling, that's enough."

"You're right. However, this time it's an action against the Toad Alliance. We're going to turn the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom into a swamp. By then, everyone won't have to go to class. The portable swamp we made last time happens to come in handy .” Fred briefly explained their plan to Albert.

"No one really likes her class anyway," echoed George.

"If the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom can't be held, the quick-acting skipping class candy might not be as easy to sell now." Albert looked at Fred and George rather speechlessly, and reminded kindly, "If you want to give Toad a Surprise, turning the hallway outside Defense Against the Dark Arts into a swamp so that they can only use boats to cross the swamp to go to class, and also find something for Filch, who is now wandering around with a whip all day, not like It's an administrator."

"You're right, we've gotten a little carried away." Fred and George naturally wouldn't struggle with money, and Umbridge was undoubtedly a guarantee for the hot sale of quick-acting skipping sugar.

"I'm afraid your plan will be delayed." Lee Jordan appeared out of nowhere.

"what happened?"

"I just heard from Nearly Headless Nicole that Umbridge has passed the education order to expel Peeves, and she plans to send someone from the Ministry of Magic to help solve Peeves' problem." Lee Jordan said The latest news he called him today, "Is your swamp reliable, will it be wiped out by those guys from the Ministry of Magic?"

"Let's wait until this is over, and maybe we'll have a new stinking version of the portable swamp by then."

The Weasley twins are not too confident about their own swamp. He believes that Umbridge may not be able to get rid of the portable swamp with great effort, but the professors can easily eliminate it by waving their wands. An elite Auror cannot be too weak.

"This is a good opportunity to let the people in the Ministry of Magic see Umbridge's distressed appearance." Albert said softly, "By the way, take out all the statues of the toad!"

"Is it finally time to get the toad statue out?" George looked very excited. They had made a statue of Umbridge early on, and they were going to put it in the foyer for people to admire.

Albert released all kinds of protective magic on the statue, so it would not be easily destroyed, and with a permanent sticking spell, even if the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic came, it would be difficult to get rid of it.

"I think it will definitely give everyone a big surprise."

Fred smiled and said that he was looking forward to that day more and more, when the whole castle would definitely be in chaos, but what did it have to do with him?

After Lee Jordan's special dissemination, everyone knows that the Ministry of Magic has issued an order to expel Peeves.

The most exciting thing is Filch, he can finally drive his archenemy away from Hogwarts.

However, most of the students were not optimistic about the Ministry of Magic, because Umbridge tried it last time, so he suffered a lot, and finally the headmaster came forward to solve the problem.

If Peeves could be easily expelled from Hogwarts, it is absolutely impossible for that guy to stay in Hogwarts until now.

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