A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1207 Sense of Crisis

Since the International Federation of Wizards sent an Auror team into the British wizarding world, the chaos caused by the dark wizards has been quickly alleviated, but the employees of the British Ministry of Magic still cannot avoid the fate of working overtime from [-] to [-] all day long, even if it is Christmas. Festival day is no exception.

Minister Scrimgeour thinks that the enemy will not give you time to rest, especially after the situation has eased, their ministers have become more cautious and worried that the enemy is brewing some big conspiracy.

The door of the minister's office was opened from the inside, and Kingsley and Arthur came out of the office together, talking in low voices about why Scrimgeour was looking for them.Minister Scrimgeour wanted to do an interview with Harry, and through Harry to keep everyone on their toes.

With the help of the International Federation of Wizards, the British wizarding world has regained its previous peace. However, the brief peace seems to make the tired people forget the cruel fact that Voldemort is still alive.The Dark Lord is still threatening the peace of the entire wizarding world at all times, but this incident has been deliberately forgotten by everyone.

"Scremgeour is worried that the mysterious man is brewing some big conspiracy." Kingsley felt that Minister Scrimgeour's worries were right. No matter what, Voldemort would not let it go. If the Ministry of Magic relaxes its vigilance, it is likely to usher in the next one. The heaviest fatal blow, but there is no way to keep everyone's nerves tensed.

"How's the conservation plan going?"

Arthur suddenly asked about the news he had heard recently. It was said that the Ministry was quietly building a secret apartment for the employees of the Ministry of Magic to temporarily settle in, so as to prevent their families from being disturbed and threatened by dark wizards, which would threaten their lives.

As long as the internal staff of the Ministry of Magic are stabilized and the top management is not controlled by the Imperius Curse, the British wizarding world will not be easily infiltrated by Death Eaters and collapse, and Scrimgeour's life as a minister can be guaranteed.

"It's not finished yet, I guess it will take a while before we can move in."

Kingsley didn't dare to disclose too much information here to avoid the plan being targeted by dark wizards, and this apartment can't accommodate too many families, and those who are allowed to live in obviously need to be screened.

"It seems that the minister is not optimistic about the current situation." Arthur took out his pocket watch, looked at the time on it, and asked Kingsley sideways, "Is it because of Mr. Anderson's prophecy?"

"Very likely." Kingsley also felt that Scrimgeour would be so wary of Albert's warning. Scrimgeour trusted Albert very much. Recently, he has been trying to get help from the other party. The time of order is undoubtedly the best time to exterminate the Death Eaters.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.

The smarter Death Eaters hid and never showed up again, and they didn't dare to behave as arrogantly as they did before.

As for the idiots who don't listen to persuasion, they are probably dead.

It is a good thing for Scrimgeour that the two sides live in peace. According to Albert's prediction, the longer the time drags on, the worse the situation will be.

"Come to the party at noon?" Arthur changed the topic, "Fred and George will come too, and you can also..."

"I will. I just happened to talk to Harry about being interviewed." Kingsley didn't forget the task that Minister Scrimgeour gave him. "Do you think Harry would be willing to be interviewed?"

"I don't know, let's ask questions at that time." Arthur shook his head and said, "I support his decision."

The two went to 12 Grimmauld Place together, where they saw Harry who was helping to peel potatoes. He looked a little tired, as if he hadn't slept well last night.

Kingsley told Harry directly about the interview.

"If you don't want to be interviewed by the "Daily Prophet", we will help you decline?" Kingsley directly gave Harry the right to choose.

After listening to Harry, he fell into a brief silence. He still felt a little disgusted by the interview with the "Daily Prophet". Harry never forgot how the "Daily Prophet" blackmailed him in the first place, and that kind of thing might happen later. It will continue to happen.

"What do you think Scrimgeour is up to?"

Harry didn't refuse directly, but asked Arthur and Kingsley.

"Scremgeour believes that everyone should be vigilant. After all, Voldemort just hid himself () instead of being completely wiped out by us. This false peace will not last long." Kingsley helped Harry analyze, "We think Voldemort What conspiracy is brewing."

