A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1210 The Double Agent

"That broken thing can't be repaired at all."

At this moment, in the Slytherin head's office, Draco Malfoy was standing in front of Snape with a gloomy face.Since he accepted Snape's suggestion, he began to repair the damaged disappearing cabinet according to the method given by Borgin Burk, but after a long time, he still had no progress.

The damned disappearing cabinet was still the same as before, and he suspected that it was not something he could repair at all.

"If the disappearing cabinet is so easy to repair, this credit will not fall on you. If you want to be recognized by the Dark Lord, you must pay for it. Then the Dark Lord will agree to rescue Lucius from the prison. " Snape's tone was extraordinarily calm, and he didn't take Malfoy's complaints seriously at all.

"What if it can't be fixed? I mean, what if I can't fix the goddamn disappearing cabinet before the end of this semester?" Malfoy felt inexplicably irritable. "It's not easy to enter the Room of Requirement to fix things now, maybe You should get that damn closet in your office instead of the Room of Requirement, it's used a lot and I'm getting out of bed in the middle of the night to fix that damn closet."

It wasn't that Draco wanted to complain to Snape about these problems, but he felt that repairing the Vanishing Cabinet was a complete pitfall.

If Snape really wanted to help him, he should have helped find a way to fix that broken cabinet, but Snape threw him this difficult problem, making Malfoy wonder if Snape couldn't fix that thing at all.

Malfoy really guessed right, Snape did not know how to repair the disappearing cabinet, but he was not worried at all that the broken cabinet could not be repaired, because the whole plan was proposed by Dumbledore, and when the plan was implemented, Deng Blido will naturally help repair the broken disappearing cabinet.

It can't be repaired now, it's entirely because they don't want Malfoy to fix the cabinet, so as not to disrupt their original plan.

Draco Malfoy was naturally not aware of these secret matters, so he could only continue to trust Snape and help repair the disappearing cabinet step by step.

Other than that, there is no way.

Malfoy hated this feeling, but he couldn't do anything about it, because the methods he'd come up with to murder Dumbledore weren't very plausible.

The original poisoning plan was directly rejected by Snape, because the probability of success was extremely low, and it was likely to expose himself.

On the contrary, Snape's plan is more feasible, and he himself is the core of the whole plan.

After a short, unfriendly exchange, Malfoy finally failed to persuade Snape to help, and angrily slammed the door and left Snape's office.

Snape didn't care about it at all, he didn't expect Malfoy to be able to fix the disappearing cabinet, even if he could, now was not the time.They needed to wait until the end of the term, until Dumbledore had made all the arrangements and was ready to die generously before starting to implement the plan.

And Draco Malfoy was just a part of the old man's plan.Although he didn't know what Dumbledore wanted to do, he knew very well that he just had to follow Dumbledore's original plan now.

He believes that Dumbledore must have his own arrangements, and he will definitely tell himself when the time comes.

After Malfoy left, Snape looked up at the clock on the wall, then got up and left the office.

Next, he still needs to rush to No. 12 Grimmauld Place to attend the emergency meeting held by the Order of the Phoenix.

To be honest, Snape didn't like it there, because it was the home of Sirius Black, his sworn enemy in school.

Even if they both joined the Order of the Phoenix now, their relationship was still extremely bad. Confining the conflict to quarrels was already taking care of Dumbledore's face.

Under the eyes of all members of the Order of the Phoenix, Snape walked into the living room, ignored Sirius' provocation, and sat down in the vacated seat calmly.

"Okay, everyone is here,"

After Kingsley handed over a document to Snape, he gave a slight nod to Mad-Eye Moody, indicating that the other party could start hosting the meeting.

"According to the latest information we have received, Voldemort is currently planning a murder against Scrimgeour." Moody glanced at Snape and got straight to the point.

"According to Albert Anderson's prophecy, Minister of Magic Scrimgeour will die in this murder in the near future, and the Ministry of Magic will therefore fall under the control of Death Eaters."

"Is there any evidence?" Dedalus Diggle shook the parchment in his hand, frowning and asked, "I mean evidence other than prophecy."

"Shut up Diggle," interrupted Hastia Jones. "I never thought Moody would joke about such things."

"If the Death Eaters control the Ministry of Magic, I can't imagine how bad the situation will become." Goethe just didn't want to accept such a result.

