A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1097 Only one can live

"He's angry!"

Harry opened his eyes suddenly, jerking himself back into his present reality.At the moment, he was sitting in an armchair in Dumbledore's office, and Dumbledore was bending over him.

"Voldemort has had too many embarrassing things tonight."

Dumbledore flicked his wand, conjured a cup of butterbeer out of thin air and handed it to Harry, and explained with a smile, "After all, you ruined the plan that has been planned for half a year. I think he must be very angry. But, Harry, I I still hope you can close your brain."

"It's not easy. Albert is right. I don't have much talent for Occlumency." Harry didn't think it was a bad thing to be able to feel Voldemort's emotions, at least he could get a lot out of it useful information.

"That's an excuse he didn't bother to teach you." Dumbledore comforted, "As long as you study hard, you can always learn. It depends on your attitude towards this matter."

"Maybe, but that guy rarely lies."

Harry had long since realized that he had little talent for Occlumency.

"Maybe it's time." Dumbledore said suddenly, "Perhaps it's time for me to tell you what you need to know."

"That prophecy?"

Harry asked curiously, taking a sip of his butterbeer.

He guessed right, Dumbledore really knew the contents of the prophecy ball.

"Yes, it has something to do with that prophecy," Dumbledore said with a nod. "As you can imagine, I do know all about the prophecy."

"Is this really good?" Harry raised his own doubts, "If Voldemort continues to spy on my brain, maybe I can really dig out this part of the memory."

"Possibly, but he wouldn't do that."


"Remember Quirrell?" Dumbledore explained. "Your soul is too hot for Voldemort. It's like putting your hand on a hot iron."

"But he could still watch you through my eyes before," Harry reminded.

"Yes, he actually wanted me to give up and sacrifice you, but you have overcome Voldemort's influence on you." Dumbledore said calmly: "Now I can feel that sense of peeping disappear, Voldemort obviously give up."

"That's the effect of the Elixir of Felicity."

"But Voldemort didn't know, he believed in his own judgment." Dumbledore said softly, "This is the arrogance of a genius."

"Albert too?"

Harry recalled the Albert he knew, and found that this was true. Albert had always been confident.

Dumbledore stood up, walked to the black cabinet next to the phoenix perch, took out a shallow Pensieve from the cabinet and placed it in front of Harry, and pulled out a few strands of silver thought fibers from his own brain to meditate on. basin.

The liquid in the Pensieve began to swirl, and a figure appeared on the water. Harry recognized the figure, Sybill Trelawney.

The divination professor in the Pensieve was in a strange state, Harry had seen it before, and she was prophesying.

"The man with the power to conquer the Dark Lord came near...born into a family that had defeated the Dark Lord three times...born in the seventh month...the Dark Lord Mark had him as his rival, but he had the Dark Lord Power unknown to the head...one must die at the hand of the other, for both cannot live, only one survives...the one who has the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born at the end of the seventh month... "

The office was dead silent.

"So, I have to kill Voldemort?"

Harry was the first to break the silence, looking up at Dumbledore.

"This is not an easy task. Voldemort is much stronger than me. Maybe I should give up the title of savior to Albert. He might have a way to kill Voldemort."

After noticing Dumbledore's gaze, Harry shrugged, "Well, I'm just kidding, Voldemort knew about this prophecy?"

"No, Voldemort must know that there is such a prophecy, and he knows the general content, otherwise he would not come to kill me, but he probably doesn't know the whole content, so he hopes to get the prophecy ball, but that thing has been destroyed by me gone."

"Yes, he knows a small part ahead."

"At that time, I went to meet an applicant who wanted to be a divination professor. I think you should know that there are very few wizards who are really good at divination, and the applicant happened to be the great-great-granddaughter of that very famous and talented prophet. Although in my opinion, she did not inherit that divination talent at all, but out of courtesy, I went to see her."

Dumbledore looked at the Pensieve, lost in fleeting memories.

"But I never dreamed that I would hear some valuable prophecy. It's a pity that in a place like the Hog's Head, you can't expect the conversation to be kept secret. There is someone hiding outside to listen, although he soon Was found and thrown out of the bar.

"Who overheard this prophecy." Harry asked suddenly. "That guy must be a Death Eater, Peter Pettigrew?"

"I thought you would pay more attention to the content of the prophecy." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly.

After realizing that Dumbledore wasn't going to tell him who the guy who eavesdropped on the prophecy was, Harry narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't want to go any further, because he knew that Dumbledore probably wouldn't tell, and if it was really necessary, he would spend a lot of time. Garen asked Albert to help find that guy.

"So, after hearing the prophecy, Voldemort came to kill me." Harry couldn't help complaining.

"Yes, but he failed, because he didn't hear the prophecy later, Voldemort never knew that attacking you is a very dangerous thing, otherwise he shouldn't attack you at the risk of transmitting energy to you, but We should wait patiently until we have more information before taking action.”

"Perhaps, he was probably afraid that it would be too late. If he kills someone now, there won't be so much trouble." Harry could understand Voldemort's way of thinking, stifle the danger in the cradle, and it would be safer to face the danger directly. many.

"I think Voldemort felt threatened by the energy that the Dark Lord didn't understand in the prophecy." Dumbledore explained, "Voldemort has dabbled in many aspects. Maybe he can't prophesy, but he must have understood the prophecy. When someone When telling him the prophecy, maybe he didn't take the prophecy seriously at first, but after part of the prophecy came true, Voldemort couldn't bear it anymore... He would never allow the prophecy to come true, so he Action was taken."