"Scrimgeour wants to use your reputation." Arthur glanced at Kingsley, and it was not difficult to see from the other party's words that he still hoped that Harry could be interviewed.

"He wants everyone to believe that you agree with his policies so that his policies can be better implemented."

In fact, it is not difficult for them to guess Scrimgeour's purpose, which is nothing more than to use Harry's reputation to strengthen themselves.

"It seems that my so-called savior is quite popular." Harry laughed at himself.

"Yes, Scrimgeour does want to use you, as do all politicians." Mr. Weasley looked at Harry and said seriously, "Of course, we all agree that it is indeed not time to relax, but many people... Tired. We support your choice, Harry."

"Actually, I think Scrimgeour would go to Albert to support him." Harry didn't pay attention to Mr. Weasley's words, but changed the subject.

"Mr. Anderson has always been helping, and most of Scrimgeour's current achievements are due to Albert." Kingsley said with a slightly strange expression, "His attitude towards Albert has also changed because of this." However, Albert obviously saw through the essence of Scrimgeour, and has been ignoring him, and Scrimgeour has nothing to do about it.”

"Looks like something Albert would do," Harry chuckled. "Okay. I agreed to be interviewed, but I'd like to see the interview in advance, you know the newspapers are always fond of exaggeration."

"Great, I think Scrimgeour will be very happy." Kingsley couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, their mission was considered completed.

"Isn't it despicable!"

Standing outside the door with a glass of warmed butterbeer, George smiled and raised his glass to Harry and said, "Adults are like this. Actually, you can refuse. I think Kingsley's expression must be wonderful."

"Yeah, they're vile and nasty, but I'm not a kid anymore, I have my own judgment and I don't do silly things." Harry knew exactly what he was doing.

"Actually, I don't think it's useless even if you stand up." Fred handed the butter beer to Harry and explained with a smile: "Albert often said, never try to convince others, when people don't want to believe Sometimes, even if you tell them the truth loudly in his ear, he will pretend not to hear."

Harry took a sip of the butterbeer and asked curiously, "What should we do in this situation?"

"Do your own thing and ignore him," George shrugged.

"Harry, the mead you asked me to buy, I've brought it back for you, the best oak-aged mead." Sirius put the small oak barrel in front of Harry and asked, "Would you like What does mead do?"

"Give it away. Dumbledore gave me a mission to get some information from Professor Slughorn. I plan to get Professor Slughorn drunk first." Harry didn't hide this fact, As long as you don't let everyone know what the content is, it is not easy to cause problems.

"Need help?" Lupine asked.

"No, this thing is enough. Slughorn likes to collect and give him things. I plan to wait for his birthday to give him this barrel of mead." Harry actually didn't have much confidence in this plan, but his Confidence comes from Felicia and his backup plan.

Seeing that Harry was confident about this, Sirius didn't say anything more.Of course he knew where Harry had the Felician, and if he was lucky, he would definitely succeed, so Sirius was not worried that Harry's plan would fail.

Originally, the big meal should be held in the evening, but everyone has something to do tonight, so we can only advance the big meal.

While enjoying the food, Kingsley talked to Arthur about Scrimgeour's protection plan?

"I know about this. It is said that Albert will be the secret keeper of that building." Fred put down the turkey leg and interjected.

"Why not Dumbledore?"

Mrs. Weasley was a little puzzled. The secret keeper of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was Dumbledore. There is no doubt that no one is more suitable to be the secret keeper than the () headmaster of Hogwarts. After all, even Voldemort is afraid of him.

If he doesn't want to, who can get the secret from him?

"We suspect that the mysterious man may be secretly carrying out a conspiracy against Dumbledore and Scrimgeour." Mad-Eye Moody said without hesitation, "So they chose Albert, who is also very powerful, and no one knows Where is he hiding?"

"That sounds ridiculous," Ginny muttered. "The Death Eaters dared to target Dumbledore. Are they collectively out of their minds?"