"We should stop this conspiracy. I think it is necessary to keep Scrimgeour alive. It is difficult for us to bear the consequences of the Ministry of Magic being biased towards You-Know-Who." Tonks said, frowning, even though she didn't really like Scrimgeour. , but I have to admit that the other party did a good job, severely hitting the arrogance of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Minister Scrimgeour also knows about it, but he doesn't seem to want to hide." Kingsley shook his head and smiled wryly. "In fact, he is the Minister of Magic now, and he is not suitable for hiding, unless Scrimgeour would be willing to give up his ministerial position, but I don't think that is likely to happen."

"If we can know the specific plan, maybe we can prevent Voldemort from murdering Scrimgeour." After finishing speaking, Sirius looked directly at Snape sideways, "Fortunately, we have placed people there."

"Yaxley is in charge of this matter." Snape said blankly, "I don't know the whole process of the plan, but I think the Dark Lord should take care of Scrimgeour himself, just like he killed him with his own hands. Like Amelia Bones."

"So, this is the big conspiracy that the mysterious man is quietly brewing." Arthur frowned, as if he always felt that something was wrong there.

Bill looked at his father and asked suspiciously, "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know, but I always feel..."

"I heard Voldemort was plotting to kill Dumbledore." Sirius narrowed his eyes at Snape.

"The Dark Lord has never given up on destroying his great enemy," Snape said softly. "He thinks that without Dumbledore, no one in the entire British wizarding world would dare to disobey him."

"Albert thinks you will kill Dumbledore." Sirius suddenly threw out a heavy message, at this moment, he had already raised his wand and pointed at Snape, "Honestly, I don't think he has to lie Or wrong you, do you have anything to explain to us?"


Lupine was taken aback by Sirius' actions, and quickly stopped Sirius to avoid an unpleasant conflict between the two sides.

"Oh, that's amazing, don't you ever use your meager brain?."

Snape's expression still didn't change much, as if Sirius just said it wasn't him.

"If I really wanted to murder Dumbledore, I would have done so," he said impatiently.

"What do you mean?"

"When Dumbledore asked me to treat the curse injury on his hand, at that time he had just been cursed and became extremely weak, so weak that as long as he was a Muggle, he could strangle him to death." Sneh Pu looked at Sirius and sneered: "If I were Voldemort's man, I would have done it by then. However, Dumbledore is still alive. If you have any doubts about this, you can ask Dumbledore yourself. It's more useful than all the explanations I've been trying to explain here."

"His predictions have never been wrong." Sirius was expressionless, he didn't think Albert would lie.

"I suggest you remind Dumbledore of me," Snape said contemptuously, "and do you all expect Dumbledore to die?"

"Who is planning to murder Dumbledore?" Moody asked suddenly.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Snape said blankly, "Only a lunatic like her would take on such a mission with a low probability of failure. As for the specific situation, I don't know much about it."

Kingsley looked at Snape and frowned slightly. Sirius' words made him very concerned, because Albert's predictions had never been wrong, if he really thought that Snape killed Dumbledore.

However, what Snape said just now does not look like a lie, because it can stand the investigation, Dumbledore obviously will not deliberately help Snape conceal this matter.

There was something odd about the whole thing.

"I heard Voldemort was trying to kill Albert."

"Yes, the Dark Lord is very wary of Albert Anderson and regards him as his great enemy, second only to Dumbledore." Snape nodded.

"Why did the mysterious man kill Albert?" Mrs. Weasley couldn't understand Voldemort's thoughts.

"Because Voldemort felt threatened, Anderson is not only a master prophecy, but also possesses extraordinary power." Kingsley said with a wry smile, "If it were me, I would probably do the same."

"As far as I know, the Dark Lord tried to kill Anderson many times, but all of them failed." Snape continued, "Whether it's Lucius Malfoy or Bellatrix Lai Strange, and even the Dark Lord himself failed to get rid of him, which made the Dark Lord even more afraid of him."

"It is said that Anderson formed an organization called the "Defense Association". The Dark Lord is searching around for members of the Defense Association, intending to find an opportunity to wipe them out once and for all." Snape did not hide this matter, Albert had already In Voldemort's must-kill list, the priority is higher than that of Dumbledore.

"I don't think Voldemort will succeed. Last time he was played around like a fool by Albert." Sirius naturally knew Voldemort's power, but this did not prevent him from despising him.

"He can't escape the calculation forever." Snape reminded blankly.He actually knew better that Albert had colluded with Dumbledore and planned to deal with Voldemort together.

Voldemort also knew, so he was so wary of Albert.

After all, one Dumbledore is already difficult enough, adding Albert, who can predict the future and has extraordinary power, is simply a terrible disaster, and the current situation of Voldemort and Death Eaters is even worse. is the most powerful proof.

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