"Do I have something like that?" Harry asked curiously.

"Of course you have Harry."


"No, I love Harry," said Dumbledore gently.

"Love?" Harry muttered. "It's incomprehensible."

"Your mother sacrificed herself to save you, that's the power of love," said Dumbledore softly, "and Voldemort has no love at all, not at all."

"What a wretch he is," Harry muttered.

"Yes, he is pitiful, but he does not deserve sympathy."

"However, I still feel that the prophecy is very unreliable. Neville is also at the end of July, and his family members are also members of the Order of the Phoenix. Although I don't know if they can defeat Voldemort three times, I think my father probably can't. This probably refers to Thwart Voldemort's plot."

"Besides, Voldemort believes in such unreliable prophecies, is he an idiot? Any guy with a right mind knows that Sybill Trelawney is a liar, otherwise, how could a powerful prophecy master be so poor and destitute? A place like a bar? You must know that Albert made a prophecy for people, and the price started at hundreds of gallons."

Facing Harry's complaints, Dumbledore fell into a brief silence again.

"He didn't know that the prophecy was made by Sybil, and maybe the person who told him the prophecy didn't know either." Dumbledore said softly: "This matter may have something to do with me, because in Voldemort's cognition, this prophecy is mine. Someone did it, maybe he misunderstood that I was trying to find someone to deal with him. However, you are right in one thing, there were two children who fit that prophecy."

"Me and Neville?" Harry was a little surprised, but he was even more confused, "And Voldemort chose me? Or he actually wanted to kill both of them, and I was just the unlucky one who was chosen by him first ?”

"Voldemort chose you, probably because you are a half-blood, just like him." Dumbledore explained: "According to his creed, only pure-blood wizards have value."

"He's a half-blood himself, is he pretending to be a pure-blood?" Harry wanted to complain about Voldemort's values. "If only pure-blooded wizards have value, why didn't he die himself?"

Dumbledore didn't care about Harry's complaints, and said to himself, "Unfortunately, Voldemort chose you first and paid a heavy price for it, so Voldemort believed that you were the one in the prophecy, and you were the one who was attacked by Voldemort. After you failed, the official records were relabeled."

"Hours after Voldemort's defeat, his supporters are still at large. They are all brutal desperadoes. I don't think it will take long for them to find out that Voldemort disappeared after going to the Potter house. You The situation is more dangerous than others," Dumbledore continued: "My first consideration is to keep you alive, because I don't believe that Voldemort will die. He has extensive magical knowledge and there are always ways to save his life. .In fact, he is not dead, and he will still come back one day."

"Your mother's sacrifice made blood ties my best choice," Dumbledore looked into Harry's eyes and explained calmly: "So, I choose to let your uncle and aunt be raised instead of other wizard families." You, I think you must have similar doubts."

"Yes." Harry said without hesitation, "They hate me, and I hate them too. Before going to Hogwarts, my life was very bad. At that time, I dreamed of leaving that home."

"Sorry, I know that many wizarding families are not only willing to adopt you, but also willing to raise you as their own son, but I need you to stay away from the magic world, away from all this, and grow up smoothly." Dumbledore felt a little guilty Say, "As bad as your childhood may have been, at least you're alive, like a normal kid, and not like James, a spoiled little prince. In fact, you should have seen There are many similar cases."

"Draco Malfoy, and Dudley." Harry curled his lips. From Snape's memory, he knew what kind of guy his father was. To be honest, he didn't like James at that time. .

"When I saw you again at the Commencement Ceremony, you were at least healthy and alive, and I was just as proud of you for what you did next. You prevented Voldemort from stealing the Philosopher's Stone and delayed his recovery of his magic powers." time."

"At the time, I said to myself, you're too young to know that because it's not acceptable for a kid your age."

Harry fell into a brief silence again. He could feel that Dumbledore had been silently guiding his growth, at least it must have been during the Philosopher's Stone.

A simple experiment, no doubt a success.

Harry wasn't outraged by it, perhaps because of what he'd already experienced, or perhaps because the Felicia was still in effect.

"Perhaps, you have ever wondered why I didn't choose you as a prefect. I must admit that you already have too many responsibilities. I have told myself time and time again that you are too young, and keep making excuses. Dumbledore's eyes shone with relief: "Perhaps, my thanks to Anderson, he made you grow up completely, just now, I realized that you are ready, and I must put these things as soon as possible." I tell you in secret, let you take on this burden, instead of waiting for you to graduate from Hogwarts, because Voldemort has been resurrected, and the time is too late."

"But how can I defeat Voldemort, how can I kill him, I can't even do the Avada Kedavra." Harry asked confused.

"Don't worry, next semester I will give you a private class and teach you something."

"Lesson alone?" Harry couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and asked curiously, "Sir, what will you teach me, the powerful magic that can kill Voldemort?"

"Oh, this is a secret for the time being, I suggest you concentrate on the next Owls exam first." Dumbledore said lightly, "I heard that you want to become an Auror in the future."

"It's not easy," Harry muttered.

"You should have confidence in yourself," said Dumbledore suddenly. "Oh, by the way, and one more thing, I think you need friends, Harry. Miss Lan Jie let go, you will hurt their feelings if you hide such an important matter from them. "

"Can I tell Sirius?" Harry asked expectantly.

"Sirius has a right to know," said Dumbledore. "I will speak to him about it myself."

Harry couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Dumbledore, "Then I'll go first."

As he was leaving the headmaster's office, Harry saw Hermione and Ron waving at him, and Sirius was standing behind them smiling at him.

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