"Don't forget that a while ago, Voldemort tried to kill Albert through Hermione, and the other two time points obviously correspond to Dumbledore and Scrimgeour." Harry felt that others probably guessed Dumbledore's bad situation.

If unfortunately he dies, the so-called secrecy plan will really be over.

"Actually, if we build more buildings and everyone hides, the Mysterious Man and the Death Eaters will probably just stare blankly." George changed the topic so that the topic wouldn't go to some unpleasant things.

"Voldemort's reign of terror stems more from his threat to other wizarding families. Once he can't threaten them, everyone will no longer be so afraid of him, at least not worrying that his family will be threatened by his life." Tonks also agrees with Scrimgeour's protection plan, at least they don't have to worry about getting hurt by their family members.

"Sounds like Albert's idea, and only he would do such a thing." Harry murmured, he would subconsciously think that Albert made up any weird thing he heard now, as far as he knew The Defense Association has set up many so-called "safe houses".

"This is indeed what Albert suggested to Scrimgeour." Fred nodded and explained, "This will help prevent the Ministry of Magic from being completely controlled by You-Know-Who and Death Eaters, and will allow more people to dare to resist You-Know-Who .”

"It really has everything to do with him." Harry couldn't help complaining.

If possible, he actually hoped that Albert could help him destroy Voldemort, but this was just a good wish.

It was up to him to deal with Voldemort after all.


Hermione kicked Harry lightly under the chair.

"Oh, who kicked me just now?"

Ron suddenly looked up and looked around, trying to find the culprit who kicked him.

"Oh, by the way, I hope to be able to learn Apparation during the Christmas break, I mean I hope someone can teach us in advance." Harry said to Kingsley, tilting his head.

"I remember that you should be able to sign up for Apparition training in the sixth grade." Kingsley raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Harry puzzled and asked, "After the Christmas holiday, you should start practicing Apparation."

"I know, but I still hope that this semester, Hermione and Ron can make sure to master Apparation." Harry said seriously. "It's very important."

"Harry, you can absolutely..."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley." Harry shook his head and interrupted, "This is not for the sake of being handsome, this matter is very important, and we must prepare in advance for future changes in the situation."

Everyone looked at each other and understood what Harry meant, and finally Kingsley nodded in agreement.

"Remus, it's up to you to teach Harry, Hermione and Ron!" Kingsley looked at Lupine and asked, "You have teaching experience, and Sirius. By the way, Moody, I remember the last few days There's nothing wrong with the sky, and it wouldn't hurt to teach Harry some Defense Against the Dark Arts skills and get some Auror training."

"You..." Molly was a little annoyed.

"Molly, Harry will have to face it sooner or later," Arthur interrupted, putting his hand on his wife's shoulder, shaking his head.

"But Harry's just a kid." Molly looked at her husband disapprovingly.

"It won't be soon." Sirius said calmly, "Harry is a man, and we all know what Harry will face in the future. He needs to grow up, and you will only hurt him."

"Sirius." Lupine frowned, feeling that Sirius' words were too strong.

"Sorry Mrs. Weasley, I don't want to spend my whole life on the run and in hiding." Harry said calmly, "Besides, sometimes it doesn't make sense to run away, after all, the opponent is Voldemort, and he will definitely try his best kill me."

"Ahem, there are many advantages to being able to master Apparation in advance, at least you don't need to worry about not being able to learn it later." George quickly changed the subject to avoid the atmosphere from becoming too tense: "At the beginning, we also had the help of Albert. Familiarize yourself with the apparition site in advance, and the progress is much faster than other students."

"Albert took you to apparate?" Kingsley raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems that the man never takes the Ministry of Magic laws seriously."

"As long as you don't know, it's not illegal," George said with a smile.

For some reason, Mr. Weasley suddenly became a little embarrassed, because the words reminded him of the flying Ford car from before.

"Is that true?" Hermione asked curiously.

"There are always loopholes in the law," Kingsley explained awkwardly.

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