A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1172 Intimidation of the Big Bat

"I'm not wrong, everyone is happy that the DA party can continue."

As the three of Harry left the hall, Ron excitedly told Harry the main reason for everyone's enthusiasm for the party.

"Bill said that the Ministry of Magic's Defense Against the Dark Arts training is very popular. In this turbulent era, everyone hopes to learn something useful to protect their lives."

"Although Snape knows more about the Dark Arts than most Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, what he can really teach us is very limited..."


Hermione interrupted him, feeling that Ron's assessment was rather biased.

"At least, it doesn't make any sense at all until you go through real practice." Ron shrugged and said, "You can't expect to become a powerful defense against the dark arts master by memorizing a lot of spells."

"I've heard similar words many times. Sometimes I really don't understand what's going on with their enthusiasm." Harry noticed the expression on Hermione's face and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, Hermione?" Min?"

"Oh, Harry, I'm sure you're aware of that," said Hermione with a strange expression on her face. "You've actually become popular. But that should be a good thing."

"A good thing?" Harry really couldn't understand what Hermione meant, "I don't think it's a good thing."

"At least there are many people who support you and are willing to attend the DA party." Ron raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not liking Harry's words.

"Without the help of Fred, George, and Cedric, we would not be able to keep busy at all, and we would not be able to teach so many people." Harry felt that Hermione and Ron were overthinking, and he himself was very dissatisfied with the so-called popularity. Cold, "Don't forget what happened last year. Many people regarded me as a fool with a problem brain because of the newspaper, and they regarded me as the so-called savior because of a newspaper?"


Hermione seemed surprised that Harry would say such a thing.

"I don't need the so-called fame at all. Believe me, if Voldemort controls the Ministry of Magic, I will soon become the most notorious wanted man in Britain and be spurned by everyone."

After the previous experience, Harry was not interested in the so-called popularity, and even thought those people were idiots.

After all, who but an idiot would believe that stuff so easily?

In fact, Harry was already planning for the worst.

Whether it was Dumbledore's injury or Albert's prophecy, he was uneasy.

The real era of turmoil has yet to come.

That's why Harry decided to teach everyone how to keep themselves safe in exile, a knowledge he suspected he might use later.

Of course, Harry wasn't an idiot, he understood what Hermione meant, and when he was popular, he should win over a group of people, but there were some things that Harry really couldn't do, so he could only say that he did his best.

When several people passed the corner of the corridor, Harry felt his shoulder was hit hard, and he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

When he stabilized his body, he saw Malfoy's group at a glance. Goyle and Crabbe were glaring at Harry, Ron and Hermione viciously. It was obvious that they deliberately shouldered him.

"Let's go, lest they find a few Death Eaters to kill us." Harry put his hand on Ron who had already pulled out his wand, with a strong sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

"You're right, it's scary."

Ron looked at the three of Malfoy and said strangely.

"Perhaps they can't wait to join the Death Eaters."

"Perhaps, they will be able to enter Azkaban to reunite with their families someday."

Looking at the two people who were furious, Harry was a little surprised by Draco Malfoy's calmness, which made him feel that Malfoy was weird, so he sarcastically said: "There is no future in being a Death Eater. Don't forget, Sk Lin Jie's attitude towards Death Eaters. I dare say Scrimgeour must have guessed that Voldemort would go to prison, and he might execute all the Death Eaters in the prison one day, lest they come out and continue to harm others."


Draco Malfoy put his hands on the shoulders of Crabbe and Goyle, ignoring Potter and Weasley's provocation.

"Harry..." Hermione called softly.

"This guy can really bear it," Harry muttered.

After walking a certain distance, Crabbe said angrily: "Why stop me, it's not like you..."

"Okay Crabbe," Malfoy said, stopping, looking back at Crabbe, "I can understand your anger, but I really don't have time for nonsense right now."

"A boring thing."

Both Goyle and Crabbe were stunned by Malfoy's words.

"Yes, I have my own things to be busy, very important things that must be done."

Malfoy reached out and grabbed his left arm, looked up at his two partners and reminded, "Also, the situation in school is not good for us now, everyone is staring at us, so don't make trouble for me."

He is now more concerned about how he can complete the Dark Lord's mission. Before that, he needs to hide himself as much as possible so as not to attract other people's attention.

"Okay, we should go, before it's too late."

After speaking, Malfoy turned and left.

Although Malfoy already had two plans in mind, these plans did not seem very safe, especially Snape's objection, which made him feel inexplicably irritated.

As for Snape's proposal to wait for Dumbledore to become weak before giving him a fatal blow by surprise?

Malfoy felt unreliable.

Naturally, Snape could wait slowly, but the Malfoy family couldn't afford to wait. Voldemort asked him to complete the task of killing Dumbledore within this semester.

Who knew when Dumbledore would be weakened by the wound on his hand?

Even if Dumbledore had been weakened by his injuries, Malfoy wasn't sure he could defeat Dumbledore head-on, in fact he suspected that the Dark Lord wasn't sure either, otherwise he wouldn't have sent him to assassinate Dumbledore.

Originally determined to revive the glory of the Malfoy family, Draco's confidence was hit hard after the last fire at Malfoy Manor. His mother told him the truth: the task given to him by the Dark Lord was just to It was enough to let him die and hope he could cooperate with Snape to save his father Lucius and himself.

The cruel truth completely shattered Draco's confidence and plunged him into fear and anxiety. Although his mother Narcissa said that Snape would help him complete this almost impossible task, Draco was unwilling to believe it. that man.

Snape was a double agent.

A spy who was good at deceiving people and managed to hide it from Dumbledore.

Malfoy was worried that Snape would deceive his mother and use him for his own ends.

In fact, Snape did take Lucius' place as Voldemort's right-hand man.

"Draco, Professor Snape asked me to give you this."

Shortly after Transfiguration class, Pansy handed a piece of parchment to her boyfriend.

"Oh, I see." Malfoy took the note and responded.

"What does Professor Snape want from you?" Pansy asked worriedly, "You seem to be very tired lately."

"You know, a lot of things happened in my family, which made me exhausted." Malfoy opened the note, glanced at the contents of the note, and explained rather helplessly.

At eight o'clock that night, Draco Malfoy knocked on the door of Snape's office on time, and he found the head of Slytherin grading students' homework at his desk.

"Professor, what do you want from me?"

Malfoy lowered his eyes, avoiding Snape's eye contact. Aunt Bellatrix had taught him how to keep others from reading his mind and prying into his mind.

"Sit down for a while, I'll be done soon."

Snape accelerated the speed of correcting homework, and it took about a quarter of an hour before he put down the quill and looked up at Draco.

"I think you've heard about Bellatrix."

"Yes, I heard." Malfoy said deadpan.

"The Dark Lord is not happy about this."

Snape was silent for a moment, then continued: "Not long ago, your mother contacted me, she..."

"I can do it myself..."

"No, you haven't figured it out yet." Snape interrupted Malfoy directly, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean?" Malfoy suddenly looked up at Snape.

"Your father, Lucius, needed Dumbledore to die to ease the Dark Lord's blame. Bellatrix also needed it. You're not so naive as to think that I've taken Lucius' place." ?” Snape looked at Malfoy who lowered his eyes again, “I told you a long time ago that this matter was originally my task.”

"But the Dark Lord gave me the task." Malfoy argued, "I am confident that I can complete this task."

"What if you fail?" Snape asked rhetorically.

"What's the meaning."

"You don't really think those ridiculous plans of yours will work, do you?" Snape unceremoniously hit Malfoy's self-confidence, "A good wizard can see through that cursed necklace at a glance, and if it falls into the Killed a Hogwarts student in someone else's hands, do you really think you won't be exposed? Don't take Dumbledore for a fool, and poison, if that kind of trick worked, I would have done that gone."

Malfoy opened his mouth slightly.

"Give up those ridiculous plans of yours. I suspect you didn't even bother to do it." Snape looked at Malfoy sternly. "You didn't take the Dark Lord's order seriously."

"Of course I did!" Malfoy said excitedly.

"If your plan disturbs Dumbledore and makes him more vigilant, it may directly destroy my next plan." Snape stared at Malfoy and said in an irrefutable tone, "However, I know you don't After experiencing a failure, you will not give up easily, I will give you a chance, if your ridiculous plans fail, follow my plan."

"What do you mean?" Draco couldn't help clenching his fists.

"This matter was originally an impossible task for you. Now I just prepared a simpler and easier way for them to get the Dark Lord's forgiveness." Snape asked blankly: " Don't you want to fail and pay for it, don't tell me you don't know the price of failure."

"What are you going to do?" Draco's lips trembled. Of course he knew what the price of failure would be, and that fear kept him restless day and night.

"Let Bellatrix assemble a reliable team, and I'll try to get them into Hogwarts, and let them siege Dumbledore." Snape said blankly, "Dumbledore Now that he is injured, his strength is not as good as before, if they are lucky enough, there is a chance to kill him."

"Of course, it would be better to continue to wait for a while if possible, but there are not many options we can do right now."

"What if it fails."

"If they fail, I'll sneak up on Dumbledore from behind," said Snape grimly.

"You planned to use Aunt Bellatrix and the others as bait from the very beginning." Draco couldn't help but widen his eyes, he felt that he had seen through Snape's plot.

"If there is still time, I will continue to wait until the opportunity is ripe, but now this time has been advanced by you. Fortunately, we still have one semester." Snape said blankly, "You Bellatrix and his men must be prepared to invade Hogwarts, as for a sneak attack, it is only a last resort."

"How do you plan to send them into the school." Draco asked with a frown. "Hogwarts' defenses are very strong. It is impossible to enter the school quietly."

"This is my business, you don't need to worry, I will tell you when the time comes." Snape looked at Draco and said: "And you need to wait patiently now, not for a quarter of an hour, but for a longer time, and be better prepared.”

"That is to say, you have been using me from the beginning to the end." Draco seemed to think everything through clearly, "You want to take the credit for me?"

"You talk like a child," Snape said coldly.

"You just want to complete the task and gain the trust of the Dark Lord." Malfoy sneered, "and we are all tools for your purpose."

"I'm saving your family," Snape reminded blankly.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Malfoy sneered.

"If it weren't for my friendship with Lucius and your mother's pleading, I wouldn't have taken this risk at all, or do you think your mother is a fool?" Snape reminded indifferently, "If you put everything It's all screwed up, I'm sure the Dark Lord won't be very happy, even if you make it back alive in the end, no, I'm sure Dumbledore probably won't kill you, but I guess you don't want to face the Dark Lord's wrath, to Both your family and Bellatrix must die."

"You're threatening me!" Draco Malfoy was trembling slightly.

"Threat, no, I'm just stating the facts. If you fail, everyone will die together." Snape looked at Malfoy and sneered, "You don't think I can survive if I fail?"

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